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  • Sink or Swim in Pisces Season?

    We are deep into Pisces season and Pisces is a Water element sign. It is all about feeling deeply! This is a bonus because it will help us to process our emotions more easily and effectively if we know how to do that. If we don't then we can definitely feel overwhelmed and what happens then? We literally sink or swim! Understanding our Emotions In our Western culture, it is very rare to be taught to work with and process our emotions, which makes life really quite difficult for us. If we don't process them we only have the options of pushing them down inwardly or expressing them outwardly, neither of which are healthy or enjoyable for anyone! So we have a difficult or traumatic experience in childhood or maybe even in a past life/lives, and the emotion that it generates haunts us throughout our entire subsequent life. The problem is that if the emotion isn't heard and processed it will return, again and again, getting more and more insistent on having a voice. That's because it's their specific job to bring us important information and messages to help us evolve on our path. Tricky emotions can feel anything from uncomfortable to downright horrible so we will literally do anything we can to distract ourselves from feeling them. This can be anything from eating chocolate, going onto social media, to drinking alcohol or taking other types of drugs. We all have our own favourite type of addiction that we resort to at such emotionally-driven times, but this only numbs the feeling, never makes it go away. Ever. Energetically speaking we create a sack full of unprocessed emotions that we carry around on our back that gets bigger and heavier the older we get. Crazy right?! One day we wake up and realise that we can do something about it so we don't have to live in pain and suffering anymore! Awesome! You have to feel it to heal it; processing your emotions So how do we get rid of this sack? Well, it's a lot easier than we might first think or our ego/lower/logical mind would like us to think! What I have learnt and experienced first-hand for myself is that when we stop sending these emotions away and actually start diving deep into them, then something truly magical happens. No one else can do this deep inner work for us. This is literally taking our life into our own hands and transforming it. Abracadabra! You have to feel it to heal it! Did you ever hear that expression? Well, it is absolutely spot on!! What we are doing when we feel and process these emotions is healing ourselves so that we can raise our awareness, vibration and level of understanding and be healed, healthy and whole again. Facing our biggest fears takes courage and then acceptance that a rocky road lies ahead, but the transformation that lies beyond is more than worth it. Please know that you are never sent anything you can’t handle. ..... and remember, however difficult things are right now, this too will pass. Crystals are such a fabulous help, specifically any that are connected to the element of Water. Aquamarine really helps me, but you might be drawn to Amethyst or Ocean Jasper or...... Trust your guidance. How to heal your emotions So I am going to share a process that I personally use. Make this your starting/reference point and adapt it as you are guided to, so your process is perfect for you. Create a sacred space by burning White Sage, Palo Santo or whatever works for you. Breathe gently and mindfully. Keep breathing Then breathe some more Follow the in-breath, then follow the out-breath I am..... my breath I am breathing in..... I am breathing out Then sit and let the particular emotion you want to process fill you up completely. See it filling your entire physical body. Give the emotion a colour and energy if that helps to really bring it to life. You are aiming to experience this emotion in the way that you would in real life. You can think of specific scenarios that trigger these emotions in your day to day life if it helps. There is nothing to fear. You are safe and you are deeply loved. Breathe and focus on your breath as it will bring awareness and guidance. Stay there, feeling all the feelings and breathing…. your feelings need a voice, they only ever wanted to be heard. When you listen to them rather than suppressing or expressing them, they don’t feel the need to keep harassing you anymore. After a short time, maybe even just a few minutes, the emotion will subside. For real!! Just make sure you ground out any extra energies by sending them deep down into Mother Earth so she can transmute them for you. Simply use the power of your intention and visualisation to do this. You have the power. Next, we need to bring in higher energies with crystals or invoke the power of angels….. or whatever comes to mind. It might take a little practice, but it’s simple and SO effective. Here is a mantra that I like to use to support me when I am using this process..... I welcome and work with my wonderful emotions as they arise, Helping me to discern my truth and guide me on my path. Have courage and you will not be disappointed. Love and Watery Pisces blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Colours and the Crystal Connection

    Colour continuously impacts us every day of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not! From the clothes we wear to the colour of the food we eat, we are continuously (consciously or subconsciously) bringing colours into our life to support our well-being and light up our life. Read on to find out the power of colour and how you can use it to benefit your life. Understanding Colour We can use the full rainbow spectrum of colours to keep our bodies healthy and correct any imbalances that we might be experiencing. When we have a greater awareness of the qualities of specific colours, it becomes easier to understand why the associated colour of a crystal can be so beneficial. Each colour has its own energy and frequency and will have a specific impact on us psychologically, emotionally and physiologically. We can be drawn to some colours and repelled by others, but we need to work with both. So let's start at the bottom and work our way up! This means that we are beginning with colours that have a more dense vibration and as we progress the frequency will continue to rise, culminating with the colour that has the highest vibration at the end. Black Black absorbs light and suggests infinity and mystery. However, black isn't always dark and dense. It can be filled with all manner of sparkles and pearlescent light filled energy. Black signifies power and change, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It helps to see the possibilities inherent in new situations and to make the most of them. The colour black is divinely feminine in nature and is always grounding and protective. Black crystals include: Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian. Red Dynamic and vibrant, hot and powerful, red promotes courage, passion, confidence and assertiveness. Red energises, warms, revitalises, stimulates, speeds up blood circulation and so speeds healing of infections and wounds. Red rules the Base Chakra and its complementary colour is turquoise. Red crystals include: Red Jasper, Fire Quartz, Garnet. Orange Promoting well being and enthusiasm, always warming and cheerful, orange instils happiness, emotional warmth, vitality, creativity and freedom. Orange is revitalising, boosts the immune system, soothes digestive problems, helps with trauma and is an antidepressant. Orange rules the Sacral Chakra and its complementary colour is blue. Orange crystals include: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone. Yellow Cheerful and bright, energising and uplifting, yellow stimulates the brain, helping with perspective, memory recall, clarity of thought and intelligence. Yellow detoxifies and cleanses, heals skin problems, and soothes arthritic and rheumatic conditions. Yellow rules the Solar Plexus Chakra and its complementary colour is violet. Yellow crystals include: Tiger Eye, Citrine, Honey Calcite. Green Associated with Mother Nature, green creates balance and harmony. It also fosters unconditional love, acceptance of others, compassion, empathy and generosity. Green is balancing, calms the emotions, detoxifies the liver and reduces blood pressure. Green rules the Heart Chakra and its complementary colour is magenta. Green crystals include: Jade, Green Aventurine, Green Fluorite. Pink A blend of white and red, pink combines the qualities of both these colours. A deep pink will carry more vibrant energy than pale pink which is more soothing. Pink resonates with unconditional love and is kind, calm and gentle, and reduces the amount of anger and emotion found in difficult situations allowing for a more understanding approach. It is a muscle relaxant and supports the heart and emotions. Pink is associated with the Heart Chakra. Pink crystals include: Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite. Turquoise A blend of blue and green, turquoise combines the energy of both these colours... the harmony of blue and the serenity of green, making it a very restful and soothing colour. Turquoise is creative and helps to find a greater sense of personal self-expression. Turquoise is connected to the Higher Heart Chakra which lies between the Heart and Throat Chakras. Its complementary colour is red. Turquoise crystals include: Turquoise, Amazonite, Chrysocolla. Blue Invoking peace and calm, serenity and relaxation, blue allows us to see our problems with clarity and perspective and encourages honest and truthful communication. It also encourages restful sleep, treats and cools infections, heals headaches and alleviates asthma. Blue rules the Throat Chakra and its complementary colour is orange. Blue crystals include: Blue Lace Agate, Chalcedony, Celestite. Indigo Infinite, mysterious and deep, indigo connects you to your Higher Self so you can gain a greater sense of self and see the big perspective. It stimulates psychic abilities, strengthens links to the higher realms and allows trust in the things that you cannot see. It also acts as a sedative, reduces pain, purifies the blood and relieves muscular tension. Indigo rules the Third Eye Chakra and it has no complementary colour. Indigo crystals include: Azurite, Mystic Merlinite, Iolite. Violet Encouraging empathy for all living things and creating a bridge between humans and the inhabitants of the elemental worlds, violet helps the human body align with its spiritual self and gives an enlightened and spiritual viewpoint. It also helps ear problems, promotes restful sleep, supports bacterial and viral infections, and is a blood purifier. Violet rules the Crown Chakra and its complementary colour is yellow. Violet crystals include: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Purple Fluorite. White Containing all the colours of the spectrum, white reflects light to help illuminate dark areas in life. White helps us to gain new insight into situations and is associated with spirituality, innocence, purity and clarity. It helps all conditions that we might encounter! The colour white is divinely masculine in nature and is always connecting us to higher frequencies. White is connected to the Crown Chakra. White crystals include: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond. Gold Representing enlightenment, the highest possible spiritual wisdom and knowledge, gold helps us to connect to the angelic realms. It also supports arthritis and rheumatic conditions, improves blood circulation and energises the nervous system. Gold crystals include: Golden Healer Quartz, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Pyrite. Wow! So many colours and there are more! What a fabulous variety of energies available to us when we have a selection of different coloured crystals. In addition to this, any crystal combination that has more than one mineral will bring multiple energies for us to work with. Now that's what I call sparkly friends with benefits! Love and colourful crystal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Aquamarine for March

    March already! What a total joy to be heading into Spring with all the exciting changes that will bring. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Aquamarine! Read on to find out why. March and Aquamarine: March is considered the month of new beginnings as it heralds the end of Winter and the start of Spring. During March, the third month of the year, we experience the powerful 3:3 portal and celebrate the Spring Equinox. The Sun starts in Pisces and then moves into Aries....... Mutable Water energy followed by Cardinal Fire energy. All the crystals that align with the energy of March empower us with emotional support and healing. The flow of energy that this facilitates brings encouragement, hope and inspiration. It's like the crystals know that we need this as we shift from the inner to outer phase in the wheel of the year helping us to stay connected to both our inner and outer worlds. To do this we must get in touch with our feelings so we can process them and create healthy relationships with ourselves and others. So naturally, I have chosen Aquamarine as my crystal of choice for March. You could also use Bloodstone or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to. Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a highly prized variety of blue/green Beryl. Its name is derived from the Latin meaning 'water of the sea' and this is a perfect description of the colour of quality Aquamarine crystals. The history of Aquamarine: Aquamarine is steeped in myth and legend. It has been used in jewellery since 500BC! That's a very long time ago! Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and so sailors carried it as a talisman for protection against shipwreck and seasickness. As a last resort in a storm, they would throw it overboard in an attempt to calm the gods. The Romans thought that Aquamarine could heal throat, stomach and liver ailments. Aquamarine has long been believed to promote harmony in relationships and was given as an anniversary gift long before it was officially recognised as the semi-precious gemstone for the 19th wedding anniversary. The power of Aquamarine: A goddess stone that connects to divine feminine energy and the element of Water, Aquamarine connects us to our deepest emotions which enhances intuitive abilities and connection to the higher realms of Spirit. By activating the Throat Chakra it then helps us have the courage and clarity to communicate our inner knowing and highest truth. Aquamarine then supports us in keeping cool, calm and collected even in the most tricky situations. With all this in mind, my favourite use for Aquamarine is to help release the past. I hold it in my hands and use this to help the process.... I release the past with love in my heart Anything that no longer serves me Anything that isn't for my highest good Anything that isn't love I let go and flow Repeat 3 times! The magic of rebirth is available to us during March with the help and support of Aquamarine. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your throat chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this auspicious time. Sparkly Aquamarine blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Upgrade your consciousness with the 3:3 Portal

    The intense transformational energy continues as we welcome March and head straight into a New Moon on the 2nd, followed in quick succession on the 3rd with another powerful portal. That's a whole lot of energy to experience, process and integrate. In March we experience the 3:3 portal. Wednesday 3rd of March is the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the year and is known as the 3:3 portal. This portal presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Mega upgrade and up-levelling right here for our benefit! If we have awareness around the relevance of the number 3 then we will have a greater understanding of the significance of its relevance at the portals and where to place our focus. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of these fabulous energies available to us on these special days. The meaning of the 3:3 portal At the 3:3 gateway, portals of light will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve so we are able to increase our frequency. These waves of energy will combine with the energy and vibration of the number 3. Number 3 brings us the power of higher consciousness and encapsulates evolution, creation, divine expression and expansion. It is a divine energy that resonates with the vibration of balance, wisdom and understanding. In combining the energies of 1 and 2, 3 has always been considered to have a unique significance. The powerful symbolism of the number 3 makes us think about good things coming in 3's, 3rd time lucky, the birth/life/death cycle, triple Moon maiden/mother/crone, the holy trinity father/son/holy ghost, mind/body/soul connection..... Throughout history, the number 3 has always been important and the ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, considered it to be the perfect number. For the 3:3 portal, the Sun is in Pisces (connection to higher energies) so on this day we are heralding a significant shift in awareness as the universal power of higher consciousness joins the party to help us open to guidance from Source so we can integrate it into our daily lives more easily. How to use the 3:3 portal Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing into our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with higher energies? What restricting words do I use to describe Source/Creator/God? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place. Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process. Remember, Pisces asks us to trust our intuition so we can access wisdom from the higher realms. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz point or crystal of choice. Invite and visualise the 3:3 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. Connecting Heaven and Earth. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Let the light do the work. Just focus on the light moving through you. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Then invite and visualise energies from deep within Mother Earth flowing up from beneath your feet and flowing into your Base chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Sense the difference in this energy compared to the energy that came down from the heavens. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing up and out of your Crown chakra and flowing back down around the outside of your body back into Mother Earth. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing up through you and then back down into the Earth. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink lots of pure water. Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'. Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are. Pisces will be offering us an energetic doorway through which we can walk on the 3:3 portal, leaving the unwanted and denser aspects of our past behind. We are then able to step into a higher frequency and level of consciousness and a more authentic and confident version of ourselves. This is how we evolve, embody more light and help to heal the world. Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation and rebirth. Sparkly love and portal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • New Moon in Pisces

    Read on to find out how the New Moon in Pisces will affect the energy available to us, how to successfully release your intentions for this Lunar cycle, and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time. New Moon in Pisces Pisces energy is sensitive, creative, intuitive, deeply spiritual, mystical and emotional. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting! At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Wednesday after 17.35 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our inner guidance as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. We can write our intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but we can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak our intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when we have finished. There is no right or wrong way, the way that feels good to you will be the best way. Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Pisces. Pisces has full understanding of the Earthly planes and can teach us about the higher realms. It’s the perfect time to connect to your intuition and access the wisdom of the cosmos! Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Pisces believes and trusts in the Universe and can help us with our Ascension process. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Pisces: Surrender - to the Universe and trust that everything is happening as it should Dream - use your imagination to access that dreamy world of Pisces Connect to higher guidance - and practice using your intuition Spiritual healing - develop a yoga and meditation practice to support your growth Release your fears - face the things you would rather avoid and liberate yourself from them 3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is always perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us to dig out old repeating patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we connect with the higher realms. Sodalite Sodalite is a calming and harmonising stone that relieves worry and stress. It also promotes self-understanding and acceptance of who we are as our most authentic, highest self. Sodalite balances emotions with logic, helping this super sensitive energy to access both sides of the brain, intuitive and intellectual, in every day life. Bloodstone To have the courage to live life on the physical plane, happy to be in a physical body and experience first hand the discomfort that can accompany this choice. Knowing and understanding that this is the way to bring Heaven to Earth, channelling the light of the cosmos and anchoring it into the physical body before grounding it into Mother Earth. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of the Lunar cycle when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold! ...... and remember Pisces always connects to the higher realms for guidance, and it is important that we do too! Love and New Moon blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Face your Fears as the Sun Moves into Pisces

    The Sun will be shifting into the watery and intuitive realms of Pisces bringing a shift in the energies available to you. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and all things spiritual, helping you to find a deeper level of emotional connection with others. This is what gives Pisces its outlook on life. What is the Sun in Pisces? Every time the Sun changes signs by moving from one constellation to another so does the energy that becomes available to us. Following on from the radical and progressive energy of Aquarius, we flow down into the mystical and creative energy of Pisces. If you are a Water or Earth sign this might come as a welcome relief! Pisces, represented by the two fishes, is the most sensitive of all the signs. We arrive in Pisces season at the end of the astrological year and as such Pisces holds the wisdom of all twelve signs, symbolises the most highly evolved soul and is ready to ascend. The focus is on Pisces as the Mutable Water sign. Water energy embodies emotion, feelings, intuition, dreams, the subconscious mind, psychic ability, symbols, home, ancestors, forgiveness and transcendence. Mutable energy is adaptive energy that helps us refine, improve and adjust. It is an excellent time to meditate and connect with your inner wisdom so you can identify what needs adjusting. The Benefits of Pisces Season We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in the Pisces season or if it's your Moon or Rising Sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Pisces people are mystical, magical, intuitive, imaginative, spiritual, compassionate, gentle, sensitive, accepting and wise. If you were born in the sign of Pisces, it is your season for an upgrade and you need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Pisces season will help you to expand your natural gifts if you choose to embrace this opportunity. It is time to: Connect with the higher realms - there's no easier time to access your intuition and make contact with your Higher Self, spirit guides, angels and other beings of the light Dream - take time to dream so you can use your imagination to create a better life Practice acceptance and surrender - Pisces is a master at this! Trust and have faith in the Universe and start going with the flow Heal - seek out support if you need help with your healing journey or just make time for yourself to access your guidance and use your healing tools Face your fears - what deepest fear/s have you been avoiding that now need tackling head on? Find freedom by shining a spotlight on it/them! 3 Crystals for support during Pisces Season There are so many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Pisces. As always, let yourself be guided to access the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2022 for support during Pisces season and to help channel this fabulous energy. Amethyst The traditional birthstone of Pisces to help create a divine connection by purifying the energy field, bringing protection and supporting inner guidance. As Pisces has a tendency towards escapism of all kinds, this powerful crystal is a master at helping to curb overindulgence and stop bad habits! Labradorite Labradorite is THE stone of magic and divination, adventure, protection and psychic development. This powerful crystal ally safeguards us as we explore other dimension and realities, bringing us safely back home when we have finished. Lepidolite Lepidolite provides fabulous emotional support to calm and balance feelings, reduce anxiety and bring a sense of peace. It also welcomes any necessary changes that are needed for transformation by removing self-doubt and fear. Using any of these stones on their own or in combination, or any others that we are drawn to at this time will help us to tune in to the energy of Pisces. When we follow our guidance when choosing our crystals magical things always happen! With much love and Pisces blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Balancing your Needs with the Full Moon in Leo

    We have a Full Moon in Leo bringing a wave of new energies and opportunities! Carry on reading to find out why this is such a special time, plus our favourite Full Moon ritual, and the crystals we recommend for you to use. This Full Moon is often referred to as The Milk Moon as we hear the bleating of lambs as they call for their mother's milk. It is a time of inspiration and a great time to make plans. The energy is light and joyful! That Aquarian vision we are creating..... comes a little closer as we remain playful and inventive as we express our vision of the world we would like to live in. It is a powerful and positive Full Moon for all Fire and Air signs, but more challenging for Earth and Water signs. With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for: Why is a Full Moon important? How will the Full Moon in Leo affect us? How to embrace the Full Moon Why is a Full Moon important? The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions could be about to manifest or be on its way. From this point on we are aware of the consequences of the cycle and can make conscious choices about any further development. Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. The Full Moon always occupies the polar opposite sign to that of the Sun. We need to spend time outside and look up at the Moon (even if it isn't visible), connect to our basic instincts and feel wild and free. Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receiving what is available to us right now. Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are the major players at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see exactly what inner work needs to be done. How will this Full Moon in Leo affect us? At the Full Moon, the Moon and Sun are sat directly opposite each other with the Sun illuminating the Moon. They are both in signs that are totally opposite sides of the zodiac but need to find balance and common ground. They represent opposite ends of the spectrum, neither good nor bad, just what is. This month the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo. We are looking to find the balance between the needs of others (Aquarius) and our own (Leo), between collective democracy and individual self-will. This helps us find our flow through the process of transformation. The energy is bright and regal! How to embrace the Full Moon We live in a world of energy, or better yet, a web of energy where all things are connected. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously choose to fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Creating a ritual is the perfect way to work through this process. Here is our suggestion for a Full Moon Ritual: Step 1: Forgiveness holds the releasing power and creates a void. Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. Forgiveness sets us free as when we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a person, situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean that we condone the actions of someone else, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead. Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart Step 2: Gratitude holds the power to fill the void. We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for. Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world Step 3: Guidance I invite you to ask yourself some big questions under the Leo Full Moon and then just feel the answers rise up from your heart. Use these five questions to help guide you: Have I been expressing myself creatively? Have I been showing myself enough self-love? Have I been showing people respect? Have I been humble? Have I been generous, thoughtful and considerate towards others? Step 4: Meditate Meditation is a great tool we can look to use daily, but it can take us to new levels when we meditate and harness the energy that surrounds us during the different stages of moon cycles. Use meditation to help you clear your headspace and reframe. If you aren't sure where to start, you can watch our collection of meditation for beginners videos here. Step 5: Use Crystals Another phenomenal tool to harness is our crystals and their energy, they can help us at any or all stages of the Full Moon ritual. Moonstone can be used at any phase of the Lunar cycle. Selecting crystals intuitively is the best way to surround yourself with the energy you need but if you would like a starting point, here are three crystals we would recommend: Peach Moonstone Moonstone is a crystal of the High Priestess and keeper of the feminine mysteries that resonates perfectly with the Leo Full Moon. It helps us to master our emotions by neutralising any low vibe emotions rather than suppressing or expressing them. Peach Moonstone adds an extra dimension due to its unique vibration by helping to ignite our passion for things that truly make our heart sing in this world. Sunstone Leo is ruled by the Sun, making this a powerful pairing. Sunstone carries the divine masculine energy of the Universe and brings us abundance, mental clarity, strength and the ability to shine! This can only help us to restore our enjoyment of life and be the biggest and boldest version of ourselves. Rhodochrosite The stone of self-love that will help to balance all that fabulous Sunstone energy. Rhodochrosite increases our sensitivity and receptivity to our inner guidance and helps to channel higher energies in alignment with our authentic nature and heart's desires. Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this Full Moon. It's setting us up to navigate a more balanced way forward, one where we are inventive as we create and express our highest vision for the future. Love and Full Moon blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Amethyst for February

    Where did January go? In the blink of an eye I guess! February is here already and time is flying by. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Amethyst! Read on to find out why. February and Amethyst: February is traditionally associated with the last grip of Winter, emerging snowdrops and Imbolc. The Sun starts in Aquarius and then moves into Pisces....... Air energy followed by Water energy. During February, the second month of the year, we experience the powerful 2:2 and 22:2 portals and celebrate the festival of Earth awakening at Imbolc. All the crystals that align with the energy of February empower us with strength, light and love. It's like they know that we need this combination to help us through the final phase of Winter, to begin shifting from our inner to outer world and bring the spark of divine inspiration to create our vision for the future. So naturally, I have chosen Amethyst as my crystal of choice for February. You could also use Jasper or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to. Amethyst: Amethyst is a highly valued member of the Quartz family and is found in many countries around the world, with each location imparting its own distinctive energy to the crystals. The colour varies from the palest lilac to the deepest purple and this is as a result of varying trace amounts of iron and aluminium included within the Quartz. The history of Amethyst: Our modern interpretations of the properties of Amethyst come from ancient traditions and language. Sources agree that Amethyst is the ninth stone in the breastplate of Aaron, bringing peace and dream-inducing properties. As legend has it, Bacchus fell in love with a beautiful maiden called Amethyst, but she wanted nothing to do with him so he vowed to seek revenge on her! Artemis took pity on Amethyst and turned her into a Quartz statue for her protection. Bacchus was furious about this and threw his chalice of wine over the statue, turning it purple. The famous saying..... in vino veritas (in wine truth) comes from ancient Rome. In Greek, the word amethystos means "not drunk". The ancient Greeks believed that loss of control through drinking wine made you vulnerable to enemy attack. The ancient Greeks and Romans loved drinking wine but believed that drunkenness was a sign of weakness. So on important occasions, they drank their wine out of Amethyst goblets so that the wine could reveal its truth without exposing any personal weakness. The power of Amethyst: The ancient and modern uses of Amethyst both suggest that on a physical level it helps prevent getting inebriated and losing control. It can also be used to curb other types of overindulgence and give up bad habits, not just drinking too much alcohol! Amethyst is a stone of purification and spiritual protection. By clearing our energy field of lower energies it creates an energetic shield around us that keeps negative influences at bay. This helps to keep us calm, our vibration high and allow a greater connection to Source/Creator/God. The magic of rebirth is available to us during February with the help and support of Amethyst. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your Crown chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this prominent time. Sparkly Amethyst blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Celebrating Imbolc

    On February 2nd we celebrate Imbolc. As a cross-quarter festival, it is a bit of a moveable feast because the tradition was to celebrate when Mother Nature gave the signal. This could be any time from the end of January to the beginning of February. As February 2nd coincides with the 2:2:22 portal this year, the day has extra special significance. What is Imbolc? The days are beginning to lengthen, but it is still cold, maybe even snowy. The Sun is gradually returning and Mother Earth is responding. Winter is losing its grip and Spring really isn't far away. It is that potent time between Winter and Spring when the sap is starting to rise and we can see signs of the Earth stirring. Imbolc is the festival of Earth awakening where we cleanse and purify our homes and then fill them with light to celebrate the Sun and our health. We are enticing and encouraging the Sun, with all its life-giving energies, to return to us. At Imbolc the unconscious is emerging from a time of rest and incubation, raring to go! We are shifting from the dark inner phase of the year to the light active phase and so we are with ourselves as well. It is a real opportunity to unite our inner receptive power with our outward, active manifesting energies. Why is Imbolc important? The cross-quarter festivals are an opportunity for us to use the developing energy of a new season. Now is the time to prepare inwardly for the changes to come by planting ideas and allowing them to germinate. The returning light at Imbolc brings feelings of hope and thoughts of rebirth. It is really important to listen to our inner guidance and the wisdom we have gained during the Winter months and celebrate the divine spark of inspiration. We are moving into the active phase of the year and it is the combination of the outer and inner aspects of ourselves that is the magic of Imbolc and brings new growth into our lives. We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves. As within, so without. As above, so below. How to Celebrate the Imbolc: There are so many ways we can celebrate Imbolc and we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas: Any white or yellow crystals of choice can be used around the time of Imbolc. Spend time outside to connect with nature and feel the life force emerging. Light candles to represent the return of the light as the Sun's energy begins to increase. Clear out the old and make way for the new to symbolically clear away the remnants of Winter. Use divination tools (oracle cards, Tarot, Runes etc.) to help see the way forward. Cleanse crystals and maybe let them have some time outside in the Sun and Moon to recharge. Burn dried sage and use the smoke to cleanse your energy field. Make a promise to honour and listen to your intuition, beginning a new journey of discovery and understanding. Have a feast and party! Have fun, breathe into the energies and use crystals for support at this special time. Love and Imbolc blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Time to be Imaginative with the New Moon in Aquarius

    The New Moon regularly brings a wave of welcomed fresh energy, and the New Moon in Aquarius is no different. Read on to find out how this change in energy will affect us the day before the 2:2 portal, how to successfully release your intentions for this Lunar cycle, and the top 3 crystals we recommend using during this time. New Moon in Aquarius Aquarius energy is radical and cutting-edge, intelligent and electrifying, innovative and progressive. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting! At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Tuesday after 05.46 GMT will be perfect. The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our inner guidance as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle. How do I make my intentions known? There are many ways we can do this. We can write our intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but we can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak our intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when we have finished. There is no right or wrong way, the way that feels good to you will be the best way. Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Aquarius. Aquarius loves to envision a better future. It’s the perfect time to focus our energy and open our minds to new possibilities! Creating your intentions In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey: What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle? What inspires you right now? How would you like to change your life? Aquarius is full of hope and teaches us to clarify our vision for the future. 5 intentions to make every day count Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Aquarius: Be true to yourself and give yourself the space you need to follow your hearts desires. Be imaginative as Aquarius energy looks forward to the future and believes that anything is possible. Think outside of the box so that the New Moon energy really can help to create something different and refreshing. Who needs your help? Aquarius is the most humanitarian of all the signs and is always looking for ways to better the human race. Get together in groups and be sociable. Connect with friends, family and tribe with a common ideal or purpose. 3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend: Labradorite Labradorite is always perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us to dig out old repeating patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward. As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we connect with the higher realms. Moonstone This stone is particularly important for Aquarius as it can become detached from emotions by spending too much time in its head. Moonstone helps to calm a busy mind, connect with feelings and then find emotional balance. Rose Quartz Rose Quartz is perfect for supporting the humanitarian aspect of compassionate Aquarius, keeping all endeavours heart centred, accepting and filled with gratitude. Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of the Lunar cycle when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold! ...... and remember Aquarius always sees us in relation to the whole world, it's always looking at the big picture, and it is important that we do too! Love and New Moon blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Celebrating the 2:2 Portal

    If the energy is feeling a little intense, that's because it is! We aren't just starting February with a New Moon, but the second day of February brings the 2:2 portal and celebration of Imbolc. That's a whole lot of energy to anchor, process and integrate into a very short space of time! In February we experience both the 2:2 and 22:2 portals. This year they are both going to be extra special because it is 2022 Wednesday 2nd of February is the 2nd day of the 2nd month of the year and is known as the 2:2 portal. This year it will be 2:2:2022! Tuesday 22nd of February is the 22nd day of the 2nd month of the year and is known as the 22:2 portal. This year it will be 22:2:2022 and is even on a Tuesday (2's day/twosday)!! How many 2's????? Both of these portals present us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Mega upgrade and up-levelling right here in a very short space of time! If we have awareness around the relevance of the number 2 then we will have a greater understanding of the significance of its amplification at the portals and where to have our focus. We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us on these special days. The meaning of the 2:2 and 22:2 portals At the 2:2 and 22:2 gateways, portals of light will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve. These waves of energy will combine with the energy of the number 2 multiplied exponentially depending on each individual portal. Number 2 is a divinely feminine energy that resonates with the vibration of peace and balance in relationships and situations. The unifying energy of the number 2 encourages cooperation and working together, even bringing opposing forces together to complement each other and interconnect. The energies on these two portal days will be very different because the Sun will be in completely different signs of the zodiac. For the 2:2:22 portal, the Sun is in Aquarius (vision for the future) so on this day we are clarifying our vision for a future where our world is more accepting of differences between individuals, families, organisations, countries and more. For the 22:2:22 portal, the Sun will be in Pisces (wisdom and spirituality) and on this day our focus will be on trusting our intuition and inner guidance as we move forwards into new dimensions and realities where divine feminine energies are necessary to restore peace and balance in our world. There are also more 2's in the 22:2 portal amplifying the energy of the number 2 evermore! How to use the 2:2 and 22:2 portals Step 1: Identify what is holding you back It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as: Where is my internal dialogue holding me back? What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with unity consciousness? What restricting words do I use to describe my relationships? Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place. Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process. Remember, Aquarius seeks a better future for all of humanity. Step 3: Manifest All we need to do then..... Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space. If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space. Hold a clear Quartz point or crystal of choice. Invite and visualise the 2:2/22:2 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth. Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia. You are the channel. Connecting Heaven and Earth. The energies are flowing through you. They are activating cellular light codes within you. Let the light do the work. Just focus on the light moving through you. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Then invite and visualise energies from deep within Mother Earth flowing up from beneath your feet and flowing into your Base chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath. Sense the difference in this energy compared to the energy that came down from the heavens. On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing up and out of your Crown chakra and flowing back down around the outside of your body back into Mother Earth. Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing up through you and then back down into the Earth. Do this until you feel it is time to stop. Drink lots of pure water. Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'. Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance. We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are. Aquarius and Pisces will be offering us energetic doorways through which we can walk on these portal days, leaving the unwanted and denser aspects of our past behind, just in different ways. We are then able to step into a higher frequency and level of consciousness and a more authentic and confident version of ourselves. This is how we evolve, embody more light and help to heal the world. Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation and rebirth. Sparkly love and portal blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Confusing Crystals: Kumbaba Jasper vs Nebula Stone

    In the next installment of our Confusing Crystals series, we are taking a look at two minerals that are often confused due to their similar appearance, Kumbaba Jasper and Nebula Stone. Even though they may look similar, they are in fact very different. Read on as we explore why they are different and how to tell them apart. I love learning about crystals and will always continue to explore the crystal realms as they fascinate me. As I do this I have found some crystals to be quite confusing to identify and distinguish from other similar crystals, starting with Kumbaba Jasper (sometimes spelt Kambaba Jasper) and Nebula Stone. They are two totally different stones that get confused on a regular basis. How to tell the difference between Kumbaba Jasper and Nebula Stone They look very similar as they have the same colour combinations, but in reverse. They are totally different geologically and minerally, created by different formation processes in different parts of the world, have different mineral combinations and as a result, they have very different energies for us to work with. Kumbaba Jasper features a green base, with black swirls and spots. (First Image) Nebula Stone is the reverse, featuring a black base with green swirls and spots. (Second Image (1)) You can tell them apart by their look, although this can sometimes be difficult if a piece of Kumbaba Jasper features large amounts of darker mineral, for example the top right corner of the heart pictured, looks similar to Nebula Stone. Another way you can tell is the price. Nebula Stone is a rare mineral, I don't think I've managed to come across a piece yet, and if I were too, the price would reflect its rarity. There are also many people who name their Kumbaba Jasper as Nebula Stone too, meaning they have named it Kumbaba Jasper (Nebula stone) in the product listing. In those instances you are likely seeing Kumbaba Jasper rather than Nebula Stone. Understanding Kumbaba Jasper and Nebula Stone As we mentioned earlier, there are differences between the two in their properties and formation. Let's take a look in more detail. Kumbaba Jasper Kumbaba Jasper or Green Stromatolite Jasper isn't actually a Jasper at all. It is a sedimentary stone containing fossilised stromatolite algae. Layers upon layers are built up over a prolonged period of time to create it. It is very affordable even for the best quality specimens. Kumbaba Jasper is found in South Africa along a rift that runs from South Africa to Madagascar and it has a green/blue/grey background with dark green/black petrified algae presenting in circles, patterns and swirls. Kumbaba Jasper resonates deeply with the energy of the Earth and is grounding, protective, calming and supports spiritual growth. Nebula Stone Nebula Stone is an igneous stone from within the Earth brought to the surface when a volcano erupts. It is a unique combination of Quartz, Anorthoclase, Riebecktite, Aegirine, Arfvedsonite and Zircon. The minerals were once molten magma and glass-like but they cooled very slowly, allowing the minerals to separate out and crystallise. Nebula Stone is only found in one location in North America, which has been kept secret and is really difficult to obtain. As a result, it is hellishly expensive so you need a small mortgage to buy some! It has a very dark green/black background with green circles and patterns. The Quartz veins found running through it activate and amplify the energies of all the other minerals making it super powerful and programmable. Nebula Stone resonates with cosmic energy that supports purification, enhances psychic abilities and stimulates spiritual awakening. You are far more likely to be seeing and buying Kumbaba Jasper as Nebula Stone is really rare, please be vigilant when buying these mineral as they do look very similar, they really are a confusing crystal! Sparkly blessings, Tiggy xx (1) Image is taken from . Originally sourced from The Book of Stones. We do not own the rights to this image and it is used for purely demonstrational purposes.

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