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  • Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

    A belief is having trust and faith in someone or something, an acceptance that it exists or is true, even without proof. Especially without proof! Where do your beliefs come from? You can have beliefs about all aspects and areas of your life including abundance, relationships, work, food, the nature of our reality, and what you are doing here..... These beliefs mainly come from other people, but you can also retain beliefs from past lives that you have experienced even if you can't remember them, and also create different ones as an adult having new experiences. The beliefs you have and hold are the bedrock and foundation for your personal world. So it would make perfect sense that you would choose for them to serve you in the best and highest possible way, right? Well, what if I was to say that the majority of the beliefs you have are not of your choosing but of someone else's? And then if I told you that most of them aren't relevant or appropriate and don't resonate with you at all! What if your beliefs are just you relaying something that you had heard and taken to be true without questioning? Sounds pretty crazy put like that, doesn't it? The problem is the beliefs that come from other people can be hugely detrimental and actually hinder you from fulfilling your potential in this lifetime by creating energetic blockages of varying degrees that manifest as all sorts of issues. They are just begging to be released and healed. How your beliefs impact you We are taught not to think for ourselves, but blindly obey without question. As children we take on beliefs from our parents or guardians and gain acceptance and love from them in return. We have been conditioned to respond to others' behaviour to fit in with their expectations, beliefs and what they deem to be acceptable ..... to be worthy of their love ..... love with conditions attached! This is such a big part of why you can feel so unloved, lacking in confidence and never good enough around those who are always trying to modify your behaviour so that you can fit into their little box of beliefs and make them feel more comfortable. This all then gets taught to the next generation and is continuously passed on, but you are here to stop this cycle of mindless automatic repetition and consciously choose the beliefs that personally resonate with you. As children this is something that you were conditioned to do and as an adult, the pattern of acceptance can keep repeating until you choose to do something about it. It is totally your choice whether you blindly accept the words and beliefs of others when you start raising your vibration. Change your beliefs It doesn't matter whether the source of each belief you take on is from a parent, authority figure, ancient wisdom, channelled wisdom or spiritual teacher.... it is their belief, but it is your choice whether it becomes one of yours. It doesn't matter what works for them. What matters is what works for you. They can be different to you and you can hold different beliefs from them. You have the ability to choose about so many things in this lifetime and it is vitally important that you do this with your beliefs when you realise that you have options. When you take on the beliefs of others and they don't resonate with your authentic/Higher Self/Soul's energy, it prevents you from being your truest self. Blockages are thus created energetically that cause problems in the future. When you wake up to this you become empowered to do something about it! Change your beliefs, change your life. How to change your beliefs The really exciting part is that you can challenge the existing beliefs you hold, many of which lay hiding out of plain sight in the subconscious mind, and then change them. The beliefs you have make up your entire existence and you can transform your world by changing your beliefs. You can do this as they arise in your awareness and in this way, they will all be addressed at the perfect time. The way to achieve this is to become more mindful. You can monitor your thoughts, assess existing patterns and beliefs and keep a journal of your findings. By doing this you can find freedom from the beliefs of others. You can drop down into your heart centre and see how it feels to address any belief on an individual basis. Does this work for me right now? Yes, no, maybe not sure. You can then choose to keep it, change it for one that resonates or try it out for a little while longer. It might only be right for now. Be open and accepting because as you evolve so do your beliefs. They are your perspective at that moment in time. Then you repeat this process with other beliefs that you hold. Understanding resonation So when I say what resonates and what doesn't, what does that actually mean? Anything that resonates with you has a compatible energy to yours and feels really good when you think about it, talk about it or experience it. Conversely, anything that doesn't resonate with you hasn't got a compatible energy to yours and feels really bad when you think about it, talk about it or experience it. You have to feel for the answer, not think about it! Feel it in your heart, not think about it with the logical mind. You can also choose to feel compassion for the belief givers and know that they have been serving a purpose, but you are enough and have always been enough. They were doing the best that they knew at the time, but can you see it's all an illusion? That you chose a belief that wasn't a good match for you and it has wreaked havoc in your life? You are divine love connected to Source and you can choose to be that love at any point in time! You don't have to value yourself in the way others do, even though that is what you have experienced your entire life. Has someone ever told you 'this is how it is' or 'my way is the only way' or 'there is only one way'? It is very common in all walks of life. If you read or hear this, it's a big no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOO!! A huge red flag needs to be waving right in front of your face, alerting you to danger and bringing awareness around a belief that someone else would like you to take on as your own. When it comes to your beliefs it's all about you, your heart and connection to Source. You have a direct line to Source as you are all connected to Source energy through your heart centre and all have a spark of Source energy. It's called your Spirit. To live a life in the highest alignment and following your guidance, you just need to know that you each have this personal connection and don't need an intermediary in any shape or form. It's not until you start going within, meditating and changing your beliefs to be in alignment with who you truly are that you are able to see all of this from a higher perspective. This is how you find yourself, your true and highest self. It was all meant to happen this way so you can experience who you really aren't, so you can then discover who you truly are. Love and abundant blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Find True Love in 2023

    Everyone seems to be looking for true love in the form of the perfect partner and relationship in this lifetime. It can be quite a preoccupation for some. It is natural to want to have a special someone to share our time and precious moments with, but this is all about looking for love outside of ourselves. We have to love ourselves first before we can truly love another. So if this year so far has been all about revealing more of who you truly are; more of your authentic self, then you are right on track. Love is the overriding force in our Universe and loving the self is the foundation for your growth in this lifetime. It is something we have all had to, and continue to work on, much of the time! Conditional Love We are so conditioned as children to respond to the behaviour of those around us in a way that is deemed appropriate and acceptable, in order for us to be worthy of their love. There are conditions attached to the love that we receive. We then repeat this cycle of learned behaviour as adults and so it continues and intensifies with each generation. We have to stop this cycle in order to raise our frequency and help humanity as a collective to shift to higher dimensions of reality. We are shifting from darkness to light, from fear to love. Redefine True Love You can do this by changing the way you respond to those around you. You can provide endless love and support, and refrain from judgement regardless of their behaviour and experience. There can be no strings attached when you are coming from your heart centre and sharing unconditional love. Pure love with no restrictions or limitations, just loving with your whole heart! Work With Rose Quartz There's a crystal that has the potential to help you with that by the way, and lucky for us it's so easily obtained and accessible. That's because we all need it in some shape or form. Rose Quartz is a stone for healing the heart and understanding the power of self-acceptance and self-love. You can use its wonderful heart-centred energy to heal your wounds, open and expand your heart's energy and break the cycle. Prioritise Self-Love What comes to light when you look within yourself with awareness is exactly what needs to be released in order for you to heal. Wherever you take your attention, energy flows there. So when you start thinking about self-love, I guarantee that something will come to your attention that actually prevents you from loving yourself. Work with that and then you will have cleared a block on your path to self-love. There will be plenty more to be sure, but they will all be resolved at the perfect time. Heal Self-Love There are some simple steps you can implement to help you do this.... Take a deep breath Be aware of your thoughts Sense if there is tension anywhere in your body Check-in with your chakras and identify any anomalies Tune in to your overriding feeling, your dominant vibration Release and clear anything that comes to your attention The reason for you incarnating onto this incredibly beautiful and immensely challenging planet is to rise up and become more of who you truly are.... more of your authentic self, more love and more light. To overcome the notion that you are not enough.... because you always have been. You just didn't realise it! In knowing that you are here in the physical domain, and yet there is SO much more energetically than you have ever been aware of at the same time, can be unsettling and even a little scary at times! But, if I ever feel fear I like to remember the acronym FEAR - Face Everything And Rise This always gives me a burst of uplifting energy and helps me to remember that we always have choices. In every moment we have choices. Making a new choice is like setting a compass for a new direction in life. You can fail and falter when adversity raises its head or choose to face your fears, reside in your heart centre and allow the physical and spiritual realms to merge. When you do, incredible things can happen and you are able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of your old life. Let's rise and join forces in remembering who we are and work to bring Heaven to Earth. Conditional love and authentic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • The Spring Equinox

    On Monday March 20th 2023, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring and the festival of awakening and new life. It is time for celebrating balance and harmony, to work on yourself and prepare for the upcoming light half of the year. Read on to find out more about what it means and how to make the most of this time. What is the Spring Equinox? Also known as Ostara, the Spring Equinox is a time we experience a moment of balance before we head into the lighter 6 months of the year. Sat directly between the Winter and Summer Solstices we will bear witness to equal day and night, light and dark, and divine feminine and masculine energies. All of nature is awakening and coming alive as the Sun gains in strength and the days get longer. We have moved from the dark receptive depths of Winter into the light active expression of the new growth cycle. What do we really want for ourselves and the world? This is the point of balance between the worlds; the inner and outer journey, the joining of the unconscious and the conscious, the infinite cycle of change and renewal that brings you the chance to explore and understand yourself and the life you are creating. Here you can look at and work towards greater balance within yourself. If you can bring the opposing forces of dark and light into balance at this time, then you can access the power that brings fertility and manifestation for the months ahead. The 2023 Spring Equinox: On this day at 21:24 GMT, the Sun also moves into the cardinal sign of Aries, the assertive and dynamic sign of the zodiac. It brings with it necessary change and transformation, and a huge shift in the type of energy influencing us. We move from the flowing and sensitive element of Water (Pisces) to the creative and motivated element of Fire (Aries). What to do during the Equinox: It is a time for you to look back with immense gratitude for the gifts and support given during the darker months and also forward to the rapid expansion that will happen in the Spring. Welcome the change as the energy flows towards the light and the power externally. You can start to act on all of the guidance and inspiration received during the darker months and work towards bringing them into your physical reality. Throughout all of nature and across the world, day and night are of equal balance. The Spring Equinox is the doorway to Summer and the Sun's power is increasing fast. We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves. As within, so without. As above, so below. As such the Spring Equinox is a time to take action and move into a new phase to balance our outer and inner worlds. It is an opportunity to be crystal clear about what it is we want to do now and prepare for Summer. The Universe LOVES clarity and will respond instantly to it! A time for... Starting New Ventures: Whatever project we start at this time will prove to be incredibly fertile and begin to manifest on many levels. So make sure you begin a new venture that nurtures and nourishes your spiritual path. Use positive affirmations and mantras to build positive thought patterns to support your new creations moving forwards. This will help to break away from outworn patterns and ideas that are not serving you. Balance: This is a time of balance where we can acknowledge and reconcile any extremes or opposites and instead choose to see them as a part of the whole. We can acknowledge and celebrate our whole selves (light AND dark) and incorporate all aspects (body, mind, emotions and spirit) including the good, the bad and the ugly! Restarting: The change in season gives us a chance to for a fresh start and to begin again. The light and outer realms are a place where we can utilise the power, strength, focus and inner wisdom from the darker months. Just like Mother Nature the lighter months are a time for outward growth and manifestation. The balance between the inner and outer journey brings a strong foundation to our lives as we head to a valuable time of action and expansion. The ideas that we planted and incubated in the dark months will emerge now it is Spring, transformed by their time in the unconscious. Celebrate the Spring Equinox: There are so many ways we can celebrate the Equinox, we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas to get inspired: Wrap up and spend time outside, embracing the energies and elements available with your favourite crystal. Look for signs of Spring everywhere you go. Focus on balance and connect with crystals that really help you do this like Tiger Eye or Sunstone AND Moonstone. Use symbols of balance like the Yin and Yang, spiral, 6-pointed star, Caduceus, dragon, Celtic cross, especially if you have them in crystal form which will make them even more potent. Create an altar or sacred space to honour the awakening Earth using yellow and green crystals and other significant items. Add Spring flowers, early blossoms and other signs of new life from Mother Nature. Meditate outside with the trees or a particular one you are drawn to. Touch it or stand in its energy field and feel the life force energy emanating from it. Be aware of any messages it has for you. Honour the 5 Elements in a way that is appropriate for you, a crystal grid would be perfect. Honour the Earth and the fertility and abundance of all life found on and within her. In particular express gratitude for all the crystals you have. Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this incredible time. Love and Equinox blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Love, the Ultimate Agent for Change

    Any ending leads to a new beginning and the future beckons. Right now, the potential for new growth must be prioritised and any changes that you take action on before the Spring Equinox on the 20th March will directly impact how you experience the dramatic changes that everyone could experience during the rest of 2023 (the year of transformation). Love is a truly transformational aspect, changing your perspective and practice of love can be a truly freeing and incredible experience that has a major impact on your life. Let’s take a look at this in more detail. Diversity, Duality and Love As a human collective, we are so powerful because of our diversity; this allows you to experience love but also to disagree. It would be very boring if we all thought the same way about everything, wouldn't it?! This presents an opportunity for you to be mindful; remember the ego always likes to be right while the Soul simply chooses to be happy. There's a major distinction between the two! You can embrace that the differences make us strong and far more interesting without disagreeing and falling out all the time. You can choose to accept the viewpoint of another, that their perspective is totally valid even if it differs from your own. It is in treasuring the differences between us that makes us more powerful, even the ones furthest from our own... especially those furthest from our own as they are the most challenging of all! Consider the paradox that we are all living in a world of duality; every single person who wakes up and becomes aware of the darkness must also acknowledge that the darkness exists within them as well. You can't just shut this darkness away as it will come back later with vengeance! It is here to be healed. Forgiveness is needed; this is how you elevate your level of consciousness. Not by pushing things that you find tricky under the carpet, but by acknowledging the consciousness that created the circumstances, accepting it exists and needs working with. Inner/shadow work here we come! Breakdown Conditional Love We are all at the point where everything is being created and experienced all at once. This is why we each have to change. No one can do this for you, it’s up to you! So whenever you see something outside of yourself that you don't like, you must look within yourself to see how you can do better and become more of who you truly are. There is so much out there that isn't love, or does it just appear that way? Maybe the energy of love is turned down to such an extent that certain people appear to not be the love that they truly are. Doesn't that happen with us all at certain times? We are not our best selves all the time, not our most loving selves in some situations, far from it. When we look at it like this it makes it easier to see situations from a higher perspective and forgive others as they also are not their best selves at all times. Aren't we all doing the best we can at any moment, with the knowledge and tools we have at that time? You can show up as love and lead by example by cultivating the love that is inside of you in every moment. At any opportunity, you can turn your consciousness inwards and find the love that you truly are in your heart centre. Then you can breathe into it, magnify it and fill yourself up with it! It really is that simple. When you have done this, you can fill your energy field with this love as well and then extend it beyond your personal boundary into the world around you. Then you have love all around you as well as within you. When you practice this, it makes it so much easier to do at the tricky times! You can remind yourself first thing every morning and then at points throughout the day. You are here to be love and that love exists within you at all times, because you are the love. Sometimes you have to take time to activate it, whereas other times it is free-flowing, but you can be much more of this love when you practice. Love: The Reflection What is outside of you is also within you; a part of you. That can be so hard to contemplate when it is something we don't like. You can't choose to acknowledge the bits you like and ignore the rest! We are all connected and when you choose to reflect your unconditional love to the darker aspects of your reality in this world, they will become more of Source energy, as will you. Now that's winning! As above so below, as within so without. Love is the overriding force in our Universe, but it takes a willingness to collapse societal and cultural programming. We can do this one step at a time. When you see or feel yourself resisting something or someone that you were programmed to resist, you can choose instead to be who you are as a being of unconditional love. It takes time and perseverance to practice with every situation that arises, but you can have the awareness to be who you truly are and choose a different and loving way forward rather than repeating the same old patterns over and over and over..... The world and your experiences are here for you, for your expansion and growth and to push you to new levels of acceptance and love. Many know the path, but few actually walk it. It takes effort, determination and perseverance, but it is so worth it! Love and ultimate change blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Cleanse your Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions

    We have talked a great deal about releasing at the Full Moon. It's natural that we would want to release anything that isn't for our highest good and the Full Moon is a great time to do this. The Full Moon is the peak of the Lunar cycle. It's the time when the seeds of intention that you planted at the New Moon have the maximum potential to come to fruition. This is what we call manifestation and it happens far more efficiently and readily when you make a definite space for it to enter into our life. When you cleanse and clear away what is no longer needed in your life, you create a space/void of potential that allows room for your manifestations to appear/be born/appear in your life as if by magic! We have focused mainly on releasing old mental patterns from the past as the mind has a tendency to regurgitate and replay entrenched beliefs that are found in your conscious and subconscious mind, at any opportunity. The mind is only one of 4 aspects that make up each of us. The others are the emotions, physical body and spirit. These are all vital components that make up the whole, but they all have distinctly different jobs to do. They do however have an interesting relationship with each other and the mind can use its energy to powerfully affect the other 3 in either positive or negative ways. So let's take a look at this in more detail. The Mind Releasing and relieving yourself of repetitive thoughts and patterns that hinder you/slow you down/stop you/keep you entrenched in the same old same old allows for the most potent transformation. If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got, right?! What you are doing at the Full Moon is cleansing and clearing your mind, as the mind is super powerful and the creator of your reality. You want it to do the best job possible in creating your highest life and if you don't clear out the old ways of thinking there is no space or opportunity for new and higher ways. Neurons in the human brain love creating connecting pathways and they do this very effectively with your repeated/habitual thought patterns. What you have to do to change old thought patterns is to stop thinking the way you have been as then the pathways lose their power, disintegrate and fall away. Now these will be thoughts that you have been having throughout your lives so it takes awareness, practice and perseverance to do this. I am not for one minute saying it is an easy task, but it is probably one of the most important ones for us to work on consistently. You need to bring your consciousness and awareness to your thoughts and this is a practice called mindfulness. When you find yourself thinking a thought you would choose not to have anymore, you just need to repeat 'cancel clear delete' 3 times or 'delete delete delete' 3 times whichever is preferred. This prevents the energy of the old thought pattern from going out into the Universe. As the old thought patterns are collapsing you can consciously choose an upgraded and positive thought instead. By doing this you create new/better/positive/abundant/different neural pathways. Affirmations and mantras are really helpful here to keep your focus. The subconscious mind also loves ritual and repetition, so when you find ones that resonate with you then you need to keep repeating them as often as possible. Action: Use crystals that connect with the mind such as Amethyst, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Charoite, and Fluorite. These will help to cleanse the mind and support positive thought processes. Affirmation: I completely cleanse, clear and calm my mind. The Mind and Emotions The relationship between the mind and emotions is intimate. How you feel in any moment determines your thoughts. your thoughts can then subsequently determine how you feel. I feel a vicious cycle coming on! Most of us are not taught to work with and process our emotions. As one of the key aspects that makes you human, getting to grips with your emotional nature is very necessary. Action: Use crystals that connect with the emotions such as Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Lepidolite, Kunzite, Green Aventurine, Pink Tourmaline, Chrysocolla and Aquamarine. Diffusing essential oils will also help cleanse and heal emotions. Affirmation: I welcome and work with my wonderful emotions. The Mind and Physical Body You could call this relationship the 'mind body' because the mind has such influence that it literally shapes and moulds the physical body. Learning to love, respect and purify the body that you are equipped with in this lifetime makes it far easier to stay in it and raise its frequency, which is essential for progress. Action: Use crystals that connect with the physical body such as Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Black Obsidian, Ruby, Bloodstone, Petrified Wood, Amber and Shungite. Upgrading food and drink choices, detoxification, salt baths and salt scrubs will all cleanse and heal the physical body. We can also cleanse and clear our home and any environment that we spend time in. Affirmation: I am in my body, deeply grounded and connected to Mother Earth. The Mind and Spirit The lower mind that you have been taught to identify with from an early age speaks loudly and rarely stops until you do something to make it! Spirit on the other hand whispers its wisdom and guidance. The challenge is to discipline and quiet the lower mind so spirit can be accessed and heard. Action: Use crystals that connect to spirit such as Clear Quartz, Labradorite, Tektite, Angel Aura Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Celestite, Selenite, Apophyllite, Faden Quartz and Diamond Quartz. When we meditate, get out in nature and journal we always create a stronger connection with spirit. Affirmation: I am completely and expansively connected to the Cosmos. So when you choose to cleanse your mind, you can support this action by cleansing, clearing and purifying all other aspects of self as well! This is a really powerful action to take! Always remember to take one step at a time. Start with whatever you are drawn to most and gradually incorporate other aspects of cleansing. No need for overwhelm! Love and Full Moon cleansing and clearing blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Healing in 2023

    Previously we have touched upon how you can work to release, cleanse and clear space within your energy field to make room for your manifestations in 2023. If you haven't already, you can read about releasing in 2023 here. Now we are going to expand on this even further by looking at how you can heal in 2023. As we mentioned, this is a year for true transformation, find out why here. Personally, I am so excited to be here right now in these realm-shifting and consciousness-expanding energies. With plenty of activity ahead of us, you must take the time to really feel into and pay attention to what the Universe has in store for your way ahead this year, more than ever before. There is a feeling of divine peace in the stillness that I don't usually associate with this time of year. The last 3 years have been totally crazy and tumultuous but finally, it seems we have moved beyond this time of immense and intense upheaval. You are now shifting from lower to higher vibrations; from thinking to feeling, which is what 2023 is all about. With Mercury and Mars just turning direct, whilst Uranus was and is still in retrograde (until 22nd January), you were able to welcome this year with slow-start energy. This was ideal for reviewing your current situation, rethinking your approach, and envisioning new and improved ways that you can contribute to the creation of a more peaceful and loving world. Open yourself up If you did not take advantage of that time, don't panic as you still can. Start by asking yourself: what part of yourself do you need to step into this year to catalyse your journey at this time? It is the neglected and forgotten part of you that always needs the most love. It is part of you, part of the whole, part of the opposing forces that reside within you. A part of the darkness that needs a shining light to be embraced and welcomed back into the fold. Remember, there is no light without dark. Connect to source The Source/Creator/God resides inside each of us, it surrounds all of us, and all you have to do is take a moment to stop and focus to access this divine energy. You need to remember that you can reach the most unbelievable heights in this life with passion and focus. By remembering that we are Source (we all have a spark of this energy as spirit within us) we can access this energy through the love that we feel in our hearts. All you have to do is focus on your heart and then bring to mind someone or something that you love to be able to access this energy. Then stay in this space filled with love and compassion. With practice and persistence, you can do this quickly and effectively. Did anyone ever tell you that you had to jump through hoops or cross the widest ocean to experience this? Well, I am here to tell/remind you that it doesn't have to be that difficult. One of the biggest revelations on my journey was that all the things I thought were really difficult or virtually impossible are actually incredibly simple! Embrace your feelings It really is time to put your feelings on the front burner, they have to be your priority. There can be no more ignoring or evading them! Your feelings are messengers that bring you vital information and guidance. The only way forward from this point is to dive right into and embrace them..... all of them! When you do this you are then able to choose which ones you would like to experience and enjoy anytime, anyplace, anywhere! This allows you to be more of your true self, more of your Higher Self. All vibration, all consciousness, all creativity, and everything you could ever desire is inside of you. You have so much within you and placing your focus there will always serve you, regardless of what you are currently experiencing. Take a conscious breath, relax and open up to the realm of infinite possibilities available to you in 2023. Love and eternal blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Releasing in 2023

    In our last two blogs, we have talked about 2023 being a 7 year and the importance of this, plus how you can make the most of those energies. Now we are taking a look at how you can embrace the process of releasing, to ensure you are making the most of 2023. Before we get into it, remember, you are still in the midst of a sacred season and this time of year always provides deep insights into your incredible unfolding journey. The past continues to fade away and the highest creations flow in. Right now, whether you realise it or not, you are releasing, receiving new insights, getting your house in order for the year ahead, and are taking steps toward becoming the highest version of you yet. The process of releasing: If you are not familiar with the process of upgrading or releasing, then it is quite simple. You release what is no longer serving you, which creates a void of energy that you fill with brighter and lighter things. So now is the time to be honest with yourself. Are you engaging in anything that distracts you from your purpose and steals your joy? If yes, then regardless of what it is you have to let it go. Ask yourself: what are you ready to let go of right now? As a fabulous consequence of what you let go of, also ask yourself what you are ready to receive as you expand and fill the energetic space/void of potential you have just created. You create emotional/physical/mental and spiritual balance by clearing all this energetic clutter.... things like self-doubt, fear, attachments, control, overwhelm, and procrastination. How to clear and upgrade your energy: Firstly, remember this is a journey and you might have already worked through these things or not, there is no issue in any of that. Here is how you can support your energetic clearing: Call in and receive harmony with your mind, body, and spirit by working with and drawing upon the support of your crystals. Clear space in your energy as you dissolve through each layer of self as the small egoic 'I am'. Learn to regulate the nervous system and hold more light at a cellular level. Learn to take full responsibility for your mind chatter, thoughts, and conversations that keep you stuck in the small 'I am'. Take full responsibility for how you decide to consciously move forwards with your new intentions. Learn how to spend longer in the energetic fields of light as you ground this way of being/thinking/doing into the here and now, as the full radiance of the I AM presence. (This is your expanded I am self). Work on receiving divine messages and wisdom through your activated and expanded Third Eye and Heart chakra portals, to guide and assist you. Set new boundaries and make a firm commitment to yourself in how you will consciously choose to show up in your world and move forwards in your co-created reality. Remember crystals can help you with all of the above! 2023 is the year to work on these aspects and expand yourself to be the brightest and highest vibration yet. This is when true transformation will take place, enabling you to manifest the life of your dreams. As a 7 year (find out what that means here), the energies are aligned for inner transformation and expansion, so this year really is an exciting time for you. Love and magical blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Make the most of 2023

    In our previous blog, we talked about how 2023 is a 7 year, meaning it is a year filled with inner work, guidance, and healing so you can truly transform and manifest the life of your dreams. Now we are taking a look at what you can do to truly make the most of 2023 and the energy available to you. Let's start by remembering life will flow beautifully this coming year if you allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, let go and flow, and trust in the path life takes you on. When you try to control things, you end up creating blocks. So, with that in mind, here are a few pointers and signs that will help to make this year your best ever: Silence and meditation help you to be more conscious and aware of your authentic self, so prioritise getting comfortable with the silence. Feel the truth that the physical world is an illusion and the spiritual plane is reality. Then you can have a clear direction for the life you are choosing and consciously co-creating. Recognise and accept that your external world is a reflection of your internal world. This can be tough to accept, but when you do, you will see profound changes begin to happen. Always consider self-knowledge and engage with metaphysics and philosophy, but do so in a way that works for you. Ground yourself in order to be able to rely on your guidance and intuition and be aware of your own strengths. Be more vulnerable and don't cover up difficult feelings, instead allow yourself to feel them. Remember they will pass. As you ease yourself into a brand new year, you need to ask yourself: are living from your heart? It might not seem like it, but you actually have a huge amount of choice about what happens in your life. You can actively choose what you want to focus your energy on, and can work to stop it from going toward things you don't want in your life. By setting intentions you can facilitate the path of your choosing. By sitting quietly and contemplating/meditating you can create a plan for the year ahead. You can continue to shine your brilliant crystalline light on your hopes, dreams, visions, prayers, and intentions. You can open your heart to the divine essence alive within us all, and with the sacred 7 energies surrounding you with the magic of the Mystic, it's time to really engage with a brighter and bolder future. Whatever happens in the world around you, we hope that your year is filled with grace, love, alignment with your soul's purpose, and an abundance of crystals to support you on your journey. Love and sparkly blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • The Meaning of 2023

    Each year has a different energy and meaning, last year we experienced a 6-year, but now we are lucky enough to have shifted into a wonderous 7-year. Read on to find out what the meaning of 2023 is and how you can make the most of it. January was named after Janus, the Roman god of new beginnings and transitions. In numerology, it is associated with leadership, confidence, and action. It encourages us to move forward without permission from anyone else. January is a time to strengthen our inner power. In numerology 2023 is a 7 year...... 2023 broken down is 2+0+2+3 which equals 7. 7 is such a spiritual number. It symbolises enlightenment as it connects heaven and Earth, uniting the mind, body, and spirit. The highest ideal of the sacred number 7 symbolises the Mystic, Merlin, the Wise Sage! It is the path of exploration of the internal essence of Being and the meaning of life. Within the sacred aspects of Self, we uncover our Soul calling, our mission in life; our divine purpose. All of this is available to us throughout the year 2023! What 2023 has in store What lies ahead is a year of deep, inner introspection and reflection. A 7 year can help you with: Your organisation, planning, management, and development of projects, and can lead the way in every sphere of influence. Dealing with unexpected changes well. Gaining insight into human nature. Bringing peace and calming energy. Smiling in the face of adversity. Knowing yourselves and discovering the meaning of life. During a 7 year, you will feel motivated and inspired to seek the truth, wisdom, and fulfillment. This is going to be a quieter 'inner year' in which you can search for new ways to understand yourself, the world around you and enable you to access the answers to your most burning questions. Crystals for 2023 Oh and then there are fabulous crystals that resonate with the number 7! Here are a few... Amethyst Amethyst's gentle vibrations bring a calmness that allows the mind to open up to new experiences. The divine connection it reinforces promotes inspiration and intuition, opening you up to the secrets of the Universe. When you accept its guidance, it will guide you toward your soul mission and purpose in life. Hawk Eye Hawk Eye brings clarity by releasing you from confused and limited thinking, helping you to understand the greater connections in life. It supports mental stability and develops your perceptiveness. It can also show you what is damaging your soul. Kunzite Kunzite connects to your soul and helps you to express the infinite supply of love available to you. Kunzite possesses the ability to help you to grow spiritually and trust the Universe, it dispels fear and mental suffering, allowing divine love to resonate within you. Azurite Azurite has an incredibly powerful activating energy for the Third Eye chakra, allowing you access to the higher realms and helping you to develop spiritually. It literally opens the door to your inner world, promoting awareness and consciousness. Above everything else, follow your own guidance with your choice of crystals. In our next post, we are going to be taking a look at what you can do to truly make the most of 2023, and embrace all of the energies available to you. You can read it here. Love and 2023 blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • What is the 11:1 Portal?

    We are firmly in the new year, bidding goodbye to last year and all the challenges we faced and opportunities we had to grow. With this change of time comes a wave of new energy; a fresh start and new beginnings. As the dust has finally settled on the festive period and new year celebrations, you can finally start to take some time to think of your year ahead. If you didn't have time on January first to work with the energies of the 1:1 portal, then fabulous news! We are lucky enough to have the 11:1 portal this month too. The 11:1 portal occurs on the eleventh day of the first month and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. You can experience mega upgrades and up-leveling right here in a very short space of time! We are still firmly in Capricorn season for the 11:1 portal, meaning you can align and work with the practical, systematic, and goal-orientated Earth energy to focus on the energies available and make changes. The meaning of the 11:1 Portal The 11:1 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering your DNA to activate and evolve. You can choose to consciously participate so that you can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to you whether you actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to you on these special days. The Sun is in Capricorn (goals and aspirations) and 1 is the number of I, self, awakening, and connection. Number 1 resonates with the vibration of new beginnings. Capricorn offers you an energetic doorway through which you can walk and leave the unwanted and denser aspects of your past behind, stepping into a higher frequency and more authentic and confident version of yourself. This is how you evolve and embody more light. Crystals for the 11:1 Portal You can also work with crystals to support you during this time. We always recommend you use your guidance when working with crystals; select them intuitively. But if you are not sure where to start and would like some guidance, then here are three crystals we recommend: Garnet: Garnet is a show-stopping crystal that brings you abundance and prosperity through all the channels of the Universe. A stunning stone that activates the Base Chakra and connects you to Mother Earth, allowing you to receive energy and sustenance from her. This brings you back into balance with your home planet in this lifetime which is fundamental if you are to fulfill your potential while you are here. The nourishing power of Garnet helps you remember that all of life is connected and springs from the same Source of energy. This innate knowing helps you to understand that you have all that you need to thrive and prosper right now. All you have to do is accept the gifts that you have before you, acknowledge them with gratitude, and believe that prosperity is your birthright. Labradorite: Labradorite is such a magical and mystical 'grounded and guided' crystal to work with on portal days. It enhances your rituals and is a great way to make the most of the energy. It can be used at any time of year, but it is outstanding when it comes to awareness, visioning, new beginnings, and going after your heart's desires. Which is perfect for right now!! The spectacular flashes of colour spark your inner fire and bring hope and possibility out of the darkness, opening you up to everything that the Universe has to offer. As a stone of magic and divination that stands at the doorway to other realms, it provides you with protection and safe passage as you travel to higher dimensions. Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz can be programmed for any use, plus it has the most spectacular cleansing and clearing abilities, ideal for releasing anything you no longer want to carry, so you can make space energetically for your new beginnings. If you would like to know more about Clear Quartz, you can read about it here. You can carry these crystals with you, wear them as jewellery, place them on your chakras, have them in your environment, or work with them during meditation. Just make sure you connect with one or all of them as often as you can as they will help you transform your life at this time. Sparkly blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Mercury Retrograde

    In our last blog, we talked about what a retograde is in detail, which you can read here. Now we are going to take a look at one of the most commonly talked about retrogrades; the Mercury Retrograde. This retrograde has probably the worst reputation and negative association, but it really doesn't need to have. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun which means it lasts for a relatively short period of time compared to the other planets in our Solar System. It goes retrograde on average 3 times a year for approximately 3 weeks at a time. That's more than enough for most people! The meaning of Mercury Mercury is the messenger with a strong desire to create connections and communicate. Its inquisitive energy is concerned with intelligence and understanding, reasoning and memory. Mercury is also known as the planet of writing, publishing, media, internet and telecommunications in all forms. In addition to this, it is associated with the road network, transport and commerce. So you can see how many different ways the Universe can communicate with you about what needs healing during this time. Disruption to anything mentioned is here to make you stop and assess the relevance it has to your life. Mercury is the planet that represents communication and mental clarity so there can be blockages here when Mercury is retrograde. When you take the time and grasp the opportunity available to you, you can create enormous mental shifts and download new information and wisdom. When we are in Mercury retrograde, you are being asked to reflect on your level of communication and associated skills. Not just how you communicate directly with other people, but also indirectly via technology and devices. Mercury Retrograde Challenges You can experience all sorts of breakages/problems/strange anomalies that can be very frustrating when you don't understand how to improve the situation from a personal perspective. A truth that can be hard to swallow is this is not happening to you, it is happening because of you! You just need to take time to assess where your strengths and weaknesses lie with regard to communication. The weaknesses are what you are going to be working on, improving and upgrading during the retrograde period. Crystals for the Mercury Retrograde Any crystals that support self-reflection are perfect to work with during any period of retrograde. Crystals that are like a mirror help you to do this, for example, Silver Mica. It's like looking in a mirror when you work with this crystal, helping you to see what isn't always obvious at first. Silver crystals resonate with divine feminine energy and support you in receiving guidance from your Higher Self and the Higher Realms. In this way, you can know exactly what it is that you need to be working on. Black and silver crystals totally rock at this time, so other crystals that we love dearly and highly recommend are Silver Sheen Obsidian, Black Moonstone with silver shimmer, Mystic Merlinite and Larvikite with their flashing silver Feldspar crystals. They all combine powerful divine feminine energies which are perfect for this task. Crystal skulls are ancient tools that represent information and higher intelligence. They always carry a positive energy and enable you to raise your awareness and access higher levels of consciousness and guidance on the path to enlightenment. Work with yours at this time if you are blessed to be the guardian of one. If you are looking to be more specific in working with the energies of the actual planet that is retrograde then you can do that too. You can work with Aquamarine, which is fantastic for the Mercury Retrograde as the blue colour resonates perfectly with the throat chakra. The throat chakra is the centre in charge of communication and self-expression, which Mercury is all about. If you happen to have a piece of Aquamarine with silver Mica included, then you have won the Mercury retrograde jackpot!! When you are experiencing a tricky time during any period of retrograde then you need to remember to work with Lepidolite; the most incredible stress-busting crystal! We all need this serene calming influence in our lives. Don't have any of these in your collection? Then simply programme your Clear Quartz to be the one of choice. We always encourage you to be guided by your own choice of crystals, but we do recommend avoiding gold-coloured crystals at this time. They resonate with divine masculine energy and this is not what we are looking to access at this time of introspection. So how many blessings will Mercury retrograde bring you this time around? Well, the choice is yours! It's all a matter of perspective and whether you choose to see the gift in every experience that you have on this wild ride. You can choose to embrace the blessings and use your crystals to support you in every conceivable way. The rest will just flow if you allow it to. Love and retrograde blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • What is a Retrograde?

    When viewed from Earth, the planets and asteroids in our Solar System (with the exception of the Sun and Moon) sometimes appear to be moving backward in the sky. This phenomenon is known as retrogradation. These planets aren't actually reversing their orbit, it just looks that way in relation to the other planets. It's actually an optical illusion! However, that doesn't mean the associated energy is also an illusion, far from it!! The energies turn strongly inward and slow things down, helping to illuminate your personal problematic karmic patterns and stumbling blocks in the area the particular planet represents, meaning you can resolve and heal them. You are not alone in this, we all have plenty of this type of inner work to do! You can find out what aspect each planet represents here. So, the times when the planets go retrograde are simply an opportunity for profound change as they challenge your limits, raise your frequency and light, and help you to grow and evolve which is exactly what you are here to do. Spiritually and energetically this has a significant impact on us as individuals and the human collective. Some view a planet going retrograde as a negative event, but here at The Natural Healer we choose to focus on the positive aspects and raise awareness about how beneficial these times can be. You get what we think about right?! Problems will only continue if you stay on autopilot and ignore all the signs that the Universe is giving you to expand and grow. Anyone who has followed us for a while will know that we often talk about what is happening within the universe is also happening within you. As above, so below, as within, so without. This is no different and is probably one of the best scenarios to fully understand this concept. Any planet going retrograde allows you to experience a significant period of reflection. It is a time to walk your path and do the inner work by aligning to what is happening in the Cosmos and acknowledging it within yourself so that you can navigate these energies with as much ease and grace as is humanly possible! Healing will then be the natural and spontaneous outcome of this process. The planets that go retrograde do so for different lengths of time. Multiple planets can go retrograde at the same time and overlap, which creates an incredible level of intensity and is a real directive that the Universe is urging you to pay attention and go within. That is a time to really pay attention! Love and retrograde blessings, Tiggy xxx

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