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  • Surrender to your potential

    This week we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. There is a whole lot of energy around, but what does this actually mean? If you are wondering why the Full Moon so significant, what you should do during the Full Moon, what does a Full Moon in Aquarius mean or even what crystals you should use during this time, then don't worry. We have all the answers below! Keep reading to find out. With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for: When is the Full Super Moon in Aquarius? Why is a Full Moon important? What should I do during a Full Moon? Understanding the Full Moon in Aquarius 5 Questions to ask at the Aquarian Full Moon Crystals for support during this time When is the Full Moon in Aquarius? There will be a Full Moon in Aquarius at 03.37 GMT on Saturday 24th July. The Moon will also be between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) all night!! It really is time to find our balance. Why is a Full Moon important? The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions is about to manifest or could be on its way. We need to spend time outside and look up at the Moon, connect to our primal instincts and feel wild and free. Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receive what is available to us right now. Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are the major players at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see exactly what inner work needs to be done. What should I do during a Full Moon? We live in a world of energy, a web of energy where all things are connected. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously choose to fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Fabulous! Forgiveness holds the releasing power and creates a void. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. Forgiveness sets us free as when we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a person, situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean that we condone the actions of someone else, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Understanding the Full Moon in Aquarius Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. Right now the Sun is in the fun and regal sign of Leo, while the Moon is in the free-spirited and unconventional sign of Aquarius. As the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, we are looking to find a balance between these two opposing energies. Leo represents expressing the truth of our being and claiming our sovereignty and Aquarius that of a network of supportive kindred spirits. As such we are called to find the balance between the self and community. We can use the strong and innovative energy at the Aquarian Full Moon to ask ourselves tough questions about the issues that are troubling us right now and then allow time for self-reflection. The Full Moon is about to bring our spiritual life into our physical reality. It is time to ground everything we have learnt so far on our path and integrate it into our daily life. We can utilise the incredible energies of forgiveness and gratitude that are readily available to us at this time and apply them to our current situation. 5 Questions to ask at the Aquarian Full Moon Here are five questions to help guide us during the Aquarian Full Moon: How have I allowed myself to evolve and grow this month? Am I making friends with people for all the right reasons? How can I live life more from my heart centre and less from my head? Am I embracing the romance of life or am I too concerned with practical considerations? Have I been doing things my way all the time, just for the sake of it? Is it my way or the highway?! Crystals for support during this time There is an abundance of crystals and minerals we can use to support us during the time of this Aquarian Full Moon. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my favourites for this Lunar cycle, they will help us to make the most of this supersonic energy. Moonstone A crystal for any phase of the Lunar cycle, but it really resonates with the energy of Aquarius too! Aquarius might be an Air sign, but its symbol is the water bearer and its energy is very much connected to emotions and feelings. Moonstone brings emotional balance, calm, heightened intuition and the ability to see the hidden truths within ourselves. Choose your favourite colour or type of Moonstone and it will be perfect right now! Amethyst Amethyst is a primary birthstone for Aquarius and it is a crystal that helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and bring patience to the fore at a time when emotions and energy are running at a high. It holds the power of purification which is a total blessing at the Full Moon to cleanse and clear the way for a bright new future. It is a stone that helps Aquarian energy to determine the best course of action moving forward with new and exciting manifestations because it gets in touch with intuition and spiritual guidance. Celestite Celestite is a beautiful Aquarius birthstone that partners brilliantly with the Aquarius Full Moon. Its wonderful vibration connects us with the angelic realms and encourages spiritual development as we move forward on our path. Its soothing and calming energy helps us to stay balanced and flexible, especially at a time when crazy chaos can be the order of the day! Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this fabulous Full Moon. It's setting us up for the transformation we so desire and supporting us at the same time. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • It's your time to shine!

    The Wheel of the Year keeps turning through the warm Summer months and the Sun moves into the fiery sign of Leo at 15.26 (GMT) on Thursday 22nd June 2021. Leo is ruled by the Sun and their combined energies inspire us to shine our light brightly into the world. What Does the Sun in Leo Mean? Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the generous and caring energy of Cancer, we are now all fired up with the playful and creative energy of Leo. Up we go! The focus is on creativity because Leo is the Fixed Fire Sign. Fire energy is life force energy that embodies energy, action, leadership, passion, motivation, confidence and sparkle and Leo explores the themes of expression, individuality, loyalty and respect. Fixed energy is lasting energy that keeps us directed and productive. It is a great time to focus our energy on something that requires passion and dedication. The Benefits of Leo Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Leo season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Leo people are fun-loving, generous, spirited, big-hearted, noble, playful and imaginative. If you were born in the sign of Leo it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Leo season will help you to expand your natural gifts with grace if you choose to embrace this opportunity. It's time to: Love Yourself - Leo rules the heart and there is nothing more important than loving ourselves. We can open our hearts and celebrate our greatness Leo style, in a humble rather than arrogant way. Be Creative - Leo teaches us that creativity is how we express our individual nature. I love the saying 'be yourself, everyone else is taken' and it is highly appropriate here! Celebrate Life - The more we do this the more we will have to celebrate in our lives and Leo just loves to have fun and celebrate at any opportunity. Indulge Yourself - Because we are so worthy and Leo reminds us that we are all super special souls and have so much to offer the world. 3 Crystals for support during Leo Season There are many many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Leo. As ever be guided in the moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Leo season and to help channel this magnificent energy. Tiger eye A fabulously striking and shimmering Leo stone that enhances all the qualities that this archetype possesses in abundance. Tiger Eye is the ultimate support for balanced will-power, confidence and drive that helps manifest dreams into reality through the power of intention setting. As a 'grounded and guided' stone, Tiger Eye gives Leo energy a transformational boost to reach its highest potential in this lifetime. Garnet Garnet is another Leo crystal that symbolises this Sun sign perfectly as it lights a powerful fire that brings out the best in Leo. The luscious dark velvety red of Garnet also enhances strength and promotes loyalty and courage. The grounded perspective that Garnet has to offer helps to balance Leo while retaining charisma and flair. Carnelian The flaming orange energy of Carnelian encourages passion, vitality and creativity which are all key themes for Leo. Carnelian also inspires confidence and instils happiness which are natural states of being for Leo and this enables their generous heart to be shared more readily. We can use any of these stones on their own or in combination to help promote the energy of Leo. It is imperative to use our guidance when choosing our crystals as this always allows us to make the perfect decision. With love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Understanding the New Moon in Cancer

    There will be a New Moon in Cancer at 02.16 GMT on Saturday 10th July. Cancer energy is loving, gentle, comforting, nurturing, flowing and intuitive. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect on our lives when we work with it. At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Saturday after 02.16 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. Crystals to Support the New Moon There are any number of crystals that can work to help us access and amplify the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite was made for the New Moon as it helps us with our inner work to root out old patterns so we can heal the past and create a new way forward. It really is a stone of new beginnings that is fantastic to work with as we start the Lunar cycle. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it reminds us that magic always surrounds us in our lives, we just have to open our eyes to see it. Smoky Quartz A fabulous crystal and divinely feminine in nature to work with when we choose to focus on growth, elimination of bad habits and mental/emotional healing at the New Moon in Cancer. That's apart from all the other amazing qualities that this powerhouse has to offer like grounding, protection and manifesting our dreams Blue Kyanite We can make great use of this stunning crystal as it loves supporting us with emotionally orientated intentions and goals. As a stone of connection, it has a natural affinity with emotional healing as it helps us to dissolve repeating emotional patterns that no longer serve us. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold! How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. Any way that feels good to you will be perfect. Our intentions are amplified in a major way if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Cancer. Cancer is sincere, romantic and loves family time. It’s the perfect time to upgrade how we choose to live at home and the nature of the relationships we have there. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Cancer says that home is the heart of the family and all relationships evolve and grow from here. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Cancer: Family Time as nothing matters more to Cancer and life really is too short to have tension and issues that need resolving Nurture and look after ourselves as we are worthy of self-love Bathe in a new and luxurious way by upgrading our bath time experience with beeswax candles, pure essential oils and other gifts from nature Review Our Goals by reflecting on our resolutions and goals for 2021and being honest about our progress as we enter the second half of the year Banish Moodiness by focusing on meditation ...... remember Cancer cares deeply and it is so important that we do too! Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • The 7:7 Portal

    Friday 7th of July is another really significant date as it is the 7th day of the 7th month in a 7 year (2+0+2+3=7). So what is known as the 7:7 portal, this year will be upgraded to the 7:7:7 portal, and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the extraordinary incoming energies for our highest good. It is time for another supersonic and timely initiation! What is a portal? A portal is an energetic doorway or gateway to an expanded state of consciousness. It creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies so we can make huge shifts in our life. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies by channelling, anchoring and integrating them. The importance of numbers: In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul, so are not easily understood by the logical mind. Patterns of numbers work together like a code and are interpreted by the subconscious mind. We can use these power days to connect more fully with our higher nature and consciously choose to elevate our awareness, vibration and level of understanding. The meaning of the 7:7:7 portal The 7:7:7 portal will be truly supercharged with the addition of an extra 7 this year, serving to amplify the energies more than normal. This gateway offers us a portal of light that will transmit activation codes by streaming rays of light down onto us and our beautiful planet. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us at this time. 7 is such a spiritual number. It symbolises enlightenment and is a number of wholeness that unites the mind, body, spirit and emotions. The highest ideal of the sacred number 7 symbolises the Mystic, Merlin, the Wise Sage! It is the path of exploration of the internal essence of Being and the meaning of life. The Sun is currently in Cancer (nurturing) and 7 is the number of spirit, so today is the perfect day to manifest a deeper and more meaningful connection with the energies that illuminate and guide our journey from the higher realms. How to use the 7:7:7 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with my intuition and guidance? What restricting words do I use to describe my relationship with my Higher Self, guides, angels and Source/Creator/God? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in your heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place. Call in your spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help you and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals you are guided to support you in this process. Remember, Cancer will help you to love yourself enough to nurture these mystical relationships and honour your intuition on your sacred journey. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If you are inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a crystal of choice. Invite and visualise the 7:7:7 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and Gaia gateway, and keeping going until it is deep within the heart of Mother Earth. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Let the light do the work. Just focus on the light moving through you. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink lots of pure water. Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'. Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. Crystals for Support at the 7:7:7 Portal A 'grounded and guided' crystal I love to work with on portal days is Astrophyllite and Garnet as it helps us to connect with the cosmos so easily. In essence this one crystal contains a combination of different minerals within its structure, ones that connects, us to the highest energies (Astrophyllite) and others that help us to keep our feet firmly on the ground (Garnet). With all this phenomenal energy flying around, staying aligned and balanced is so important, and can be quite a challenge on days like these. Oh and then there are other fabulous crystals that resonate with the number 7! Here are a few... Amethyst Amethyst's gentle vibrations bring a calmness that allows the mind to open up to new experiences. The divine connection it reinforces promotes inspiration and intuition, opening you up to the secrets of the Universe. When you accept its guidance, it will guide you toward your soul mission and purpose in life. Hawk Eye Hawk Eye brings clarity by releasing you from confused and limited thinking, helping you to understand the greater connections in life. It supports mental stability and develops your perceptiveness. It can also show you what is damaging your soul. Kunzite Kunzite connects to your soul and helps you to express the infinite supply of love available to you. Kunzite possesses the ability to help you to grow spiritually and trust the Universe, it dispels fear and mental suffering, allowing divine love to resonate within you. Azurite Azurite has an incredibly powerful activating energy for the Third Eye chakra, allowing you access to the higher realms and helping you to develop spiritually. It literally opens the door to your inner world, promoting awareness and consciousness. Above all, make sure you follow your own guidance with your choice of crystals and other tools. We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our 3rd eye and intuition, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are, connected to both the physical and spiritual worlds! Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy. Our crystals can be the best support for us at this time of transition. Love and portal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • 5 Crystals for Meditation

    In our previous post, we explored how meditation can benefit us all and why it can be such a powerful tool to help change our lives for the better- if you haven't read it, you can here. Today we are building on this post, we are going to explore in more detail how you can use crystals to boost your experience with meditation. Why should we use crystals when meditating? Crystals help us in so many ways, they provide us with the most magnificent support during meditation. They can ground us, quiet the lower mind and then allow us to create a divine connection so we can receive wisdom and guidance. Meditation takes practice, patience and perseverance and I for one will take all the help I can get from my crystals to make it a more pleasurable and rewarding experience. How to use crystals during meditation We could use one, several or all of these energies with us during meditation. The more we have in our collections, the greater variety of options we have available to us, and then we can call on whichever is necessary at any one time. In using all five, we could place one on either side of us, one in our lap and then one in each hand. If using one or two crystals then I recommend having them in your hand(s). Go with whatever feels good for you on the day. What crystals should I use when meditating? There are no rules when it comes to choosing which crystal you should use whilst meditating, just trust your intuition and select the crystal(s) you feel drawn to. If you are new to this, here are 5 crystals we recommend using to help you during meditation. Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz is a master at grounding, transmuting negative energies and connecting us to the light. This multi-talented crystal not only grounds us into our physical bodies, but it also helps us to ground spiritual information too! It clears lower energies and keeps our environment protected while we are meditating, keeping us safe at all times. In connecting us to the light it doesn't take us up to higher dimensions and raise our frequency, it brings them down to us and our level of perception, making it easier for us to ground any guidance we get into our physical reality. Amethyst This much-loved beauty calms the mind and stimulates the Crown chakra which helps us to move into a higher state of consciousness during meditation and then we find it easier to connect with higher energies. By clearing and purifying our energy field, Amethyst works to help us clear and purify our energy field, leaving us with a sparkly protective shield leaving us feeling safe and protected. Ammonite For those who are so far out of their bodies that they don't really know what it feels like to be grounded, this well-known fossil can be a huge asset during meditation. It has an incredible way of grounding us into our body and connecting us deep into the heart of Mother Earth in the kindest and gentle of ways. This can help to make grounding an experience that is likely to be repeated. Ammonites are also symbols of change and positive motion with their spiral representing our evolution on the Earth plane. They can be the perfect partner as we choose to raise our level of consciousness and awareness with meditation. Selenite This exceptionally powerful and high vibration crystal is one of the best for facilitating experiences where we can receive the inner guidance we are seeking during meditation. It does this by opening and activating the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star chakras, which raises our awareness to the higher dimensions and beings of light we find there, in addition to our Higher Self. Selenite is also a super-fast cleanser of our energy field, clearing blocked or lower energies and making us feel very light and bright! Fluorite This amazing crystal is just the best for helping us discipline the unruly Lower Mind and get it back under control. The quieter the Lower Mind the easier it is to meditate. Fluorite clears the Lower Mind of muddled thoughts and negativity, bringing a new sense of clarity. Fluorite also balances the third eye, so insight and intuition are more readily accessible and available to us. You can use any crystal(s) whilst meditating, but these are a great place to start when you are beginning your journey. Experiment, have fun, and trust your intuition. Love and blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Meditation Basics - Where to Begin?

    Meditation can be truly life-changing, especially for people who have never meditated before. It can seem overwhelming when you don't know where to start, so we have put together a guide to help you understand what meditation is and the benefits. Here is a quick overview, select the title to be taken to that section: What is meditation Why should we meditate? Understanding the Lower Mind Releasing the Lower Mind with meditation The benefits of meditation Meditation aids Understanding Meditation Meditation is a word that is used A LOT, especially at the moment, it is a fast-growing recommendation in all walks of life, it is even now recommended by doctors. But what is meditation? Hearing the word is one thing, but when it comes to doing it, gosh it can seem completely overwhelming. Let's start by understanding what meditation is. What is meditation? Meditation allows us to listen to the Universe and hear its wisdom and guidance. It is an exercise in mind training that allows us to be in a state of focused awareness so we can access the Universal Mind. We use meditation to get past the Lower/left/logical/ego/distracted/shouty/monkey Mind and connect with the Higher/right/intuitive/whispering/peaceful Mind and all higher energies in the cosmos. The human mind is unbelievably powerful and yet we are rarely taught even its basic workings, let alone how to grasp an advanced understanding of it. We have been taught to think, think and then think some more because the mind has all the answers, but does it really?! The overworked mind jumps from one thought to another and back again and then onto another amassing in the region of 60,000 thoughts every single day! Why should we meditate? Imagine deciding that we are going to walk to a specific place. In order to get there, we would naturally take the most direct and accessible route. So what would happen if we took a couple of steps and then turned right, took another couple of steps and changed direction and then continued to do this again and again and again? Oh my word, the chances of getting to our destination would be so remote, but this is how our mind works, jumping from one thought to another, getting distracted, changing direction all the time and never keeping focused on the goal. If we cannot focus on the destination of choice then the chances are we won't get there and if we do it will only be by chance. Understanding the Lower Mind Working in isolation, the Lower Mind becomes stressed and frustrated even though it likes to feel important and in charge. It can't cope with doing the jobs of the body, emotions and spirit as they each have a distinctly different and vitally important role to play in helping us live our lives in a balanced and harmonious way. Childhood conditioning and education taught us at a very early age to get out of our body and into our mind; our Lower Mind. It was then celebrated and championed as the master and it valiantly took control and started calling all the shots. Now don't get me wrong, the Lower Mind has a very important job to do, but it got promoted to a position of authority that it never signed up for. It was working far too hard and having been assigned a variety of jobs that weren't its responsibility, it was never going to be able to fulfil all of these roles. Releasing the Lower Mind with meditation The Lower Mind was always meant to be working in harmony with the body, emotions and spirit.... each having their own unique and very specific role to play in co-creating a magnificent holistic symphony that is our life experience. So the Lower Mind needs to become the servant instead of the master and take a well-deserved rest. For most of us, it has worked far too hard for far too long and meditation gives us the opportunity to bring all 4 aspects of ourselves (body, mind, spirit and emotions) back into healing and balance. We have the power to take back control and have the Lower Mind working the way we want, with discipline, focus, and clarity. I love the Lower Mind, it is just very misunderstood. We need to show it love, kindness and some radical new boundaries. When we calm and organise the Lower Mind and keep it unwaveringly focused, which in turn organises the physical body, the emotions and the spirit. This is how we become empowered; when all our actions are properly directed and we take conscious action instead of being in a constant state of compulsive and habitual action. The benefits of meditation There are so many benefits to meditating, some we have already covered, but here are my favourite reasons that using meditation can benefit your life. Manifesting with meditation By doing this we are choosing to be the creator of our reality instead of just existing as a part of creation. This makes manifestation a simpler and far more successful process. When the mind is ordered it is a total game-changer. The way we think is the way we feel so our emotions become ordered. When the mind and emotions are ordered the body becomes ordered and when they are all pointing in the same direction then our energy is ordered, efficient and effective. Full house! When all 4 are organised we become the creator and can manifest, but for this process to work, it is essential to have a positive mindset. Negative thoughts can be eliminated by having faith and trust, but if we have no connection to the source of all creation then how can we have any faith and trust in it? We simply wouldn't trust someone we didn't know and it takes experiencing source/creator/God in meditation to build that relationship and trust. Letting go with meditation The Lower Mind loves to think it has everything under control, but the Universe has the grand plan for our lives so letting go of control is vital. What is that control anyway? A fear of change? How does this control benefit us? It doesn't, it just stops us flowing with the natural current and divine order that leads to our best possible life. Meditation helps us to accept the grand plan that the Universe has for us. When life is not happening the way we think it should be then we tend to be unhappy about it because we have been taught to impose so many restrictions on ourselves...... more control! Without thinking we let past experiences dictate what is possible or not possible in our life. Meditation can help us to free ourselves from the shackles of confinement and limitation and let life happen freely and spontaneously. Finding peace with meditation If we approached life differently, open to infinite possibilities, then we could choose to be happy in any moment regardless of what is happening at the time, knowing that everything is happening as it should and life is responding to us. It's a choice we can make at any time. We can choose this or something better! By simply striving for what we want (for our highest good) then anything is possible. We can create our reality by using our positive thoughts in the most powerful way. The Universe loves us to have clarity and responds readily to it, so we have to get really clear on what it is that we want. In a nutshell, all we really ever want is a life filled with joy, peace and loving relationships as any specifics will fall into one of these categories. No specifics are required, we just need to keep it really simple as the Lower Mind loves complexity. So we need to focus on peace, love and joy and then commit ourselves to creating it. When this happens we are able to experience physical health and pleasure, mental peace and calm, emotional love and compassion and spiritual bliss and ecstasy. Now wouldn't that be nice? Well, it is possible with meditation. Meditation aids Crystals provide us with the most magnificent support during meditation. They can ground us, quiet the lower mind and then allow us to create a divine connection so we can receive wisdom and guidance. Meditation takes practice, patience and perseverance and I for one will take all the help I can get from my crystals to make it a more pleasurable and rewarding experience. We will explore crystals for meditation an other meditation aids in a separate blog posts. Wrapping up So let's be crystal clear that meditation isn't just a 20-minute practice we do every day in isolation. It creates a connection with the Universe so powerful that we want to infuse the rest of our day and entire life with it and the resulting sense of calm connectedness will ensure a life filled with peace, love and joy. Meditation is the best life we choose for ourselves. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Full Super Moon in Capricorn

    This week we have a Full Super Moon in Capricorn, as well as the Summer Solstice and the Sun moving into Cancer. WOW! What a powerful week! There is a whole lot of energy around, but what does this actually mean? If you are wondering why the Full Moon so significant, what you should do during the Full Moon, what does a Full Moon in Capricorn mean or even what crystals you should use during this time, then don't worry. We have all the answers below! Keep reading to find out. With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for: When is the Full Super Moon in Capricorn? Why is a Full Moon important? What should I do during a Full Moon? Understanding the Full Moon in Capricorn 5 Questions to ask at the Capricorn Full Super Moon Crystals for support during this time When is the Full Super Moon in Capricorn? There will be a Full Super Moon in Capricorn at 19.40 GMT on Thursday 24th June and this is happening in the same week as Summer Solstice and the Sun moving into Cancer! Seriously guys, there is a whole lot of energy going on and it is here to help us give birth to a whole new level of achievement that will set the tone for the rest of the year! Why is a Full Moon important? The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions is about to manifest or be on its way. We need to get outside and look up at the Moon, connect to our primal instincts and feel wild and free. Howling is optional! Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receive what is available to us right now. Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are best friends and our allies at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it's illuminating the darkness to help us see what needs to be done. What should I do during a Full Moon? We live in a world of energy- everything is energy. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Fabulous! Forgiveness holds the releasing power. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. When we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a situation or experience, which allows us to be free of it. It does not mean we condone the actions of another, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Understanding the Full Moon in Capricorn Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. Right now the Sun is in the flowing and nurturing sign of Cancer and the Moon is in the structured and determined sign of Capricorn. As the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, we are looking to find a balance between these two opposing energies. Cancer represents our emotional support and Capricorn indicates how we take practical action in the physical world. As such, Capricorn represents the archetype of the father and Cancer that of the archetypal mother. At this Full Super Moon, we are called to find the balance between these paternal and maternal energies and be a good parent to ourselves. In doing this we can then achieve our goals and evolve and grow in the highest possible way. We can use the strong emotional energy at the Capricorn Full Super Moon to ask ourselves tough questions about the issues that are troubling us right now and then allow time for self-reflection. The Full Moon is about to bring our spiritual life into our physical reality. It is time to ground everything we have learnt so far on our path and integrate it into our daily life. We can utilise the incredible energies of forgiveness and gratitude that are readily available to us at this time and apply them to our personal situation. 5 Questions to ask at the Capricorn Full Super Moon Here are five questions to help guide us during the Capricorn Full Super Moon: In planning and structuring my life have I left room for plenty of spontaneity, fun and flexibility? Have I found a healthy work-life balance? Am I able to be in my heart centre and be ambitious at the same time? Are being goal orientated and compassionate two traits I have combined successfully? Do I listen to my heart as often as I listen to my head? Crystals for support during this time There is an abundance of crystals and minerals we can use to support us during the time of this Capricorn Full Super Moon. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my favourites for this Lunar cycle, they will help us to make the most of this phenomenal energy. Selenite This peaceful and gentle crystal is deceptively powerful and strong. It is intimately connected to the Moon and is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon. Its ability to cleanse our personal space and environment is a bonus at the Full Moon as low frequencies naturally rise in the presence of Selenite. Garnet A deeply spiritual stone of self-empowerment, this beauty is also grounding and stabilising at a time when energies and emotions are at a high. As a stone of abundance and prosperity that encourages gratitude and service to others, it is incredibly supportive at the Full Moon in a multitude of ways. Black Tourmaline As a stone of purification, cleansing our emotional body of negative thoughts, anxiety and feelings of unworthiness, this is a crystal to keep close at this Full Moon. This dynamic powerhouse also provides a highly grounding and protecting force at a time when change is the name of the game and anything is possible! Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this fabulous Full Super Moon. It's a biggie and we want to make the most of its transformational and highly supportive energies. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Sun in Cancer Challenges

    As the Wheel of the Year turns and incorporates the spectacular Summer Solstice, the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer at 04.32 (GMT) on Monday 21st June 2021. Cancer is ruled by Moon and their combined energies encourage us to know and understand ourselves so we can process and express our changing emotions. What Does the Sun in Cancer Mean? Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the high flying and communicative energy of Gemini, we are now swimming with the generous and caring energy of Cancer. The focus is on nurturing ourselves because Cancer is the Cardinal Water Sign. Water energy is flowing emotional energy connected to intuition, dreams and symbols, and Cancer explores the themes of family, ancestors, the home and nurturing. Cardinal energy is initiative energy that helps us begin new endeavours. It is a great time to start a new self-care ritual or a project at home. The Benefits of Cancer Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Cancer season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Cancer people are sincere, gentle, loving, romantic, warm and nurturing. If you were born in the sign of Cancer it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Cancer season will help you to expand your natural gifts with grace if you take this opportunity. It's time to: Take to the Water - Cancer is a Water sign and we can benefit greatly from being around, in or doing anything connected with water at this time. Nurture Ourselves - We all need more self-care and nurturing and Cancer energy is a master at helping us to do this. Have Family Time - This energy is all about the family and home, so make it a priority time to spend precious time together. This also includes others that we regard as family. Banish Insecurities - The symbol for Cancer is the crab which has an incredibly hard protective shell. Cancerian energy can be overly self-protective so it's a great time to ask ourselves where in our life we are coming from a place of fear or insecurity, where there could be more love. Using reflection we can then identify any barriers or blocks and then choose to remove them. 3 Crystals for support during Cancer Season There are numerous crystals and minerals that we can choose to support us in tuning into the energy of Cancer. As always be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Cancer season and to help channel this wonderful energy. Moonstone Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Moonstone is the premier stone to use when working with the Moon. Moonstone helps to amplify the nurturing and intuitive energies of Cancer while keeping the emotional state calm and flowing. Ruby Ruby is a stone of passion and life force energy that helps us to connect with our deepest desires. What Cancer energy is most passionate about is creating a warm and nurturing home environment where loved ones can be protected. Ruby provides the energy, confidence and grounding to do this successfully. Carnelian Carnelian is a stone that exudes the vitality and confidence to live life with passion and courage. It also sparks the insight and intuition that brings out the creative side of Cancer energy, helping to manifest dreams into reality. We can use any of these stones in combination or on their own to help promote the energy of Cancer at this time. It is vital to use our guidance when choosing the best crystals for us as this allows us to get the most benefit from them. With love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • The Summer Solstice

    On June 21st 2021 we celebrate the Sun at the height of its power at the Summer Solstice and we experience the longest day and shortest night of the year. Directly opposite Winter Solstice, it is the peak of the Sun's highest climb into maximum light. The Summer Solstice day is 9 hours and 30 minutes longer and lighter than at the Winter Solstice in December. That's a massive difference! The Sun also moves into the sign of Cancer, the sign of the Mother, on this day at 04.32GMT. This brings a huge change in the type of energy influencing us, moving from the lofty and breezy Air element (Gemini) to the flowing and feeling Water element (Cancer). Throughout all of nature, the rampant growth period is reaching its peak and the natural world is in total and magnificent manifestation. Everywhere we look there is a sense of abundance and completion. As within, so without. As above, so below. We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves. As such the Summer Solstice is also the peak of our expressive and expansive selves where we enjoy and celebrate who we are, what we have, what we have manifested and our achievements this year. On this very special day, we can focus our intentions and healing on everything we wish to be so we can fulfil our potential in this lifetime. When we simply look up to the heavens we open to the solar energies of Summer Solstice and connect to the entire Universe to support us in this endeavour. The energy and power of the Sun activate and amplify our intentions as we let go and then sing, dance and enjoy our unique personal expression. We are experiencing and celebrating the death and rebirth of the great cycle of the year in nature and in ourselves as well. We are being called to value the power of the dark cycle as a necessary and very important part of the whole, see it as a gift and celebrate its valuable contribution to our lives. Balance is needed with all things. This peak moment of active solar energy and light on our planet is an extremely special time. Transformation and alchemy are taking place as the power of the outer realms wane and the power of the inner realms expands bringing completion of ourselves and spiritual rebirth. Our ancestors viewed this key turning point in the Celtic calendar as momentous, a time of blossoming and wild abandon. Even though it does herald a time when the light starts to decrease, they would have revelled in the height of summer and the earthy freedom, seeking contentment and new pleasures before the harvest. The eternal ancestral voice from spiritual traditions is remembered in ceremonies and rituals in nature that can help remind us who we really are. Our ancestors would have stayed up all night to watch the sunrise and celebrate the longest day. They would have lit fires on the hilltops and thrown aromatic herbs into them. Leaping the fire assured abundance and fertility in themselves and of the land. Cartwheels adorned with straw were lit and rolled down the hillsides and how far they went was said to determine the abundance of the coming harvest. Many stone circles are aligned to the Solstice sunrise so that the peak of the solar year could be acknowledged and celebrated. How to celebrate the Summer Solstice: There are so many ways we can celebrate the Solstice and we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas: Get up very early, spend time in nature, connect with our ancestors and watch the sunrise with Preseli Bluestone. Give thanks for our achievements, hopes and aspirations. Connect with the Sun throughout the day using Sunstone. The Sun is the life-giving force in our Universe and Sunstone helps us to be a shining light in the world. Focus on the Solar Plexus chakra as it is yellow in colour and is a reflection of the Sun shining from within us. Citrine will activate, amplify and expand the energy of this chakra and help us experience abundance and manifestation in our lives. Programme clear Quartz with our intentions as we focus on what still needs to be achieved before the inner cycle takes hold. Celebrate the new phase of the year with Petrified Wood to keep us grounded, calm and secure as we start a new cycle. Use any black crystal of choice to acknowledge the power of the dark cycle that brings transformation and renewal. Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace the energies and use our crystals to support us at this incredible time. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse

    There will be a New Moon in Gemini at 11.52 GMT and annual Solar Eclipse at 11.41 GMT on Thursday 10th June. Gemini energy is very dominant and influential with the Sun, Moon, North Node and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) retrograde all aligned. That sounds highly significant, but what does it mean for us and how will it affect our lives? Eclipses are fabulous opportunities to embrace change as they bring us some of the most powerful energies of the year and we experience significant change that brings endings and new beginnings into our life. The events that eclipses bring about can be influential in our lives for up to 6 months. Eclipses deal with shadow energy and help to reveal the truth, so it is a great time to be open and honest with ourselves before the Universe takes over and we have no other option! It will be really helpful at this transformational time to be willing to find closure where needed and then be ready to start anew. We know that revelation of our internal world supports us with revelation in the external world. We need to pay particular attention and be very mindful of what we hear, think and say in relation to any information or communication we receive around this time. This Solar Eclipse brings us an incredible opportunity for soul growth and evolution. It is time for an upgrade with the help of Gemini! On a personal and global level this means that the higher perspective of unity consciousness and connectedness will come to the fore, showing us that we are all one under the Sun. What is a Solar Eclipse? A Solar Eclipse is experienced at the New Moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and casts a shadow over the Earth. We see the light of the Sun obscured by the Moon as a partial or total Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse reminds us that we are both sovereign over our life (solar influence) and at the same time subject to forces beyond our control (lunar influence). We have to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives, acting with integrity and humility and ensuring that we fulfil our potential in this lifetime in the highest possible way. As well as playing our part, we also accept that there are greater forces at work in our life that we must connect with and have faith and trust in, so we can flow effortlessly with the divine plan. Teamwork makes the dream work! At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Thursday after 11.52 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. Just know that the Solar Eclipse will supercharge these seeds! Crystals to Support the New Moon and Solar Eclipse There are any number of crystals that can work to help us access and amplify the energies and here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Always Labradorite at the New Moon!!! Labradorite helps us with our inner work to root out old patterns so we can heal the past, so it is just what we need right now. It really is a stone of new beginnings that is fantastic to work with at the New Moon. As a powerful stone of magic and divination it reminds us that magic is ever present in our lives, we just forgot to look for it. Golden Healer Quartz As a stone of the Sun, Solar Plexus chakra and all round crystal with superpowers, this is one to keep close at this special time. It is a rocket fuelled combination of clear Quartz and Iron Oxide and as a Master Healer it is fabulous to help us manifest whatever we need in our life and show us the path to success. Fire Quartz One of my all-time favourite crystals and perfectly aligned to the Solar Eclipse energy as it represents the vibrant and eternal red of Fire that is amplified by the clear Quartz it is working in synergy with. The fiery Hematite inclusions ignite our passion for life, learning and the Universe and also keep us grounded and balanced. An awesome combination! Crystal healing around the time of the Solar Eclipse is super charged as we connect to the vibrations of the Sun, Moon and Earth at the same time. This gives us access to a powerful trinity of energy that isn't available very often. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. Any way that feels good to you will be perfect. Our intentions are amplified in a major way if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Gemini. Gemini is social, friendly, communicative, innovative, intellectual and quick witted. It’s the perfect time to air your views and have fun with friends and family. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Gemini says that life is short and we must have fun while we make the most of our time here. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with Gemini: Meditate to calm a busy mind and create mental space and clarity Innovate as this is so much easier when we have been meditating and Gemini loves new ideas Communicate often because Gemini loves to connect with loved ones Socialise freely and in a fun and light hearted way Learn about anything interesting from books or courses to stimulate the intellect ...... remember Gemini connects and it is super important that we do to! Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • 6:6 June Portal

    Sunday 6th of June is a really important date as it is the 6th day of the 6th month of the year. This is known as the 6:6 portal and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the extraordinary incoming energies for our highest good. What is a portal? A portal is an energetic gateway or doorway to an expanded state of consciousness that creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies and make some huge shifts in our life. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies and channel, anchor and integrate them. I love to use Diamond Quartz when working with Portal energy as an upgraded version of clear Quartz. Diamond Quartz is a multi-terminated variety of Quartz with Carbon inclusions and I call this type of crystal a 'Grounded and Guided' crystal because it not only gives us access to the highest energies (Quartz), but it helps us to ground this phenomenal energy as well (Carbon) which is such a bonus. It's like 2 for the price of1, a multitasking crystal..... genius! The importance of numbers: In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul and patterns of numbers work together like a code. We can use days like these to connect more fully and readily with our higher nature and choose to elevate our level of consciousness. The meaning of the 6:6 portal The 6:6 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each individual whether to actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available at this time. The Sun is in Gemini (the sign of relationships) and 6 is the number of harmonious balance, of bringing Heaven to Earth, so today is the perfect day to manifest unconditional love within our relationships in harmony with the Universe. How to use the 6:6 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing love from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I using repeatedly in connection with love? What restricting words do I use to describe my relationship with myself and others? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past, the lower vibrations and then choose to invite in the newer, much higher vibrations to take their place. Call in your spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help you and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals you are guided to support you in this process. Remember, Gemini will help us be open to growth and learning so we can improve all of our relationships. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If you are inside, light a candle or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz point or Diamond Quartz crystal. Invite and visualise the 6:6 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade all of your relationships. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it is deep within the heart of Mother Earth. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Focus on the light and keeping your vibration as high as possible. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink plenty of pure water. Express gratitude by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you' Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. We can ask the Universe to help us feel unconditional love and to know that we have and always will be loved. By releasing all limitations that we currently have, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the incredible and expansive loving beings of light that we are! Relax, smile, embrace the energies and always use your crystals to support you. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius and Total Lunar Eclipse!

    There will be a Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius at 12:14 GMT and a Total Lunar Eclipse at 12.19 GMT on Wednesday 26th May. But what does this mean? Keep reading to find out, along with how to harness this phenomenal energy and 4 crystals we recommend using during this cosmic shift. What is a Lunar Eclipse? A Lunar Eclipse is experienced at the Full Moon when the Earth travels between the Moon and the Sun and the shadow that the Earth creates makes the Moon much harder to see. A Total Lunar Eclipse is experienced when the entire Moon is blocked. This is quite rare, happening once every two and a half years. Opportunity knocks! Eclipses are fabulous opportunities to embrace change as they bring us some of the most powerful energies of the year. Eclipses deal with shadow energy and help to reveal the truth, so it is a great time to be open and honest with ourselves before the Universe forces our hand and we are backed into a corner! Our greatest ally at this transformational time will be the willingness to find closure where needed and then be ready to start anew. Where in our life are we ready for a totally new way of being? Lunar Eclipses serve to amplify the energy of the Full Moon (like there isn't enough normally!). There is a whole lot of energy going on and it is all for our benefit. It is a truly historic time in terms of the past/old programming that we can shift and potentially then step into a higher reality/timeline. It really is an opportunity not to be missed. In a nutshell, it is all here to help us be more of who we truly are..... our unique, authentic selves. In order for this to happen, we have to release and let go of a LOT of old stuff. Old beliefs, ideas, patterns of behaviour (lower vibration/dimensional timelines) that no longer serve us. This is normal for a Full Moon, but at an Eclipse we are able to release even bigger and more significant aspects of ourselves that we have outgrown. The Universe might well step in to help us do this in the form of chaos, upheaval or unexpected circumstances....... maybe a change in relationship or job, loss or addition of a family member or finances, a new spirit guide, change in physical health..... whatever happens, it will rock the boat to help us do what needs to be done. Not if we get in there first! As this Lunar Eclipse is in Sagittarius and aligns with the Karmic South Node in Sagittarius, we are being called to cleanse and purge the karmic patterns around the shadow side of Sagittarius. So we are looking to remove anything that is currently in excess in our lives (eating, drinking, spending, or simply overdoing in any area) and then arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, intolerance, lack of acceptance and thinking that our way is the only way! Any bells ringing? What we resist persists, and will make for a REALLY tricky time if we don't let go and let life flow. Toolkits and support at the ready! What is a Super Blood Full Moon? We call it a Super Full Moon when the Moon is in closer proximity to the Earth than usual. Being closer means that her influence has a greater impact on us and we feel the energetic effects more strongly. Whenever we have a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon takes on a reddish tinge and this is why it is called a Blood Moon. So....... we have Full Moon energy which is full-on, then we add Super Moon energy to amplify, and a large dose of Total Lunar Eclipse energy to top it all off! No wonder it will be an eye-opening week. At the Full Moon, we always go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves...... but this is like a Full Moon on steroids and then some! Think big, be bold and choose to see it all as a great adventure. So where do we start? We live in a world of energy - everything is energy. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Fantastic! Forgiveness holds the releasing power. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. When we forgive we release the karma which binds us to a situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean we condone the actions of another, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. Right now the Sun is in the airy and changeable sign of Gemini and the Moon is in the fiery and fun sign of Sagittarius. As the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, we are looking to find a balance between these two opposing energies. At their extremes, they are flippant, arrogant and preachy (Sagittarius) and highly strung, distracted and indecisive (Gemini). In the beauty between we find truthful communication. We can use the strong energy at the Sagittarius Full Moon to ask ourselves tough questions about the issues that are troubling us right now and then allow time for self-reflection. The Full Moon is about to bring our spiritual life into our physical reality. It is time to ground everything we have learnt so far on our path and integrate it into our daily life. We can utilise the incredible energies of forgiveness and gratitude and apply them to our personal situation. 5 Questions to ask at the Super Blood Sagittarius Full Moon Here are five questions to help guide us during the Sagittarius Full Moon: Where in my life can I be more accepting of others? Am I practising humility and integrity on a daily basis? Am I accepting of the beliefs and opinions of others when they differ to my own? Am I able to speak my mind without saying too much? Which area/s of my life has excess that needs to be brought into balance? Crystals for support during the Super Blood Sagittarius Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse There are many, many crystals and minerals we can use to support us at this time. As always we need to be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my favourites for this auspicious time, that will help us to make the most of this supersonic energy. Moonstone Moonstone can be used at any time of the Moon cycle as it resonates so strongly with its energy. That's why it's called Moonstone ;) As the Lunar energy is amplified out of all proportion this week, Moonstone is the keeper of the feminine mysteries that is best able to help us with our journey of self-discovery. It can do this and help us keep cool, calm and collected at the same time! Sunstone The Sun and Moon are the 2 main celestial bodies that together can create balance in our lives..... light and dark, day and night, masculine and feminine. As the Earth is sat between the Sun and the Moon at the Lunar Eclipse there is a valuable place for Sunstone at this time. Meditating with it on the third eye chakra will help to see our highest path of action through this energetic maze. Its warming and opening qualities help to melt any doubts or thoughts of unworthiness and open us up to our personal power and expanded levels of consciousness, both of which are so necessary right now. Rainbow Obsidian The journey into the shadow is as amazing and fulfilling as it is absolutely necessary. Taking this journey into the darkness with Rainbow Obsidian pre-empts a crisis in our outer life by facilitating the removal of blocks and supporting us on an emotional level. This powerhouse will help the journey into the depths be far shorter than one forced upon us, bringing with it encouragement, optimism and hope. Pyrite Not only is Pyrite grounding and protective at this crazy time, but it also amplifies willpower and helps us to establish new patterns in our life as we positively move forwards. It will also keep abundance and prosperity flowing in our lives at times when the road is rocky and we might feel a little unsupported. Everything is in divine alignment, so choose to flow with each situation/experience to benefit from the transformations that are available to us at this time. Remember to be guided when selecting the best crystal/s and other tools to work with. We need to keep awareness levels high and have the utmost compassion for ourselves and everyone else. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

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