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  • Gemini Connects

    As the Wheel of the Year continues to turn, the Sun has moved into the light and bright sign of Gemini! At 20:37pm (GMT) on Thursday 20th May 2021, this change will take place. Gemini is ruled by Mercury (the messenger) and their combined energies encourage us to develop ideas, build relationships and form connections of all kinds. What does the Sun in Gemini mean? Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the beautiful and grounded energy of Taurus, we are now flying high with airy Gemini, bringing change, social and mental expression and we are able to witness relationships of all kinds in the natural world. The focus is on being open to growth and learning because Gemini is the Mutable Air Sign. Air energy is mind energy and Gemini embodies the breath, thought processes, speaking, writing, learning, communication, relationships, teaching, change and aspirations for the future . Mutable energy is adaptive energy that helps us refine, adapt and adjust. It is a great time to take stock of things and make any necessary improvements. The Benefits of Gemini Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Gemini season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Gemini people are intelligent, playful, social, curious, quick witted, friendly and communicative . If you were born in the sign of Gemini it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Gemini season will help you to expand your natural gifts with grace if you take this opportunity. It's time to: Communicate - Take time to think about how we communicate with the important people in our life. Are we being honest about our feelings? Are we bringing something magical to our relationships? Meditate - Get beyond the lower mind and have a mental time out! Relax our brain and gain a greater sense of connection with our higher nature. Socialise - Plan get togethers and meet ups, especially outside. Light hearted small talk is the order of the day with Gemini, nothing too serious! Read More - Get stuck into a good book or 4! Order that book we have been meaning to buy forever or the online course we have had our eye on. 3 Crystals for support during Gemini Season There are numerous crystals and minerals that we can choose to tune into the energy of Gemini. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Gemini season and to help channel this fabulous energy. Fire/Hematoid Quartz Combining clear Quartz with Iron Oxide, this combination of minerals has a dual nature just like Gemini. Fire Quartz is a real power house with its vibrant red and white colours and combines the grounding energy of Iron Oxide with the cosmic energy of clear Quartz, bringing us the best of both worlds and improved balance and connection. It also helps the wandering and short attention span of the Gemini mind to have focus and improved levels of concentration. Howlite This beautiful sacred stone represents the spiritual qualities of stillness and open mindedness, which are so valuable for Gemini. Bringing peace and clarity of mind, Howlite is another stone of duality and a best friend for Gemini. Its calming energy helps to release the burdens of an overactive mind, which is common for the busy mind. The black and grey marbling in Howlite create focus by grounding the higher energies. This makes it so valuable in helping to understand and make sense of the many thoughts that can be whizzing around the head. Celestite A beautiful blue stone that facilitates the highest levels of communication with the angelic realm. As the great communicator, Gemini values support with the throat chakra and this calming, gentle and serene energy helps Gemini to connect with its softer side, both physically and energetically. Enhancing intuition and insight, Celestite elevates our awareness in the most divine way. We can use any of these stones on their own or in combination to help promote the energy of Gemini in our life. The most important part is using your intuition in choosing the best crystals for you and this will allow you to truly connect. With love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • The Magic of The Mayan Calendar

    Have you ever wondered who you truly are, why you are the way you are, or why you are here? You are not alone, and it can be scary to ask those questions and sometimes feel impossible to find the answers. But what if we told you there was a way of answering all of these questions and discovering your souls' true purpose? Keep reading to find out how. On our journey of awakening, we can use a variety of tools to ignite our awareness and help us explore expanded states of consciousness and alternate realities that light the path ahead and most definitely inspire our transformation! The tools we are drawn to that resonate so strongly lead us to our own divine wisdom and heart-knowing. It's amazing! The History of The Mayan Calendar The Maya were a civilisation known for astronomy and mathematics and they were builders of great pyramids and cities. Along with every major ancient culture, the Maya had symbol systems that served as divination tools as well as keys to understanding the universe. It was the norm back then. Symbols literally talk to the subconscious mind and speak the language of the soul, simply by having a massive visual impact. When I first discovered the Mayan calendar and what it meant to me, I felt like I had struck solid gold! I was mesmerised reading about it and although it was a totally new concept, there was a part of me that was insanely excited....... my soul was singing in jubilation. I was captivated by the magic it promised and I hounded the postman until my latest purchases arrived and I could finally dive in and find out more. Other systems, including western astrology, provide us with an overview of our Earthly (physical) self. But the Mayan astrology incorporated within the calendar is very different because it provides us with a galactic perspective of ourselves that we can use as a tool for spiritual development. This is quite unusual. It helps us discover who we truly are, what the greater cosmic plan is for us and how to facilitate our souls' evolution. When we live in accordance with this souls' plan, we naturally come into alignment and life flows like never before. The exploration of The Mayan Calendar Jose Arguelles was a visionary who assisted in decoding the secret mysteries of the Maya. He concluded that the Maya were star people who left a galactically encoded message in a "map" of the larger cycles of time, helping us to find our way back home to the stars. This map was a sacred calendar created 1,400 years ago that had 20 Solar Glyphs (representing soul purpose) and 13 Tones (representing types of energy). Each symbol in the calendar represented a specific type of energy. Together these Glyphs and Tones form the Tzolkin, the "sacred round" of the Mayan calendar. This calendar spans a time of 26,000 years and is a galactic code to the workings of the universe. There are 260 possible combinations of Glyph and Tones that provide different and unique expressions of creation. Every day that we experience has the combined energies of 1 Glyph and 1 Tone and these change from one day to the next. How the Mayan Calendar relates to you So Mayan astrology involves discovering your personal combination of Glyph and Tone that were present on the day you were born, the predominant energies they depict and learning how they affect your life. It brings a totally different slant on experiencing personal issues from our soul's perspective, how to live making choices from the authentic or higher self, and what we have come to Earth to learn and contribute. A remnant of the ancient Mayan system is still practised today in the remote Guatemalan highlands. The sacred calendar in combination with the 20 solar Glyphs and 13 Tones are used by the priests who cast small crystals and stones for divination and receive divine confirmation with a body sensation called "blood lightening". Your Mayan Birthday Influences The Solar Glyphs There are 20 Solar Glyphs that symbolise the levels of wisdom of the soul. They represent the areas that the soul chooses to focus on in this lifetime and the Maya believed that you worked your way through all 20, successively in different lifetimes on Earth. It is possible that you may have already completed the level of wisdom you chose as your solar glyph, but most of us will still have plenty of work to do! I love the fact that each Solar Glyph has its own shadow wisdom AND transformation to share that helps us work with our shadow energy to heal anything that is preventing us from raising our awareness, vibration and level of understanding. When we do this we are able to live our best and highest possible life. To me, it's very exciting that once we know our Solar Glyph, we are able to choose specific crystals to provide the best possible support on our personal path, and then incorporate them into our daily lives and spiritual practice. Awesome! You can meditate with the symbol of your solar glyph to help you work towards any level of wisdom you wish to attain. This is very powerful as it works on a subconscious/telepathic level. The Tones The 13 Tones are symbolic of the 13 streams of energy that combine to create our world. They are called Tones because they represent a particular energy and vibration. Together they are creation! Your birthday Tone describes the quality of energy that you carry in your body to help you express yourself in the world, understand reality and support you in attaining your life's purpose. Some souls might have already been using these energies intuitively before discovering their Tone, but once we know more about it, we can consciously create with it - which is super exciting! When we know what our Tone is it helps us make sense of ourselves and our lives and then we stop questioning why we are the way we are and do the things we do. Then we start working with this energy and life flows more easily. Meditating with our Glyph and Tone attunes the spirit to a higher frequency than we have experienced before, in this or previous lifetimes. When we are able to maintain this frequency we can start to affect everything around us in a really positive way. This helps ourselves, others and Mother Earth. The Planets Everything is energy and everything in our universe is connected by a web of energy. Each of the planets has its own energy and gifts to offer as a result of its own experiences. We are connected to all the planets and our birthday planet in particular. The 10 planets correlate to the Solar Glyphs and demonstrate another aspect of our birth sign. We can learn from the information that is broadcast energetically from it. Our connection with our birthday planet is created at birth and provides a resource of energy that supports our soul's growth. You can tap into this energy by using your intention. Simply calm your mind and emotions, ask to connect with it and know that there will be a connection. Simples! I am deeply grateful and thankful and happy that I discovered the Mayan chart all those years ago as it has been a constant source of support and wisdom on my meandering path through life, and I am in such a wonderful position to be able to help others find these answers. It is a true passion of mine to help as many people as possible, and what better way than to read your charts and help you find the answers you seek? We will have more exciting updates on this topic coming soon. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • New Moon in Taurus

    There will be a New Moon in Taurus at 20:00 GMT in the evening on Tuesday 11th May. Amazing! But how will that affect me? At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Tuesday after 20:00 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. Crystals to Access and Amplify our Intuition There are a number of crystals that work to help you access and amplify your intuition, making them ideal to use during any New Moon, here are three I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is a powerful stone of magic and divination and one that I work with at EVERY New Moon throughout the year. It reminds us that magic is always at work in our lives and helps us to access it by activating our psychic abilities while protecting us at the same time. It also helps us with our inner work to root out old patterns so we can heal the past ....... YAY! It really is a stone of new beginnings. Black Moonstone Moonstone is the crystal of the High Priestess and keeper of the feminine mysteries. Black Moonstone helps us connect with our inner wisdom, the Moon and all potential and possibilities. It is especially beneficial in the dark phase of the Moon. Black Moonstone is a stone of faith and trust that opens blockages and allows for guided healing from emotional trauma, releasing us from the past and opening us up to a new future. Clear Quartz This versatile crystal holds a super high vibration and is the magical all-rounder that knows it has a job to do in bringing healing light into the world. It can be programmed to hold your intentions for each Moon cycle and will then amplify them. Yes please! Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. Any way that feels good to you will be perfect. Our intentions are amplified in a major way if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Taurus. Taurus is grounded, responsible, patient, dedicated, sweet, sensual and nature-loving. It’s the perfect time to ground yourself and connect with the abundance of nature. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Taurus says that life is beautiful and we are on an abundant journey through life. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with Taurus: Love Yourself because how you value and treat yourself is of the utmost importance. Explore the 5 Senses because Taurus loves you to feel amazing in your own skin. Self-Assessment to determine if any Taurus characteristics (stubborn and lazy!) need bringing into balance at this time. Make a Plan with finances in mind as abundance and prosperity are in the spotlight at this time of year. Keep on Keeping on as the Taurus New Moon encourages us to be grounded, patient and persevere in the pursuit of our goals and dreams. ...... remember Taurus blossoms and we can too...... it's a choice! Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • 5:5:5 Portal

    Wednesday 5th of May is a really important date as it is the 5th day of the 5th month of the year. This is known as the 5:5 portal, but we are also in a 5 year as the numbers 2021 in Numerology combine to create the number 5! This presents us with the most spectacular opportunity to work with the extraordinary incoming energies for our highest good. What is a portal? A portal is an energetic gateway or doorway that creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies and channel, anchor and integrate them. The importance of numbers: In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul and patterns of numbers work together like a code. We can use days like these to connect more fully and readily with our higher nature and choose to elevate our consciousness. The meaning of the 5:5:5 portal The 5:5:5 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beloved planet. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each individual whether we actively engage with and make the most of the magnificent energies available to us. The Sun is in Taurus (the sign of prosperity) and 5 is the number of money and wealth, so today is the perfect day to manifest everything we desire in harmony with the Universe and create the life of our dreams. How to use the 5:5:5 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing abundance and prosperity to flow freely in our life. We can do this by asking questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I using repeatedly in connection with money? What restricting words do I use to describe my relationship with money? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past, the lower vibrations and then choose to invite in the newer, much higher vibrations to take their place. Call in your spirit guides to help you and use Aquamarine and Ocean Jasper (or any other you are called to) to support you in this process. Remember, Taurus will help us slow down and seize the moment with courage and conviction, as this energy never gives up on its hopes and dreams. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If you are inside, light a candle or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz crystal, a single point if you have one. Invite and visualise the 5:5:5 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your body. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it is deep within Mother Earth. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. The energies are passing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Focus on the light and keeping your vibration as high as possible. Do this until you are guided to stop. Drink plenty of pure water. Express gratitude and go for a walk or draw some oracle cards. We can ask the Universe to help us feel safe and secure and to know that we are enough and have always been enough. By releasing all limitations that we currently have, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the incredible and expansive beings of light that we truly are! Most importantly have fun, embrace the energies and use your crystals to support you. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • Celebrating Beltain

    On May 1st we celebrate Beltain, the sexy Spring cross-quarter festival of fertility and life. It is the peak of Spring, Mother Earth is at her most active and all life is literally bursting with potential. So are we, and just like her, we are growing too, in new, exciting and unexpected ways! The rampant potency of life force energy is on show as nature is growing and manifesting, but we can celebrate union, fertility and manifestation on many levels. It's time to connect with the wild instinctive forces within and without, above and below, and be aware of the magic and power of life force in all areas of our lives. What does Beltain mean? Beltain brings together the opposite elements of Fire and Water, Sun and rain, divine masculine and feminine, the rational and the intuitive, the active and receptive. Fertility is inherent in everything, anything is possible and manifestation is reaching the height of its power. Sparks are flying and our inner fires have been kindled, helping us to be spontaneous and act without hesitation. The energy surrounding Beltain is one of reverence for all of life, celebrating the beauty and abundance around us and honouring the fertility that grows from the union of opposites. It embodies the sacredness and power of passion, sexual pleasure and deep connections of the heart. At Beltain, powerful life forces are focused on all kinds of unions, releasing the magic of manifestation. This encourages us to bring all of our intentions, hopes and dreams into our physical reality as sex and our sexual nature is only one expression of our ability to birth life. When does Beltain happen? Beltain marks a really potent transition in the yearly cycle. The veils between the physical and spiritual worlds are very thin, making it one of the best times to connect and communicate with the spirit realms. This can bring incredible insight and understanding that expands our consciousness and supports our creative potential. From here to the Summer Solstice is the peak of sunlight that we look forward to during the darker winter months and now it's time to shine our light brightly out into the world around us. At this high energy time, we also need to be aware of what we need to be able to create the most fertile and positive environment for our personal growth. The history of Beltain: In the Pagan past, Beltain eve was the night of the 'greenwood marriage' where the union between the horned god and the fertile goddess was re-enacted by men and women to ensure the fertility of the land. It was party time and sexual energies were high. They spent the night in the woods, made love outside and stayed up all night to watch the sunrise. The god and goddess represent the great circle of life and death through the seasons. When these opposite forces combine they become the fertile force of manifest energy. Through their sacred union, they become transformed, both physically and spiritually. Beltain is the celebration of this magical and mystical transformation inherent in sexual union. May Day celebrations included dancing around the maypole which symbolises the joining of male and female energies. The Green Man danced around the edge and represented the spirit of vegetation. Another folklore custom was to tie ribbons and shreds of material to hawthorn trees, especially those by sacred wells. They would be dipped in the water and hung on the trees with prayers for healing and gifts to the guardian spirits of the well. How to celebrate Beltain: There are so many ways we can celebrate Beltain and we just have to choose what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas: Connect with Venus using a Rose Quartz crystal. Venus is the brightest star in the night sky and the planet of love. Make a wish upon a star! Focus on the heart chakra as it is green in colour with green Aventurine and connect to the energies of love and all life in nature. At this fertile time, we can communicate from the heart and express our inner truth. Create a temporary labyrinth and walk this ancient pathway in a walking meditation holding a Smoky Quartz crystal, and being open to receiving inspiration and guidance. Celebrate our sexuality and explore ways to connect with our wild energy with a Carnelian crystal. This can then be expressed through dance and song. Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace the energies and use your crystals to support you. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • Full Moon in Scorpio

    There will be a Full Super Moon in Scorpio at 04.31 GMT on Tuesday 27th April. This Full Moon is bringing us the feel-good factor, but can you feel the intensity of the energy?! What does a Full Moon mean? One of our New Moon intentions might be about to manifest or be on their way ..... or not! Regardless of the outcome, it is a time to count our blessings. At the Full Moon, we go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves ..... simples! Well it can be if we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are best friends and our allies with superpowers at any Full Moon. It can be hard to know where to start with healing, but fortunately, the Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see what needs to be done. So where do we start? We live in a world of energy- everything is energy. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Yay! Forgiveness holds the releasing power. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. When we forgive we release the karma which binds us to a situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean we condone the actions of another, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world A Full Moon in Scorpio Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. Right now the Sun is in the earthy and sensual sign of Taurus and the Moon is in the deep and intense sign of Scorpio. As the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, we are looking to find a balance between these two opposing energies. At their extremes, they are high maintenance scorching intensity (Scorpio) and lazy chilled out contentment (Taurus). We can use the strong emotional energy at the Scorpio Full Moon to ask ourselves tough questions about the issues that are troubling us right now and then allow time for self-reflection. The Full Moon is about to bring our spiritual life into our physical reality. It is time to ground everything we have learnt so far on our path and integrate it into our daily life. We can utilise the incredible energies of forgiveness and gratitude that are readily available to us at this time and apply them to our personal situation. 5 Questions to ask at the Scorpio Full Moon Here are five questions to help guide you during the Scorpio Full Moon: Where could I bring more love into my life where there has been fear? Where can I focus on being positive rather than negative? How can I be more loving and nurturing towards my physical body so I can feel more self-worth? Are there any situations where I could be more kind and sensitive? Which areas of my life can I instil trust instead of jealousy or suspicion? Crystals for support during the Scorpio Full Moon There are many, many crystals and minerals we can use to support us during the time of the Scorpio Full Moon. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my favourites for this Lunar cycle, they will help us to make the most of this phenomenal energy. Crystals for forgiveness Rose Quartz This pink variety of Quartz brings us into our heart centre to find more love and compassion for ourselves so we are in a better place to truly forgive. Rose Quartz brings about emotional healing and stability that enables us to see the good in another and know that forgiveness is all about us, not them. Aquamarine Cooling and soothing Aquamarine is a variety of blue Beryl that resonates with the energy of Water to promote release. Release is vitally important in our growth process as it allows us to let go of things that no longer serve us and make space for the things we choose to create anew. It does this by helping us let go of our attachment to the past which releases the hold on our present reality which has been keeping us stuck. Ocean Jasper The powerful flowing forces in Ocean Jasper stimulate positive energy to permeate through us in the present moment. Negativity and stress are banished, leading to a far more relaxed state allowing enjoyment of life and happiness rule. The ability of Ocean Jasper to help us let go and flow is rarely surpassed in my experience. This is because it is only found in Madagascar on the shore between low and high tide, making it a master of the element of Water and flow. Crystals for gratitude Hiddenite Hiddenite is a variety of Spodumene containing inclusions of chromium that emanates a liberating green ray of gratitude and healing. It works with the physical aspect of the heart to strengthen it so that we can focus on love with our whole heart. In this way, we can express genuine gratitude even when we feel lost, forlorn and downtrodden, and it seems like there is nothing to be grateful for. Lepidolite This fabulously calming and peaceful stone allows us to step off the crazy roller coaster of turbulent emotions that are triggered as part of the healing process. The high lithium content in Lepidolite calms the mind and soothes the emotions, bringing us to a place of serenity where we can then connect with the higher frequency of acceptance and gratitude. Tiger Eye Tiger Eye prompts us to express gratitude to ourselves for ourselves. Its balancing and encouraging energy helps us to see that there are infinite possibilities in every moment. This enables us to see the abundance already present in our lives and be thankful for it, which in turn attracts much more abundance into our lives. Winner winner! As forgiveness and gratitude are such an important part of the healing process, it would be a fabulous time to set up a grid with this intention in mind. The most important thing to remember is to use your intuition when selecting the best crystal or combination of crystals for you. This will support your practise of forgiveness and gratitude in the most powerful way. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • Taurus Blossoms

    As the Wheel of the Year turns, the Sun has moved into the sign of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and their combined energies encourage us to work steadily, but also take time to appreciate the finer things in life and then feel a sense of wonder and gratitude for being a part of such a beautiful and abundant world. What does this mean? Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the action and fiery upward moving energy of Aries, we have plummeted down to beautiful Earth with Taurus and are able to witness all of nature drawing on Mother Earth's abundant resources in order to blossom and grow. The focus is on money and self-worth because Taurus is the Fixed Earth Sign and Earth energy is physical energy. In fact, Taurus is the most earthly of all the 12 signs and embodies all things physical, sensual, abundant, stable, secure, practical, organised and structured. Fixed energy is lasting energy that helps us stay focused and productive. It is a great time to work at something that requires persistence and patience. The Benefits of Taurus Season We can each benefit from the current energies, but for those with a birthday in Taurus season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Taurus people are grounded, nature-loving, responsible, patient, dedicated, sensual and have a strong sense of self-worth. If you were born in the sign of Taurus it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Taurus season will help you to expand your natural gifts with grace if you take this opportunity. 3 Crystals for support during Taurus Season There are numerous crystals and minerals that we can choose to tune into the energy of Taurus. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Taurus season and to help channel this fabulous energy. Rose Quartz As a member of the Quartz family, Rose Quartz retains a dynamic intensity and healing power at the same time as manifesting a soft and sweet pink calming vibration. Yes, its beauty definitely belies its power! It is the perfect stone to accompany this time of year when love, peace and beauty all abound in nature. In helping to heal the heart, Rose Quartz teaches us that the source of love comes from within and this is essential for discovering self-worth and inner peace. Green Aventurine Think green and we think 'joie de vivre' as we reflect on the explosion of green growth in nature at this time of year. Green Aventurine fits the bill perfectly as a member of the Quartz family with green superpowers and is jet-propelled in terms of energy. It has such a fresh and uplifting vibe and its sparkling golden Fuchsite particles always make me smile. Green Aventurine has so much to offer us with its ability to help us embrace new challenges as we grow with confidence and optimism, bringing good fortune and bright blessings. I love it! This highly underrated and often overlooked crystal imparts a sense of balance and well being to the physical body, our precious home in this lifetime and focus during Taurus season. Clear Quartz Clear Quartz crystals are found on every continent around the world, so are very common and well known. They vibrate on the colour spectrum as clear white light which contains all the colours of the rainbow. This makes Clear Quartz the "Big Daddy" of the mineral kingdom, serving as a multi-function and all-purpose tool. You name it and Clear Quartz can do it! Clear Quartz crystals facilitate our own expansion of awareness because they channel high-frequency light and energy from the heavens onto the Earth plane. In clearing and cleansing the lower energies and density they bring just clarity which helps us to manifest what we need with ease. We can use any of these stones on their own or in combination to help promote the energy of Taurus in our life. The most important part is using your intuition in choosing the best crystals for you and this will allow you to truly blossom. With love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx Helpful links

  • How I became The Natural Healer

    A very long time ago in a land far far away, I was a teacher in a secondary school with absolutely no knowledge or experience of natural healing, let alone crystals. However there were obviously cosmic forces at work as it became very clear that teaching in a school was not my destiny. Over the years my inquisitive mind drew me towards holistic therapies and I was first introduced to crystals during Reiki training. My Reiki Master showed us a small bowl with a handful of tumble stones in it and gave a brief explanation of what they could do. Really?! My logical and scientific side was indeed sceptical, but there was a part of me that lit up right there and then, and my journey since has been simply incredible. The effect of Reiki on my life My Reiki training completely changed my life and set me on the journey I am on. For those who don't know the process of Reiki, there are three levels to complete to becoming a Reiki Master. Each is very different, but the energy and the change I felt at every level was phenomenal. Level 1 opened me up to energy Level 2 introduced to crystals Level 3 sent me into orbit! My discovery of Crystals Early in 2011 when I started practicing as a Reiki Master and Teacher, I used crystals in my treatments. Nothing fancy, just a set of 7 chakra crystals plus Clear and Smoky Quartz that had been a gift from a friend. The more I worked with them, the more I knew that I needed to use a variety of crystals, not just the same set every time for everyone. I started experimenting and quickly became confident using whatever crystals I was drawn to. Learning about the energy of Crystals For the next 3 years I worked with someone who could only be described as a wizard and his life was filled with crystals, pendulums and magic like I had never come across before. He would select crystals and I would sit holding one at a time and simply experience their energy. It took time, practice, focus and determination. In the beginning I might get nothing or only one word, but by the end of our time working together I could tune in with ease and hear/feel/see/sense whatever information the crystal had to offer me. He would sometimes add more of the same type of crystal, but in a different form to see how that affected me. On occasions he would hand me the same type of crystal from two different mines or countries and ask if I could differentiate between their energies. I could tell him what the energy of the crystal was all about and in return he would gift me the crystal. He bought crystals wholesale, lots of crystals, so there was always an abundance of crystals to work with! During this apprenticeship he also taught me to dowse for the energy balance in the 12 chakra system and then determine which crystal or crystal combination was needed to bring them back into wholeness. Crystal elixirs were the magic that always made me smile. I was rapidly discovering a breath taking new world that existed way beyond the outer reaches of my current reality. At the end of my apprenticeship I continued to use crystals in all my treatments and I was incredibly grateful, thankful and happy to now have a fabulous and diverse selection of crystals and minerals to work with. Working with Crystals I naturally have a very strong drive to evolve constantly, to find new and different ways to support the soul's journey through this lifetime. I have found that the more we understand ourselves, our innate nature, personality and characteristics (all of them!) the easier our path becomes. The saying "know thyself" is a cornerstone, a foundation and always the perfect place to start. I very enthusiastically started to discover a variety of ways that I could use crystals to support me in my own life. I was always the guinea-pig for my ideas and in reaping the benefits of my experimentation I would then introduce them to my friends and clients. Their response never failed to amaze and astound me and the more I shared, the more I realised what a valuable source of support they were. So I had crystals in my pockets, crystal jewellery, crystals under the bed, crystals on the bedside table, crystals in my water, and crystals in every room around the house. Crystals, crystals everywhere! Always in conjunction with other energy tools I am drawn to that feed the senses and support my growth. I was always searching for natural ways to heal myself in any situation and I started using a book to give me suggestions. Did you know that there is a crystal for this, that and all the things you could possibly imagine or ever have going on with you! Crystals had become such a huge and integral part of my life. Friends, family and clients started requesting specific crystals so I started travelling to shows around the country. Waking up on these days brought more childlike excitement than Christmas morning and made me so happy. I found a couple of suppliers that I could really trust and for several years I would travel to meet them and come home laden with as many crystals as I could get in the car or the bank account would allow. Creating The Natural Healer September 2019 brought big changes to my life! My Fire energy was rampaging all over the place with treatments, crystals, essential oils, animal communication and more having me shooting off in all directions. A timely decision was made to focus solely on sourcing beautiful crystals from around the world, and so, The Natural Healer was born. What we didn't see coming was that within 6 months of making this decision there would be a global pandemic in play! This created challenges for everyone and new challenges for our business. Gone were the days of travelling to crystal fairs around the country and we had to adapt to be able to continue our dream. To achieve this we had to embrace an unfamiliar type of magic.....the internet! We are now blessed in being connected to some wonderful souls around the world, allowing us to select the best possible crystals, minerals and precious stones. Every crystal that comes to us is cleansed, charged, loved and cared for in a multitude of ways... whatever I am guided to at the time: Water, Sun and Moon energy, classical music, incense and serenading with singing bowls are always options ..... but the power lies with intention, focus and visualisation and this combination helps me to co-create crystal alchemy. In this way I am able to activate and expand the crystal's energy so that it can fulfil its potential and expression in the highest way possible. We are a specialist family run business that prides itself in the quality and energy of the crystals that we offer. Mother Nature is of the utmost importance to us and so it was a significant decision to source natural packaging as far as possible to keep our crystals and minerals safe while they are in transit to their new guardians. We love what we do and do what we love. We care deeply about our crystals and our loyal crystal family who share our passion, as well as being able to share our knowledge and experience with as many people as possible. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • New Moon in Aries

    Read on to find out how the New Moon in Aries will affect the energy available to us, how to successfully release your intentions for this Lunar cycle, and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time. New Moon in Aries Aries energy is assertive, active, decisive and courageous. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting! At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our inner guidance as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. We can write our intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but we can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak our intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when we have finished. There is no right or wrong way, the way that feels good to you will be the best way. Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Aries. Aries is confident, motivated, inspired and leads the way into new territory. It’s the perfect time to initiate something new and be a pioneer. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Aries says the time is now. Today not tomorrow. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Take action and do it! 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 helpful intentions that align with Aries: Take Action because there is nothing that Aries likes to do more! Make a Plan because it will help you channel all this fiery Aries energy into positive action. Get Your Brave Pants On because courage is what you need to get out of your comfort zone and make it happen. Spotlight on You and what you need to create your best possible life. Laugh because we can forget that it's all about the journey and we need to have as much fun as possible. 3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is always perfect at the New Moon as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us to identify outdated repeating patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we connect with the higher realms. Bloodstone This resilient stone builds personal power and brings the confidence to set bolder New Moon intentions in the sign of Aries. It's the start of the new zodiac year so bring it on!! Bloodstone lends a supportive and comforting energy as we move forward with greater determination. Crazy Lace Agate This colourful Agate pairs beautifully with the happy energy of Aries. It supports and strengthens the physical body and keeps it firmly grounded and in the present moment while accessing the higher energies for guidance at the New Moon. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of the Lunar cycle when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Then let the magic unfold! ...... and remember Aries always shows up with confidence, and it is important that we do too! Love and New Moon blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Aries Rocks!!

    As the Wheel of the Year turns and we find ourselves back at the beginning with Aries season heralding the start of a new astrological year, it is a very exciting and optimistic time to be alive. Aries- the start of the Astrological year Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy around us and it is always a perfect match for the time of year. Just like Spring sees Mother Nature exploding into life after the darkness and introspection of Winter, Aries carries the spark of life and announces "I am here, I am alive, let's do this!" That is because Aries is the Cardinal Fire Sign. Fire energy is life force energy! It embodies passion, confidence, action, risk-taking, motivation, leadership, energy and sparkle in abundance. Cardinal energy is initiating energy that helps us start new projects, new anything. Its time to start afresh. No matter what has gone before, this is an opportunity to begin again with a clean slate. The benefits of Aries Season We can each benefit from the current energies, but for those with a birthday in Aries season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Aries people are active, upbeat, enthusiastic, confident, enterprising, courageous, decisive, charismatic and natural leaders. If you were born in the sign of Aries it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Aries season will help you to expand your natural gifts with ease if you take this opportunity. 3 Crystals for support during Aries Season There numerous crystals and minerals that we can choose to tune into the energy of Aries. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourite crystals in 2021 for support during Aries season and to help channel this fabulous energy. Bloodstone This stunning mineral can be a variety of Jasper or opaque Chalcedony. It is green with red spots and patches and to me it is a real warrior stone. Its energy grounds us so successfully into our physical bodies, bringing us into present time and elevating our vitality, strength and determination. I love the way it instils feelings of stability, equanimity, self-assurance and just being comfortable in our own skin. This truly gives us the courage to dive head first into new adventures. Bloodstone improves physical wellness and builds personal power to achieve the feeling that anything is possible and we are a unshakeable force to be reckoned with. Superpowers anyone?! Pyrite Its name is derived from the Greek word for Fire and with its dazzling gold coloured appearance it really is a case of watch out world here we come! It is a stone of action, confidence and manifestation, activating the power of the Solar Plexus chakra to enhance willpower so we can take positive, assertive action. Pyrite feeds the qualities of ambition, persistence and commitment which are so prevalent in Aries and help us to become our own kind of rockstar! Sunstone A beautiful type of Feldspar that exhibits an unbelievable sparkly, spangly and eye popping effect when turned in the light. It brings the radiance of the Sun into our lives with all its associated qualities. Reflecting the qualities of light it really does have it all going on as stone of leadership... inspiring responsibility, benevolence and expanded levels of consciousness. Joyful Sunstone also brings an abundance of blessings into all areas of our lives and makes us feel alive, vital and enthusiastic. Like the Sun appearing from behind the clouds and making the world seem a better place, it begs the question "why wouldn't you?" We can use any of these stones on their own or in combination to help promote the energy of Aries in our life. With love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx Helpful Links Bloodstone Pyrite Sunstone

  • Crystal Skulls - The Stuff of Myth and Legend

    There is nothing quite like a crystal skull for eliciting a strong reaction, both positive and negative. They really are the Marmite of crystal carvings, you tend to either love them or hate them! Did you ever stop to wonder why? Why would you want a crystal skull? Many years ago when I first got the crystal bug, crystal skulls made me screw my face up and just wonder why? Why would you do that? Why would you want one? Why would you spoil a perfectly good crystal? You get the idea! Well, Western culture very much views the skull as a symbol of mortality, death and evil, so it was kind of obvious why initially I didn't like to see beautiful crystals carved in this way. My understanding of death was very limited at the time, but since then my level of awareness has expanded around this concept. In opening to the idea that they have a higher and positive purpose, I started to investigate how other cultures consider crystal skulls as they have a long and varied history of use with multiple overlapping variations and connotations. Cultural traditions and crystal skulls: Celtic traditions view the skull as the seat of power that depicted the cyclical nature of life and gateways for receiving knowledge. In India, skulls have important religious significance. Hindus see life and death as part of the cosmic cycle to be embraced as it is simply the natural progression of life. In Tibet, skulls have a traditional representation of death, and so have been incorporated into Buddhist mala beads to represent the fragility of life and the limits of human knowledge. While in Mexico they actively celebrate the Day of the Dead with skulls decorated with garish patterns and colours. This is to celebrate the lives of their loved ones that are now in spirit. Native American culture shows us that skulls for them are symbolic of respect, honour, power, pride, leadership, and spirituality. In many Eastern traditions, the skull is an esoteric symbol. There are legends that associate the skull with powerful deities and many are depicted wearing skull necklaces. Skulls are also a common feature in the myths of the Mayan and Aztec ancient civilisations of South America as well as in the relatively recent tribal activities of North America. The creation of Crystal Skulls: It appears that the earliest crystal skulls were made of Quartz. Believed to be 5,000 to 30,000 years old and remnants of the ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis that possess magical powers, the ancient skulls were carved as receptacles for esoteric knowledge. According to Mesoamerican Indian myth, thirteen Crystal Skulls were carved from a single piece of crystal. They belonged to the goddess of death. Known as "the mothers and fathers of wisdom", they taught that death was simply a doorway to another dimension. These ancient skulls not only carried hidden wisdom but also gifts of healing and telepathy. Supposedly one of these skulls has been found, way back in 1927, during an archaeological dig at a Mayan Temple in Belize. It is known as the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and is surrounded by controversy. Regardless of whether this skull is modern or ancient, once it was activated it had a distinctive energy field and contained images of the past, present and future. Crystal Skulls in the modern world: One thing that is indisputable is that crystal skulls have been triggering the imagination of mankind for eons of time. Whether you love them or hate them, crystal skulls now come in all shapes, sizes and stone type, and are becoming very popular. There is a long tradition of skulls that communicate wisdom and guidance to their keepers. Regardless of whether they are old or new, they share the same resonance and have created an energy network that connects them around the globe. Super cool or what? The healing properties of Crystal Skulls: When we perceive them in a positive way, Crystal Skulls represent wisdom, information and higher intelligence. They help to raise our awareness and level of consciousness and enable us to tap into the consciousness of the Earth and mineral kingdom and are able to support our health and well-being. The healing properties of each skull really depend on the crystal from which it has been carved. Skulls are fabulous to meditate with or to use for scrying if they have clarity. They are amazing tools for personal and planetary evolution when used with respect and integrity. "Crystal Skulls are the computers of the ancients, they contain important information that helps humanity to pass through its current series of challenges to take us into a Golden Age." - Unattributed Modern Shaman How to Communicate with your Crystal Skull: Place your hands on either side of the top of the skull and gaze into its eyes. Take a few moments to be present, ground and centre yourself and focus on your breath. With the greatest of respect acknowledge the skull's higher energy and ask for this to completely fill and surround you. Ask that your vibration attunes to that of the skull. Notice any thoughts, feelings, words, images or anything that comes to you. Discover and shop our selection of Crystal Skulls: We have a wide selection of crystal skulls online in our shop, discover some of them here: With love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • How to Develop a Lasting Love Affair With Crystals

    Crystals are the most amazing things. We can benefit hugely from them just by having them in our environment. Their beauty is a constant source of inspiration and also helps us to recognise our own inner beauty. Crystals connect us with the higher energies of Spirit, enabling us to see and develop the light within ourselves so we can evolve with grace and ease. Why should I work with crystals? If this is the role we choose for our crystals then that's fabulous, BUT there is so much more they can do for us if we take the time to develop a more intimate relationship with them. We can get to know our crystals on a whole new level so that they are able to offer us the most incredible levels of support and guidance. When we connect with crystals as equals with respect and humility, they can help us bring balance and peace into our lives, and help us develop important skills and abilities while guiding us on our path. We are taught to have and keep our attention and focus outside of ourselves the majority of the time. In order to tune into crystals, minerals and stones, we need our attention firmly inside of ourselves, inside our physical body. When we do this we are able to sense crystal energy and pick up on the subtle vibrations they emit. The saying 'go within or go without' couldn't be more appropriate. We live our best life when we stop, go within and be still. Working with crystals in this way is a form of meditation that is hugely beneficial and it is a great way to meet and greet a new arrival or find out what wisdom an old friend wants to impart. You might already have a specific crystal in mind that you would like to work with. If not then simply survey your crystals with a soft eye and an open heart to see which one calls to you and would like your attention at that moment in time. Alternatively, if you seek specific help with a particular issue (maybe grounding, intuition or transmuting lower energies), then focus on the issue as you survey your crystals and one will make itself known to you. Please note that practice, patience and persistence are all likely to be necessary! However, consistent effort will be rewarded in the most unbelievable ways that are unimaginable at this point in the journey. How do you work with crystals? Here are three steps to help you work with your crystals and develop a connection with them. 1. Preparation Allow a few minutes to make the transition from the busy outer world to the stillness we find within. Sitting in the same space each time we do this and beginning with a simple ritual like lighting a candle, breathwork, meditation, music/chanting, oils, crystals or whatever feels right in the moment. This alerts the subconscious mind to what is about to happen and will make the transition easier every time we do it. 2. Connection I like to hold the crystal in my left hand to tune in to it. The left side is our receptive side and so the energies flow easily and effortlessly into the body from here. You might choose to sit with it directly in front of you on a table or with it sat in your lap, but whatever choice you make will be perfect for you. Then close your eyes, bring your attention into the body, relax and be still. 3. Feel for the Energy Keep your attention within your body, be patient and just see what comes up. We can pick up on the messages from crystals in the form of colours, feelings, images, words, inner knowing, messages, symbols..... This can be in the physical body or the energy field or ..... Be open to absolutely anything and choose to accept it simply as information from the crystal specifically for you. Top Tip: It is a great idea to keep a journal or notepad to log your crystal encounters. The more you practice the more you will sense the crystal energy and the more rewarded you will be with a new depth and richness in your life. That's the magic and essence of developing a love affair with crystals!

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