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  • 24 August 2021 | 22:00
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  • Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

    A belief is having trust and faith in someone or something, an acceptance that it exists or is true, even without proof. Especially without proof! Where do your beliefs come from? You can have beliefs about all aspects and areas of your life including abundance, relationships, work, food, the nature of our reality, and what you are doing here..... These beliefs mainly come from other people, but you can also retain beliefs from past lives that you have experienced even if you can't remember them, and also create different ones as an adult having new experiences. The beliefs you have and hold are the bedrock and foundation for your personal world. So it would make perfect sense that you would choose for them to serve you in the best and highest possible way, right? Well, what if I was to say that the majority of the beliefs you have are not of your choosing but of someone else's? And then if I told you that most of them aren't relevant or appropriate and don't resonate with you at all! What if your beliefs are just you relaying something that you had heard and taken to be true without questioning? Sounds pretty crazy put like that, doesn't it? The problem is the beliefs that come from other people can be hugely detrimental and actually hinder you from fulfilling your potential in this lifetime by creating energetic blockages of varying degrees that manifest as all sorts of issues. They are just begging to be released and healed. How your beliefs impact you We are taught not to think for ourselves, but blindly obey without question. As children we take on beliefs from our parents or guardians and gain acceptance and love from them in return. We have been conditioned to respond to others' behaviour to fit in with their expectations, beliefs and what they deem to be acceptable ..... to be worthy of their love ..... love with conditions attached! This is such a big part of why you can feel so unloved, lacking in confidence and never good enough around those who are always trying to modify your behaviour so that you can fit into their little box of beliefs and make them feel more comfortable. This all then gets taught to the next generation and is continuously passed on, but you are here to stop this cycle of mindless automatic repetition and consciously choose the beliefs that personally resonate with you. As children this is something that you were conditioned to do and as an adult, the pattern of acceptance can keep repeating until you choose to do something about it. It is totally your choice whether you blindly accept the words and beliefs of others when you start raising your vibration. Change your beliefs It doesn't matter whether the source of each belief you take on is from a parent, authority figure, ancient wisdom, channelled wisdom or spiritual teacher.... it is their belief, but it is your choice whether it becomes one of yours. It doesn't matter what works for them. What matters is what works for you. They can be different to you and you can hold different beliefs from them. You have the ability to choose about so many things in this lifetime and it is vitally important that you do this with your beliefs when you realise that you have options. When you take on the beliefs of others and they don't resonate with your authentic/Higher Self/Soul's energy, it prevents you from being your truest self. Blockages are thus created energetically that cause problems in the future. When you wake up to this you become empowered to do something about it! Change your beliefs, change your life. How to change your beliefs The really exciting part is that you can challenge the existing beliefs you hold, many of which lay hiding out of plain sight in the subconscious mind, and then change them. The beliefs you have make up your entire existence and you can transform your world by changing your beliefs. You can do this as they arise in your awareness and in this way, they will all be addressed at the perfect time. The way to achieve this is to become more mindful. You can monitor your thoughts, assess existing patterns and beliefs and keep a journal of your findings. By doing this you can find freedom from the beliefs of others. You can drop down into your heart centre and see how it feels to address any belief on an individual basis. Does this work for me right now? Yes, no, maybe not sure. You can then choose to keep it, change it for one that resonates or try it out for a little while longer. It might only be right for now. Be open and accepting because as you evolve so do your beliefs. They are your perspective at that moment in time. Then you repeat this process with other beliefs that you hold. Understanding resonation So when I say what resonates and what doesn't, what does that actually mean? Anything that resonates with you has a compatible energy to yours and feels really good when you think about it, talk about it or experience it. Conversely, anything that doesn't resonate with you hasn't got a compatible energy to yours and feels really bad when you think about it, talk about it or experience it. You have to feel for the answer, not think about it! Feel it in your heart, not think about it with the logical mind. You can also choose to feel compassion for the belief givers and know that they have been serving a purpose, but you are enough and have always been enough. They were doing the best that they knew at the time, but can you see it's all an illusion? That you chose a belief that wasn't a good match for you and it has wreaked havoc in your life? You are divine love connected to Source and you can choose to be that love at any point in time! You don't have to value yourself in the way others do, even though that is what you have experienced your entire life. Has someone ever told you 'this is how it is' or 'my way is the only way' or 'there is only one way'? It is very common in all walks of life. If you read or hear this, it's a big no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOO!! A huge red flag needs to be waving right in front of your face, alerting you to danger and bringing awareness around a belief that someone else would like you to take on as your own. When it comes to your beliefs it's all about you, your heart and connection to Source. You have a direct line to Source as you are all connected to Source energy through your heart centre and all have a spark of Source energy. It's called your Spirit. To live a life in the highest alignment and following your guidance, you just need to know that you each have this personal connection and don't need an intermediary in any shape or form. It's not until you start going within, meditating and changing your beliefs to be in alignment with who you truly are that you are able to see all of this from a higher perspective. This is how you find yourself, your true and highest self. It was all meant to happen this way so you can experience who you really aren't, so you can then discover who you truly are. Love and abundant blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Find True Love in 2023

    Everyone seems to be looking for true love in the form of the perfect partner and relationship in this lifetime. It can be quite a preoccupation for some. It is natural to want to have a special someone to share our time and precious moments with, but this is all about looking for love outside of ourselves. We have to love ourselves first before we can truly love another. So if this year so far has been all about revealing more of who you truly are; more of your authentic self, then you are right on track. Love is the overriding force in our Universe and loving the self is the foundation for your growth in this lifetime. It is something we have all had to, and continue to work on, much of the time! Conditional Love We are so conditioned as children to respond to the behaviour of those around us in a way that is deemed appropriate and acceptable, in order for us to be worthy of their love. There are conditions attached to the love that we receive. We then repeat this cycle of learned behaviour as adults and so it continues and intensifies with each generation. We have to stop this cycle in order to raise our frequency and help humanity as a collective to shift to higher dimensions of reality. We are shifting from darkness to light, from fear to love. Redefine True Love You can do this by changing the way you respond to those around you. You can provide endless love and support, and refrain from judgement regardless of their behaviour and experience. There can be no strings attached when you are coming from your heart centre and sharing unconditional love. Pure love with no restrictions or limitations, just loving with your whole heart! Work With Rose Quartz There's a crystal that has the potential to help you with that by the way, and lucky for us it's so easily obtained and accessible. That's because we all need it in some shape or form. Rose Quartz is a stone for healing the heart and understanding the power of self-acceptance and self-love. You can use its wonderful heart-centred energy to heal your wounds, open and expand your heart's energy and break the cycle. Prioritise Self-Love What comes to light when you look within yourself with awareness is exactly what needs to be released in order for you to heal. Wherever you take your attention, energy flows there. So when you start thinking about self-love, I guarantee that something will come to your attention that actually prevents you from loving yourself. Work with that and then you will have cleared a block on your path to self-love. There will be plenty more to be sure, but they will all be resolved at the perfect time. Heal Self-Love There are some simple steps you can implement to help you do this.... Take a deep breath Be aware of your thoughts Sense if there is tension anywhere in your body Check-in with your chakras and identify any anomalies Tune in to your overriding feeling, your dominant vibration Release and clear anything that comes to your attention The reason for you incarnating onto this incredibly beautiful and immensely challenging planet is to rise up and become more of who you truly are.... more of your authentic self, more love and more light. To overcome the notion that you are not enough.... because you always have been. You just didn't realise it! In knowing that you are here in the physical domain, and yet there is SO much more energetically than you have ever been aware of at the same time, can be unsettling and even a little scary at times! But, if I ever feel fear I like to remember the acronym FEAR - Face Everything And Rise This always gives me a burst of uplifting energy and helps me to remember that we always have choices. In every moment we have choices. Making a new choice is like setting a compass for a new direction in life. You can fail and falter when adversity raises its head or choose to face your fears, reside in your heart centre and allow the physical and spiritual realms to merge. When you do, incredible things can happen and you are able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of your old life. Let's rise and join forces in remembering who we are and work to bring Heaven to Earth. Conditional love and authentic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • The Spring Equinox

    On Monday March 20th 2023, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring and the festival of awakening and new life. It is time for celebrating balance and harmony, to work on yourself and prepare for the upcoming light half of the year. Read on to find out more about what it means and how to make the most of this time. What is the Spring Equinox? Also known as Ostara, the Spring Equinox is a time we experience a moment of balance before we head into the lighter 6 months of the year. Sat directly between the Winter and Summer Solstices we will bear witness to equal day and night, light and dark, and divine feminine and masculine energies. All of nature is awakening and coming alive as the Sun gains in strength and the days get longer. We have moved from the dark receptive depths of Winter into the light active expression of the new growth cycle. What do we really want for ourselves and the world? This is the point of balance between the worlds; the inner and outer journey, the joining of the unconscious and the conscious, the infinite cycle of change and renewal that brings you the chance to explore and understand yourself and the life you are creating. Here you can look at and work towards greater balance within yourself. If you can bring the opposing forces of dark and light into balance at this time, then you can access the power that brings fertility and manifestation for the months ahead. The 2023 Spring Equinox: On this day at 21:24 GMT, the Sun also moves into the cardinal sign of Aries, the assertive and dynamic sign of the zodiac. It brings with it necessary change and transformation, and a huge shift in the type of energy influencing us. We move from the flowing and sensitive element of Water (Pisces) to the creative and motivated element of Fire (Aries). What to do during the Equinox: It is a time for you to look back with immense gratitude for the gifts and support given during the darker months and also forward to the rapid expansion that will happen in the Spring. Welcome the change as the energy flows towards the light and the power externally. You can start to act on all of the guidance and inspiration received during the darker months and work towards bringing them into your physical reality. Throughout all of nature and across the world, day and night are of equal balance. The Spring Equinox is the doorway to Summer and the Sun's power is increasing fast. We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves. As within, so without. As above, so below. As such the Spring Equinox is a time to take action and move into a new phase to balance our outer and inner worlds. It is an opportunity to be crystal clear about what it is we want to do now and prepare for Summer. The Universe LOVES clarity and will respond instantly to it! A time for... Starting New Ventures: Whatever project we start at this time will prove to be incredibly fertile and begin to manifest on many levels. So make sure you begin a new venture that nurtures and nourishes your spiritual path. Use positive affirmations and mantras to build positive thought patterns to support your new creations moving forwards. This will help to break away from outworn patterns and ideas that are not serving you. Balance: This is a time of balance where we can acknowledge and reconcile any extremes or opposites and instead choose to see them as a part of the whole. We can acknowledge and celebrate our whole selves (light AND dark) and incorporate all aspects (body, mind, emotions and spirit) including the good, the bad and the ugly! Restarting: The change in season gives us a chance to for a fresh start and to begin again. The light and outer realms are a place where we can utilise the power, strength, focus and inner wisdom from the darker months. Just like Mother Nature the lighter months are a time for outward growth and manifestation. The balance between the inner and outer journey brings a strong foundation to our lives as we head to a valuable time of action and expansion. The ideas that we planted and incubated in the dark months will emerge now it is Spring, transformed by their time in the unconscious. Celebrate the Spring Equinox: There are so many ways we can celebrate the Equinox, we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas to get inspired: Wrap up and spend time outside, embracing the energies and elements available with your favourite crystal. Look for signs of Spring everywhere you go. Focus on balance and connect with crystals that really help you do this like Tiger Eye or Sunstone AND Moonstone. Use symbols of balance like the Yin and Yang, spiral, 6-pointed star, Caduceus, dragon, Celtic cross, especially if you have them in crystal form which will make them even more potent. Create an altar or sacred space to honour the awakening Earth using yellow and green crystals and other significant items. Add Spring flowers, early blossoms and other signs of new life from Mother Nature. Meditate outside with the trees or a particular one you are drawn to. Touch it or stand in its energy field and feel the life force energy emanating from it. Be aware of any messages it has for you. Honour the 5 Elements in a way that is appropriate for you, a crystal grid would be perfect. Honour the Earth and the fertility and abundance of all life found on and within her. In particular express gratitude for all the crystals you have. Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this incredible time. Love and Equinox blessings, Tiggy xxx

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  • test | The Natural Healer

    0 DAYS TO THE EVENT Test When 24 Aug 2021, 23:00 Details This channel is coming soon! Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Explore Our Blog >

  • About Us | The Natural Healer

    About Us Who Are We? Although this has been a lifelong journey, The Natural Healer was officially founded in 2019. Prior to this, it had become apparent that people were finding it difficult to purchase affordable, quality crystals and minerals from a trusted source and were looking to us for help. So now here we are! As we are so passionate about crystals, we now also offer educational content to help others maximise the benefit of using these tools to fulfil their potential and create their best life. None of this would be possible without The Natural Healer Team. Individually we all have very different skills and abilities, but together we can offer the complete package. This means we can bring you the highest quality service and education. Keep scrolling to meet the team behind The Natural Healer and explore the journey that has made all of this possible. Our Team Tiggy The Natural Healer Tiggy is the face many of you know. Her exploration of holistic and spiritual living is the foundation of The Natural Healer. Tiggy is a walking example of just how much you can transform your life if you follow your best path and work with the right tools. ​ Initially struggling to find her own path due to the abundance of conflicting and complex information, Tiggy then started reading, researching and creating her own methodology and way forward, showing there is not one true path, as everyone has their own path to discover and follow. Simplicity and education play a key role in everything Tiggy does, whether that is photographing, writing blog posts and scripts, uploading products, or sharing her knowledge in our live shows. Mr B The Logistics Guru Mr B works tirelessly behind the scenes, putting his 35 years of experience in stock and logistic management to good use. He is passionate about our planet and this drives him to discover the most sustainable and recyclable packaging and economic delivery solutions. Mr B is driven to source incredible companies, like Ecologi, for us to partner with, so we can do our part to help save the planet with every order. ​ However, his work doesn’t stop there, he also has creative responsibility for designing all of our live show tables every week. He constantly pushes the boundaries of his creativity to showcase our incredible crystals and minerals in new exciting and innovative ways. Mr B also sorts out the technology to make sure the live shows run smoothly. Our Vision Values Trustworthy Passionate Values Educational ​ Empowering Values Environmental Simple Our Purpose To provide exquisite quality tools and simple, easy-to-follow ways for you to live as your best self. ​ Our Mission Our mission is to empower and educate people so they can heal, live their passion, and manifest the life of their dreams . How We Do It Sources We have created some wonderful partnerships with suppliers from around the world. This means we can source high quality minerals, at phenomenal prices. Plant a Tree We have partnered with Ecologi to plant a tree with every order placed, at no cost to you. ​ So far, we have planted over 1,200 trees with many more to come. Read More > Packaging We pride ourselves on 99% sustainable packing, wihtout comprimising on quality and safety. ​ This helps us protect both our minerals, and Mother Earth. Teaching Sharing our knowledge is important to us, which is why we do so in many ways, to suit your needs. ​ We have a free education centre below, plus share even more across social. Read More > How We Got Here 2010 Having left her career as a secondary school teacher some years previously, Tiggy found herself working at a pharmacy. This stimulated her to investigate all manner of healing modalities which ultimately led her to embark on a holistic path. Mr B was busy working as a logistics manager and supporting Tiggy through her journey, whilst Hannah was just starting her GCSE’s. 20 12 Tiggy set to work putting her learning into practice and became a practitioner for holistic healing offering a variety of treatments. It was during this time that she began to supply crystals to support her clients and this founded our first Facebook group, offering individually selected crystals and minerals. 2020 Lockdown hit and Hannah made the choice to branch out on her own. This led Tiggy and Hannah’s paths to finally cross, as Tiggy and Mr B searched for a designer to create their logo and website. Tiggy and Hannah’s mutual love of crystals made this a wonderful match, and together they created a logo and website that perfectly aligned with The Natural Healer. 2022 Woohoo! Mr B left his job and joined The Natural Healer full time. He quickly set about creating connections with companies such as Ecologi, enabling The Natural Healer to plant a tree with every order. With Hannah's expertise and creativity on social media, Tiggy found herself producing more and more educational content for Hannah to publish. This lead to several posts going viral on TikTok. As the website expands so does the list of suppliers from even more locations around the world, allowing The Natural Healer to continually provide a diverse range of quality crystals at great prices. 2011 ​ 2011 was a busy year! Tiggy completed her Reiki training with Master and Teacher qualifications at level 3, was introduced to crystals and trained in animal communication. This truly was a transformational year. 2019 The various holistic treatments and sourcing of crystals helped Tiggy to expand her learning and experience. In 2019 it became clear that it was necessary to focus on just one aspect of the business. Crystals! During this process, they felt it was time to develop the business to suit this change and The Natural Healer was born. Mr B began creating incredible live tables, whilst Tiggy started selling more crystals through the group on Facebook. Meanwhile, after completing a BSc Hons in Animation and VFX in 2017, Hannah was working as a Marketing Graphic Designer for a TV studio. Here she developed her knowledge for marketing and design skills, whilst also starting an MA in Design Management. 2021 2021 was a big year for The Natural Healer. Tiggy reached out to Hannah for further website developments and their working relationship blossomed. Hannah officially became part of The Natural Healer team providing help with social media and continuous development of the website. Together, Tiggy and Hannah started to create the wide range of educational content that is now on the website that promotes self-healing, energy work and ways to manifest the life of your dreams. With the growing success of The Natural Healer, the need for Mr B's input increased and plans were laid for him to leave his 'other' full-time employment to allow him to give The Natural Healer his undivided attention. 2023 So life just gets better and better. The success of The Natural Healer is driven by a genuine love of crystals and the desire to promote a wonderful lifestyle. As the business has grown there are now thousands of crystals for sale, educational content is constantly being created and shared across multiple social media platforms and The Natural Healer movement grows daily.

  • The Natural Healer | Holistic Crystal Specialists

    Globally sourced, hand-picked, exquisite crystals Shop All > Shop New Arrivals new arrival Quick View Moss Agate skull 4kg Price £545.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Moss Agate orb 11.2kg 20.1cm diameter Price £685.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Garnet Arfvedsonite Skull 0.87kg Price £127.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Kiwi Jasper Skull 0.47kg Price £55.00 Add to Cart Shop by Category Orbs Shop Now > Polished Shop Now > Carvings Shop Now > Natural Shop Now > Skulls & Dragons Shop Now > Statement Pieces Shop Now > Jewellery Shop Now > Grids Shop Now > Accessories Shop Now > Shop with us Live! Join us every Thursday and Saturday from 7pm (GMT), to shop with us live. Here you will meet wonderful people with a passion for crystals, win prizes, see our brand-new crystals before anyone else, and save with our live show introductory prices! Join Now > Popular Items new arrival Quick View Sunstone/Moonstone tower 67g Price £11.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Green/Purple Fluorite orb 800g 7.8cm diameter Price £83.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Smoky Quartz bracelet 27g Price £18.00 Add to Cart new arrival Quick View Rutilated Quartz mini orbs x 6 - 23g Price £12.00 Add to Cart Looking For Guidance? Discover our educational pages filled with articles, tutorials, tips and more, covering a whole range of holistic, spiritual, astrological and crystal topics. Our latest blog post: Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life Discover Now > What Others Say We are firm believers that manifesting the life of your dreams is achievable and is actually quite simple once you know how and have the tools that can help support you to do so. This is what we are all about at The Natural Healer; sourcing and hand-picking exquisite quality minerals and bringing them to you at phenomenal prices, so you have the tools to help you heal and manifest your biggest dreams. ​ However, our journey and passion don't stop there. We are passionate about empowering others to heal themselves and helping to supply the tools needed to achieve this. This is the basis for all we do, it fuels our journey and pushes us to carefully consider the choices we make in our business and daily lives. ​ We are so blessed to get to experience the beauty of Mother Nature on a daily basis; the minerals we are lucky enough to be the temporary keepers of are just a small part of her offerings. This is why giving back to Mother Earth is one of our priorities, as she provides us with everything we need to live an abundant and prosperous life. ​ Find out how we choose to give back to Mother Earth with every order placed, plus more about the journey we have taken to become The Natural Healer, now. Find Out More >

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