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  • The Sun moves into Sagittarius

    The Sun will be shifting into the fiery realms of Sagittarius at 02.34 (GMT) on Monday 22nd November 2021. Sagittarius is ruled by the mighty Jupiter, the planet of joy, expansion and faith. This is what gives Sagittarius its carefree, adventurous and optimistic outlook on life. What is the Sun in Sagittarius? Every time the Sun changes signs by moving from one constellation to another so does the energy that becomes available to us. Following on from the intense and transformational energy of Scorpio, we rise into the fun and free-spirited energy of Sagittarius. If you are a Fire or Air sign this might be a welcome relief! Sagittarius, represented by the archer (half human and half horse centaur), joins the philosopher with the wild animal. The sign of the archer shoots the arrow and follows it, always seeking higher levels of wisdom. Sagittarius loves to explore and have the freedom to roam. Never afraid to use its bow and arrow to explore expansive territory, Sagittarius seeks answers where others fear to tread. The quest for knowledge knows no bounds when it comes to this Sun sign. Sagittarius has a vision that encompasses the Earth and the Heavens as a whole, which is no mean feat! Seeking to explore all that the Earth has to offer as well as aiming high at a target that is way out of reach for mere mortals, Sagittarius is never deterred and believes that anything is possible. The focus is on being the best we can possibly be because Sagittarius is the mutable Fire sign. Fire energy embodies life force, passion, leadership, action, confidence, motivation, energy and sparkle. Mutable energy is adaptive energy that helps us refine, adjust and improve. It is a fantastic time to explore all your options and make any necessary changes. The benefits of Sagittarius Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Sagittarius season or if it's your Moon or Rising Sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Sagittarius people are fun, spirited, wild, ethical, love learning and totally unstoppable. If you were born in the sign of Sagittarius it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Sagittarius season will help you to expand your natural gifts if you choose to embrace this opportunity. It is time to: Search for meaning in your life - what do you believe is the nature of human experience? Express Gratitude - Sagittarius knows just how blessed it is and when we choose to live with this in mind, all is well in our world. Laugh - have fun and take plenty of risks while the Sun is in this sign. Travel - find a fresh new perspective by getting away from it all during the wandering sign of Sagittarius. Study - because Sagittarius knows that seeking new understanding brings opportunities which in turn will lead to more freedom. 3 Crystals for support during Sagittarius Season There are so many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Sagittarius. As always, let yourself be guided to access the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Sagittarius season and to help channel this fabulous energy. Bronzite The balancing and grounding frequencies of Bronzite support the free-spirited tendency of Sagittarius while keeping courage and confidence high, regardless of what life throws at you. Bronzite is a master at helping us to overcome challenges, discover our hidden talents and live life on our own terms. Tiger Eye The super shimmering golden ray of Tiger Eye has a powerful energising effect on Sagittarius, enhancing personal willpower and self-worth. It also provides the courage, focus and determination needed to take appropriate action and live life by our own rules. Lepidolite All this Fire energy can lead to a frazzled nervous system if left unchecked. Lepidolite contains the calming frequencies of peace and relaxation thanks to the Lithium it contains, guiding Sagittarius towards ease and grace in all its aspirations and endeavours. Using any of these stones on their own or in combination, or any others that we are drawn to at this time will help us to tune in to the energy of Sagittarius. When we follow our guidance when choosing our crystals magical things always happen! With much love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Time for change with the Taurus Full Moon

    This coming week we have a Full Moon in Taurus at 08.57 GMT and Partial Lunar Eclipse at 09.02 GMT on Friday 19th November! Carry on reading to find out why this is such a special time, plus our favourite Full Moon ritual, and the crystals we recommend for you to use. This Full Moon is often referred to as The Frost Moon as it is a time when Jack Frost has got his foot in the door of nature, spending his nights whitening the world. The energy is grounded and earthly! It is a powerful and positive Full Moon for all Water and Earth signs, but more challenging for Fire and Air signs. We are also entering another eclipse season! The eclipse energy serves to amplify the energy of this Full Moon, making this a very powerful gateway and passage of energies for us to engage with. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, so expect a beautiful and positive impact with finances and any manifestations connected with the home. With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for: Why is a Full Moon important? How will the Full Moon in Taurus affect us? How to embrace the Full Moon Why is a Full Moon important? The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions could be about to manifest or be on its way. Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. We need to spend time outside and look up at the Moon (if it is visible), connect to our basic instincts and feel wild and free. Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receiving what is available to us right now. Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are the major players at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see exactly what inner work needs to be done. How will this Full Moon in Taurus affect us? At the Full Moon, the Moon and Sun are sat directly opposite each other with the Sun illuminating the Moon. They are both in signs that are totally opposite sides of the zodiac but need to find balance and common ground. They represent opposite ends of the spectrum, neither good nor bad, just what is. This month the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus. We are looking to find the balance between holding on (Taurus) and letting go (Scorpio), finding our flow through the process of transformation. How to embrace the Full Moon We live in a world of energy, or better yet, a web of energy where all things are connected. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously choose to fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Creating a ritual is the perfect way to work through this process. Here is our suggestion for a Full Moon Ritual: Step 1: Forgiveness holds the releasing power and creates a void. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. Forgiveness sets us free as when we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a person, situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean that we condone the actions of someone else, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Step 2: Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Step 3: Guidance I invite you to ask yourself some big questions under the Taurus Full Moon and then just feel the answers rise up from your heart. Use these five questions to help guide you: Could I be more motivated and take appropriate action? Have I been focused on my internal or external world? Am I flexible, flowing and open-minded? Have I been eating well or too well?! Am I moving my body every day and getting enough exercise? Step 4: Meditate Meditation is a great tool we can look to use daily, but it can take us to new levels when we meditate and harness the energy that surrounds us during the different stages of moon cycles. Use meditation to help you clear your headspace and reframe. If you aren't sure where to start, you can watch our collection of meditation for beginners videos here. Step 5: Use Crystals Another phenomenal tool to harness is our crystals and their energy, they can help us at any or all stages of the Full Moon ritual. Selecting crystals intuitively is the best way to surround yourself with the energy you need but if you would like a starting point, here are three crystals we would recommend: Rose Quartz No crystal resonates with Taurus better than Rose Quartz! With the Moon finding her highest expression in Taurus, this really is a match made in heaven as the Moon's nature can potentially be expressed in its most spiritual way. Moonstone Moonstone always has to be a favourite at the Full Moon as it is the crystal of the High Priestess, the keeper of the feminine mysteries and resonates perfectly with the Moon on all levels. The Moon and Moonstone are both highly symbolic of the inward journey. The light that they both shine helps us to observe the truth that lies hidden in the depths of ourselves. Garnet Garnet is best friends with Taurus with its slow and steady vibration. It activates and strengthens our base chakra, our portal of connection to the physical world. In doing this it becomes a crystal of prosperity, showing us that abundance is all around and we only need to look to Mother Nature and she will be our teacher. Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. It's setting us up to navigate a more balanced way forward, and one where we appreciate the value of the physical body as a necessity in this lifetime. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Manifesting with the 11:11 Portal

    Thursday 11th of November is going to be another memorable occasion as it is the 11th day of the 11th month of the year. This is known as the 11:11 portal and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the supersonic incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Here we go, upgrade and up-levelling fast approaching! What is a portal? A portal is an energetic doorway or gateway to an expanded state of consciousness. It creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies so we can make huge shifts in our life. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies by channelling, anchoring and integrating them. The importance of numbers: In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul, so are not easily understood by the logical mind. Patterns of numbers work together like a code and are interpreted by the subconscious mind. We can use these power days to connect more fully with our higher nature and consciously choose to elevate our awareness, vibration and level of understanding. The meaning of the 11:11 portal The 11:11 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us on this special day. The Sun is in Scorpio (transformation) and 11 is the first of the Master Numbers. We have the same digit (1) repeated (11) which makes it far more influential and has a greater impact. In Numerology, 11 is the Master Psychic, inspired and spiritual, exploring things beyond the physical nature of existence. Then it is doubled (11:11) which amplifies this energy even more! So today is the perfect day to trust and have faith in our creative potential and ability to manifest onto the Earth plane. Scorpio offers us an energetic doorway through which we can walk and leave the unwanted and lower aspects of our past behind, stepping into a higher frequency and more authentic version of ourselves. This is how we evolve and embody more and more light. How to use the 11:11 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with forgiveness and letting go? What restricting words do I use to describe my transformation? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place. Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process. Remember, Scorpio leads us through the cycle of life, teaching us how to transition - to let go, forgive and move on. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz point or Labradorite crystal. Invite and visualise the 11:11 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. Connecting Heaven and Earth. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Let the light do the work. Just focus on the light moving through you. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink lots of pure water. Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'. Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are. Dig out your Labradorite Labradorite is such a magical and mystical 'grounded and guided' crystal to work with on portal days. It enhances our rituals and is a great way to make the most of the energy. Labradorite is a plagioclase Feldspar treasured for its remarkable play of colour. It is opaque to translucent with rainbow chatoyancy that is so eye-catching. It can be used at any time of year, but it is outstanding when it comes to awareness, visioning, new beginnings and going after your heart's desires. Perfect for right now!! The spectacular flashes of colour spark our inner fire and bring hope and possibility out of the darkness, opening us up to everything that the Universe has to offer. As a stone of magic and divination that stands at the doorway to other realms, it provides us with protection and safe passage as we travel to higher dimensions. Labradorite also enhances psychic abilities, increases the power of intuition and reminds us that magic is all around and constantly at work in our lives if we choose to see it. In helping us to root out old patterns in readiness for letting them go it is perfect for working with while the Sun is in Scorpio and during the 11:11 portal in particular. Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Understanding New Moon in Scorpio

    There will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 21.14 GMT on Thursday 4th November, read on to find out how this change in energy can affect us, how to successfully release your intentions and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time. New Moon in Scorpio Scorpio energy is powerful, deep, intense, emotional, passionate, sexy, penetrating and profound. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting! At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Thursday after 21.14 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow your intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. There is no right or wrong way, any way that feels good to you will be the best way. Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Scorpio. Scorpio loves to create and transform our reality. It’s the perfect time to focus our energy on letting go of the old and moving on to pastures new. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Scorpio likes to transition and reminds us to surrender control to a higher power so we can just let go and flow. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Scorpio: Empowerment and self-mastery with the focus on strength, self-discipline and commitment to our path Develop and Deepen Intuition as it is necessary to guide us through our life Crisis Management because drama doesn't need to rule our experience Deep Emotional Connections facilitate stronger bonds and add value with the important people in our lives Overcome Destructive Urges and use personal power constructively in all situations 3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us with our inner work to dig out old patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we access information from the higher realms. Kumbaba Jasper Kumbaba Jasper is a Shamanic stone that possesses warrior energy and healing power. It encourages the release of old energy that is ready to be transformed and invokes the courage needed to explore the depths of our darkness. Black Obsidian Created when molten rock from a volcanic eruption cools, this glassy crystal has been through quite the transformative process itself! It is powerfully protective and we can use it to ground ourselves, heal chakras and cultivate a strong sense of self by dispelling self-judgement and self-sabotage. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold! ...... and remember Scorpio embodies the essence of transformation and it is important that we do too! Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Golden Healer Quartz for November

    Winter is upon us, and so is November. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something unique and exciting to behold. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Golden Healer Quartz! Read on to find out why. November and Golden Healer Quartz: November is traditionally associated with the beginning of Winter in the northern hemisphere. The Sun starts in Scorpio and then moves into Sagittarius....... deep, dark and intense Water energy followed by bright, inspired and optimistic Fire energy. November is the eleventh month of the year and brings us for the most part, darkness, magic and mystery, transformation and a whole lot of power! During November we experience the 11:11 portal, one of my favourite portals of the year. All the golden yellow crystals specifically aligned with the energy of November share with us a story of wealth and wonder, allowing us to amplify our faith in what is possible to achieve. They do this by activating the Golden Ray of personal power, aligning and balancing the Solar Plexus chakra, the centre of our personal will and possibility. So naturally, I have chosen Golden Healer Quartz as my crystal of choice for November. You could also use Imperial Topaz, Citrine or any other crystal of the yellow ray that you are drawn to. Golden Healer Quartz: I am a massive fan of Golden Healer Quartz! It combines Clear Quartz with Iron Oxide, giving it the most fabulous array of golden tones. Clear Quartz is a stone of the light, bringing healing and heightened spiritual awareness. It is so versatile and loves to amplify energy and be programmed with your intentions, which we discussed in our Quartz blogs. Combine Clear Quartz with Iron Oxide (usually Hematite) and its status gets elevated to that of Master Healer! Golden Healer Quartz takes Quartz to a whole new level by sending golden light flooding throughout the body, clearing blockages and imbalances and preparing the body for multi-dimensional healing. By bringing the golden ray down to the Solar Plexus (3rd) chakra, it restores confidence with a balanced sense of power while magnifying financial success. Woop woop! Transformation is ours for the taking during November with the help and support of Golden Healer Quartz. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it every day as it is a very powerful energy for us to use at this time. Sparkly blessings, Tiggy xx

  • The significance of Samhain

    In our latest blog, we explore what Samhain is and why it is such a significant time of year, common misconceptions about this time and also different ways we can embrace this special time. We have also included a simple step-by-step ritual you can follow, this Samhain, to prepare you to achieve your dreams in the next 12 months. Read on to find out more. What is Samhain? On October 31st 2021 we celebrate Samhain (pronounced Sow-ain), the Autumn cross-quarter festival marking the end of Autumn. Also known as All Hallows Eve (Halloween), All Souls Night and the Festival of the Dead, Samhain is a magical time that brings a mystical energy that we can use to understand ourselves better and transform our experience here on Earth. Samhain is a festival of remembrance; it signifies the end of the wheel of the year and the beginning of a new one. It is a significant time in the calendar marking the end of the last harvest, and coinciding with the first frosts of the season, indicating Winter is definitely on its way. We are reminded to adjust to the changing season and energy, and acceptance of this brings a revelation of new options and possibilities for our life. Why is Samhain important? The veil separating the physical and spirit world is thin; it is the time to invite our ancestors and loved ones who have passed through the veil, into our sacred space so we can celebrate their time on Earth. This is also a time for darkness, and of death and decay…. death of the old, and the knowledge of generation and rebirth. The mystery of transformation occurs in this dark phase of the year, on all levels. We can see this in nature right now as the green world is dying and will be reborn in the Spring. But these Winter months are also a time for the seeds of our ideas and future direction in life to be incubated in the unconscious. Here we can find renewal through meditation, contemplation, rest and sleep. We honour the cycle by being aware that the death of the old will bring opportunities for a new start, as this is how the cycle continues.... with each end there is always a new beginning. This endless cycle of change is so necessary and beneficial for us, bringing a renewal of every part of us on every level. We can always make different choices to have another go, shift our energy and be healed and healthy. How do I celebrate Samhain? There are so many ways we can celebrate the Samhain, you can work with one method or several, you just have to go with what feels right for you. Here are some ideas for various intentions, to get the inspiration flowing: Meditation for connection and clarity: Meditate to connect with the Earth's energies to bring calm, grounding, nourishment and a strong and stable foundation with Hematite. Meditate and contact our deepest wisdom to access intuition that will bring new revelations. Once revealed we can then choose to think differently and transform the way we live our lives. Connect with our Higher Self, team, angels, and other beings of the light as this will be much easier at this time. Use your tools: Spend time outside and embrace the power of the dark energies available with Smoky Quartz and Labradorite. Create a sacred space/altar/shrine to reflect the energies of Samhain using a variety of black, brown, red, green and purple crystals. Add leaves, herbs and gifts from nature. It is a time for divination so use Oracle cards, Tarot cards, Runes or any other means you favour, to access guidance at this point on your path. Release whatever is holding us back into the fire. Write any insecurities, fears, lack, old beliefs, habits or patterns onto a piece of paper and throw it into the fire, facing our fears and letting the energy of Fire fuel the mystery of transformation. Connecting to spirits: Light a candle in an East facing window to connect to Spirit and guide us to the inner planes with the help of Clear Quartz. Welcome any spirits we have known and lost in the last 12 months: focus on connecting to them with Selenite, Apophyllite or Danburite. Honour and name those who have passed and been an influence in our life. Contemplate the lessons and wisdom gained from them and send them love straight from our heart, supported by the energy of Rhodochrosite. Honour the cycle of death and rebirth by honouring death as a part of life. Honour grief and loss and any friends or family who are now in spirit with the help of Amethyst. A Simple Samhain Ritual: One of our favourite ways to embrace and honour Samhain is with a simple ritual. You can do this alone, or with friends and family. You will need: One black and one white candle, A crystal of your choice, A selection of crystals and/ or symbols for your space, A tool of divination (oracle or tarot cards, runes etc.), A journal and pen, Some food and drink for feasting. Step 1- Create your space To begin, you will need to sit in your Sacred Space with your crystal of choice. Call upon the Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit to be with you and protect your space by placing crystals and symbols, or whatever combination you like to use, around you. Step 2- Acknowledge the past Light the black candle (which represents the passing year), and spend a short while contemplating what has happened in your life in the last 12 months. Give thanks for all the good things and successes, then consider what you have learnt from the experiences that were difficult and challenging. Remember anyone dear to you, human or animal, who have passed from this world during the past year. Step 3- Consider your intentions Light the white candle which represents the coming year and spend some time thinking about what you hope to create and achieve in that time. Ask the Universe to bless your hopes and dreams. Step 4- Divination While both candles are lit it is time for divination. Journal any thoughts, images, feelings or impressions that you receive whilst working with your tools. Step 5- Release Put out the black candle and say farewell to the old year. (Leave the white one lit). Thank the elements individually; Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit for their presence and guidance Step 6- Feast It is time for feasting! At Samhain, it is traditional to set a place for the spirit of your loved ones at the table. Celebrate all that has happened in the past year. Step 7- Closing the ritual Mindfully clear away everything that you have used for your ritual while thinking about the significance of what has happened. Put out the white candle. Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this powerfully transformative time. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Find your peace

    The Sun will be shifting into the watery depths of Scorpio at 05.511 (GMT) on Saturday 23rd October 2021. Scorpio has two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars governs Scorpio's relentlessly driven spirit overflowing with energy and passion, while Pluto takes responsibility for its deeply hidden nature, psychic abilities and obsessive personality! What is the Sun in Scorpio? Every time the Sun changes signs by moving from one constellation to another so does the energy that becomes available to us. Following on from the relationship orientated energy of airy Libra, we plunge into the transformation and intensity of watery Scorpio. Scorpio leads us through the cycle of life, teaching us how to transition along the way. This includes a master class on letting go, forgiveness and moving on. We only have to look outside to see what nature is up to right now and we get all the confirmation we need. The trees are letting go of their leaves, easily and effortlessly, and flowing with the cycle of life. The leaves represent the death of the old, and after decomposing during the Winter months will become the fuel for rebirth in the Spring. The focus is on transformation because Scorpio is the fixed Water Sign. Water energy embodies emotions, dreams, the subconscious, symbols, intuition, psychic abilities, family, home, ancestors, forgiveness and metamorphosis. Fixed energy is lasting energy that helps us stay focused and productive. It is a great time to engage in something that requires patience and persistence. The benefits of Scorpio Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Scorpio season or if it's your Moon or Rising Sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Scorpio people are emotional, passionate, sexy and profound. If you were born in the sign of Scorpio it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Scorpio season will help you to expand your natural gifts if you choose to embrace this opportunity. It is time to: Develop Your Psychic Abilities - Scorpio can see beneath the surface and easily access inner guidance and knowing. Get Sexy - because Scorpio loves the dark side and sex works best when we get beyond our limiting beliefs and lose our inhibitions about it. Then Scorpios inspires us to merge in union with another person - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Breathe - the intensity of Scorpio can become a bit compulsive and obsessive so remember to breathe and lighten up! Find Inner Peace - by acknowledging and dealing with any thoughts of jealousy or possessiveness in an appropriate way. Release Grudges - it's the best time to let go of suspicion and any thoughts of revenge. 3 Crystals for support during Scorpio Season There are so many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Scorpio. As always, let yourself be guided to access the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Scorpio season and to help channel this intense energy. Black Obsidian This fabulous grounding stone can be of help in so many ways during Scorpio season. It can be used to release excess energy AND eliminate lower and negative energies. Black Obsidian facilitates psychic cleansing, which in turn leads to protection and better communication with spirit. Cinnabar This is the perfect colour crystal for Scorpio and its characteristics are so supportive as well. As a stone of alchemy and transformation, it helps us to manifest our divine blueprint in this lifetime. Cinnabar also stimulates the third eye bringing greater insight and then helps to ground the visions into our physical reality, creating prosperity and wealth. Sodalite Sodalite really helps to transform difficult emotions and stabilise them by focusing the mind on producing more rational thought patterns. Sodalite's soothing energy prevents the powerful energy of Scorpio from becoming distracted and really helps it to become more centred and stable. Using any of these stones on their own or in combination, or any others that we are drawn to at this time will help us to tune in to the energy of Scorpio. When we follow our guidance when choosing our crystals magical things happen! With much love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Full Moon in Aries

    This week we have a Full Moon in Aries at 15.57 GMT on Wednesday 20th October! Carry on reading to find out why this is such an exciting time, plus our favourite Full Moon ritual, and the crystals we recommend for you to use. This full moon is often referred to as The Mist Moon as the countryside is transformed by magical mists as the veils between the physical and spirit worlds becomes thinner approaching Samhain. The energy is fiery! It is a powerful and positive Full Moon for all Air and Fire signs, but more challenging for Water and Earth signs. With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for: Why is a Full Moon important? How will the Full Moon in Aries affect us? How to embrace the Full Moon Why is a Full Moon important? The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions could be about to manifest or be on its way. Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. We need to spend time outside and look up at the Moon (if it is visible), connect to our basic instincts and feel wild and free. Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receive what is available to us right now. Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are the major players at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see exactly what inner work needs to be done. How will this Full Moon in Aries affect us? At the Full Moon, the Moon and Sun are sat directly opposite each other with the Sun illuminating the Moon. They are both in signs that are totally opposite sides of the zodiac but need to find balance and common ground. They represent opposite ends of the spectrum, neither good nor bad, just what is. This month the Sun is in Libra and the Moon is in Aries. We are looking to find the meeting ground between others (Libra) and the self (Aries), finding harmonious balance in our relationships. How to embrace the Full Moon We live in a world of energy, or better yet, a web of energy where all things are connected. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously choose to fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Creating a ritual is the perfect way to work through this process. Here is our suggestion for a Full Moon Ritual: Step 1: Forgiveness holds the releasing power and creates a void. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. Forgiveness sets us free as when we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a person, situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean that we condone the actions of someone else, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Step 2: Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Step 3: Guidance I invite you to ask yourself some big questions under the Aries Full Moon and then just feel the answers rise up from your heart. Use these five questions to help guide you: Am I taking action in my life? What is the nature of my relationship with authority and leadership? Am I following a leader I don't respect, in fear of going my own way? Have I been argumentative, competitive or impulsive? Have I had enough fun? Step 4: Meditate Meditation is a great tool we should look to use daily, but it can take us to new levels when we meditate and harness the energy that surrounds us during the different stages of moon cycles. Use meditation to help you clear your headspace and reframe. If you aren't sure where to start, you can watch our collection of meditation for beginners videos here. Step 5: Use Crystals Another phenomenal tool to harness is our crystals and their energy, they can help us at any or all stages of the Full Moon ritual. Picking crystals intuitively is the best way to surround yourself with the energy you need but if you need a starting point, here are three crystals we would recommend: Red Jasper Aries is ruled by Mars, and they are both renowned for their warrior energy. The energy of Mars, however, is warrior energy that restores balance and peace. Red Jasper is a stone of strength, stability and vitality, making us feel uplifted and empowered so we can channel the courage and endurance of Mars. Carnelian Carnelian also helps to channel the fiery energy of Mars with increased life force energy, confidence and vitality. It is a powerful tool to help us develop passion and power. Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate brings a calming and soothing energy to temper over emphasised fiery energy like frustration, anger and resentment at this Full Moon. It calms the emotional body and helps us to release any negative habits of interaction within our relationships. Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this Full Moon. It's setting us up to balance the love we give and receive and in doing so improve all of our relationships. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Quartz and the Law of Clarity

    In the second part of our Working with Quartz series, we are looking at how we can use Quartz to enhance our intentions- specifically with the law of clarity. Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals we could come into contact with. It has been used throughout history for its phenomenal ability to carry all types of energy efficiently, whilst also reflecting and amplifying the energies to which they are exposed. You can find out more about this here. But Quartz can be used in so many different ways, each with its own benefit. What are the Laws of the Universe? The Laws of the Universe are guiding principles that govern the entire Universe and impact every aspect of our lives. They are an unchanging framework that shows us how the Universe works for our highest good. In essence, they offer us a road map for our life that we can use to access a higher vibration, greater awareness and level of understanding leading us to live a more spiritual life. These laws are applied equally to everyone, regardless of whether we know them or not! When we don't understand them we encounter obstacles and roadblocks and get frustrated and confused. It always makes me chuckle to realise that we are born into a world where we are not taught the rules of the game that we are here to play. I always liken it to running out onto the pitch at Wembley to play football in the FA Cup Final and only knowing the rules of netball! You just can't play the game. We need to learn the rules (Universal Laws) so that we can participate fully in the game of life. These laws have been taught by ancient cultures for over 5000 years, and an understanding of the Universal Laws give us insight into what we can do to reach our goals and enables us to master life on all levels. They simply demonstrate how our behaviour affects our lives and then we can use these principles to create and shape the lives of our choosing. (But we will talk more about these laws in another blog) As you have probably guessed, one of these laws is the Law of Clarity. If we want to feel more confident, productive and aligned than ever before, then there is positive action we can take with our crystals to achieve this, and the Law of Clarity is where we start...... The Law of Clarity: Clarity is one of the Laws of Creation. If we are unclear about what it is we truly desire, we will be met with very mixed and often disappointing results. The Universe literally plays the game 'Snap' with us and will give us back exactly what we are giving out..... If we are unsure, indecisive or confused then the universe will be unclear in its response. We have to get crystal clear about what we truly desire before the Universe can bring it to us. This is where our crystals can help us. How Quartz can help: The energy of Clear Quartz brings clarity to the body, mind and spirit, helping to manifest our heart's desires. We can use it to get crystal clear about our vision for the future and then the Universe can support us in manifesting its outcome. Yes! Its consistent and strong vibration cuts through mental fogginess and illuminates darkness and density. It resolves confusion with ease and brings greater focus to our thoughts and spiritual perceptions. It is through clarity of thought and intent that our creations are made to manifest at the perfect time. Clarity of purpose and vision are always supported and rewarded, so we get great feedback when we are doing it right. Quartz cuts to the chase, targeting and annihilating any muddle and confusion, opening us to divine Light and allowing our future to unfold in the highest possible way. Thank you Quartz! 4 steps to achieve crystal clarity: Select your Clear Quartz - any type or shape of Clear Quartz that you are drawn to work with Meditate with this crystal - to connect deeply with your Clear Quartz and find clarity Make a decision - be specific about what you really want to happen in your life, always for your highest good Release your intention - speak clearly to the Universe while holding your clear Quartz and your intention will be sent out like a laser beam of light When we take responsibility for ourselves and our lives we can be perfectly clear about what it is we would like to happen moving forward. We always have choices, we just need to decide which one we are going to take. Then when we focus and take action on that choice, doors will start to open, allowing our dreams to become our reality. So, what are you going to manifest? Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • 10:10 Portal: Step into your confidence

    The 10th of October will be another powerful occasion as it is the 10th day of the 10th month of the year. This is known as the 10:10 portal and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the powerful incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Here we go again, it is time for another upgrade! What is a portal? A portal is an energetic doorway or gateway to an expanded state of consciousness. It creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies so we can make huge shifts in our life. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies by channelling, anchoring and integrating them. The importance of numbers: In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul, so are not easily understood by the logical mind. Patterns of numbers work together like a code and are interpreted by the subconscious mind. We can use these power days to connect more fully with our higher nature and consciously choose to elevate our awareness, vibration and level of understanding. The meaning of the 10:10 portal The 10:10 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us on this special day. The Sun is in Libra (balance and relationships) and 10 reduces down to a single digit of 1 in Numerology. 0 amplifies the energy and attributes of any number that it is found with. So the number 10/1 brings extra vitality to the vibrations of leadership, optimism, confidence and creative power. It also symbolises wholeness as it combines the pillar and the circle, the masculine and feminine principles. So today is the perfect day to trust and have faith in our creative potential and ability to manifest onto the Earth plane as we start a new cycle that combines beautifully with the New Moon in Libra. Libra offers the perfect balance between masculine and feminine energies in relationships of all kinds and will support a balanced perspective as we move forward. How to use the 10:10 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with my healing journey? What restricting words do I use to describe my relationships? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place. Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process. Remember, Libra will be helping us to create balance in our lives so that we can heal ourselves and raise our frequency. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz point or Smoky Quartz crystal. Invite and visualise the 10:10 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. Connecting Heaven and Earth. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Let the light do the work. Just focus on the light moving through you. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink lots of pure water. Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'. Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are. Dig out your Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz is one of my favourite 'grounded and guided' crystals to work with on portal days. This divinely feminine crystal started out in life as Clear Quartz that was then naturally irradiated whilst in situ in Mother Earth, giving it these beautiful amber/brown tones and a very sexy, sultry and mysterious feel. As a premier stone of grounding and transmuter of negative energy, Smoky Quartz is also the most life force energy that can be found in a grounding crystal or mineral. It's clever like that! It channels white light from the Crown chakra into the base chakra to be channelled down into Gaia. It gives protection and helps us to positively engage with life in a physical body with the added bonus of supporting us to get organised and be more practical. Then it shows us how to be filled with light while we inhabit a physical body. Smoky Quartz anyone?! Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Follow your intuition

    There will be a New Moon in Libra at 12.05 GMT on Wednesday 6th October, read on to find out how this change in energy can affect us, how to successfully release your intentions and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time. New Moon in Libra Libra energy is elegant, charming, polite, diplomatic, intelligent and balanced. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Wednesday after 12.05 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow your intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. There is no right or wrong way, any way that feels good to you will be the best way. Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Libra. Libra looks for balance everywhere. It’s the perfect time to create balance and harmony in your life and look to start new partnerships. Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Libra likes to find compromise and reminds us to truly listen to others and then to respond and communicate from the heart. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Libra: Harmony in every area of our lives bringing peace, happiness and serenity. Improved Relationships that inspire love, respect and appreciation. Negotiation Skills that focus on equality, diplomacy, fairness and an appreciation of totally different perspectives. To Give and Receive Support within all of our relationships with ease and grace. Release Codependency Behaviours so we can be free from the need to be emotionally or psychologically reliant on anyone. 3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and amplify the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings that is fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us with our inner work to root out old patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we access information from the higher realms in order to do this. Rose Quartz With the focus at this New Moon being firmly on relationships, Rose Quartz is always a fabulous place to start. Its powerful yet gentle energy will develop self-love and then weave its magic into all of our relationships. Amethyst Amethyst brings the energy of peace, calm and healing while allowing us to open up to our own inherent wisdom and that of Source/Creator/God. The clear connected feeling it brings us is so resonant at the Libran New Moon. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold! ...... remember Libra embodies balance and harmony and it is important that we do too! Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Tourmaline for October

    As winter draws near, we are facing the exciting month of October and everything it has in store for us. To support you during this month, our Crystal of the Month is Tourmaline! Read on to find out why. October and Tourmaline: October is the tenth month of the year and signals the winds of change as we move through the seasons with the temperature dropping, the nights drawing in and celebrating Samhain at the very end of the month. October is traditionally associated with the transition from Autumn to Winter in the northern hemisphere, the Sun in Libra and then Scorpio, falling leaves, flickering candles and pumpkins. Oooohhhh and plenty of magic! Crystals specifically aligned with the energy of October symbolise the hope and optimism alive within us that sparks our transformation. They help us to ignite that inner fire of possibility and faith that keeps us reaching for the light again and again. So naturally, I have chosen Tourmaline as my crystal of choice for October. It was first discovered by Dutch traders off the West Coast of Italy in the late 1600's/early 1700's, but Tourmaline burst onto the world stage in 1876 when George Kunz sold a Green Tourmaline gem from Maine to Tiffany and Co. It's brilliant because this significant and powerhouse mineral group can be found in a huge variety of colours, which can vary widely within a single specimen. Each colour Tourmaline has its own special energies and metaphysical properties, so plan to use as many different types of Tourmaline as possible over the coming month. Types of Tourmaline: Black Tourmaline - Brings us powerful grounding support and then purifies the energy field, protecting anything it touches and keeping it safe. Pink Tourmaline - Offering us beautiful feminine energy that connects with the heart supports feelings of comfort and safety. It helps us to heal emotional wounds from the past and find renewed passion for life. Rubellite Tourmaline (deep pink/red) - Teaches us that it is safe to love again after heartbreak or trauma. It strengthens both the physical and emotional heart, connecting them to the heart of the Earth. Green Tourmaline - Helps us to achieve inner peace through centring our focus in the heart. This also brings wisdom in love and affairs of the heart. Indicolite Tourmaline (blue) - Thrives on helping us to develop our psychic gifts. It activates and lights up the third eye and then energises the throat chakra so that the guidance received can be interpreted and communicated easily. Dravite Tourmaline (brown) - Grounding and protective, but fabulous for nurturing as it engenders self-acceptance and self-love. Golden Tourmaline - By encouraging the remembrance of our personal power, we find inner strength, courage and confidence. Watermelon Tourmaline - Works on the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the heart and teaches us the meaning of joy. We are spoilt for choice, but, transformation is here for the taking during October with the help and support of Tourmaline in all its stunning diversity. Carry it, wear it as jewellery, have it in your environment, but most of all, make best friends with Tourmaline as it is one of the most powerful crystals available to us at this time. Enjoy. Sparkly blessings, Tiggy xx

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