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  • 3 Steps of Attunement

    One of the most valuable tools that we can learn/remember/rediscover is that of attunement. This isn't just something we can do with our crystals, but as all sentient beings, we are connected through a web of energy. This can be a connection to ourselves, another person, an animal, or any living being! We can attune to anything, anywhere, with practice and dedication, in 3 easy steps. What is attunement? Attunement simply means being in tune with something, or on the same wavelength. As we live in a world of energy where everything is connected, it is a mind-blowing concept to know that we can tune into something at will. This is the nature of our reality and it is totally possible even if we have never consciously tried to do it before. We might find that we have been doing our own version of this for a while and just need a nudge in the right direction to enhance this process. Why should we attune? As we align with the darker half of the year, attunement is such an important aspect to engage in, and in time and with experience, come to master. This is because when we tune in to something energetically we are developing our personal spiritual practice and refining our capabilities and psychic gifts which will only help to elevate our frequency and support us in the most incredible way on our path. How can I attune? Crystals are a brilliant starting place as they are powerful tools and teachers in their own right. They have their own language that we can interpret with an open heart and mind in order to share their secrets. They will support us as we practice and help us to heal at the same time. We only have to open ourselves to the possibility that our crystalline friends have wisdom that they want to share with us in order to do this. As the lower mind is calmed and cleared and able to take a back seat, we can listen and communicate in silence. Step One: Prepare Before we start it is a good idea to take a walk in nature, meditate, connect to higher energies or place a crystal on the 3rd eye to help clear and calm the mind and create a stronger connection to higher energies. This gives us the greatest possible chance of success. Then when we are ready... Step Two: Connect Bring attention and focus to the heart centre in order to perceive the truth Be silent and still Hold the crystal in the left hand (unless guided to do otherwise) Listen/be aware/be receptive Step Three: Receive Answers may come in the form of pictures or images, words, symbols, feelings or just a deep knowing. However we receive these impressions or combination of impressions is perfect for each of us. Top Tip: Trust We must always trust what we receive, as by trusting we open ourselves up to receive even more wisdom and guidance. It is a good idea to record everything in a journal as this gives us brilliant feedback that helps us to progress confidently. This is a form of personalised training that we can adapt to enable us to communicate on incredibly subtle levels with different life forms. We can use our crystals to help us here too. By practicing and persevering, we can develop an extraordinary sensitivity to a world that has so much to offer us; full of incredible wisdom that we can then access. We will also find that it brings us greater self-control, inner peace and personal connection to the Source energy. The crystals we are working with are also benefitting as they are evolving and fulfilling their destiny here on Earth. By working consciously with the mineral kingdom we can learn how to better express our own light and create a better world. How fabulous is that?! Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • The Abundance of Autumn

    When I think of Autumn it conjures up the most magnificent array of warm, vibrant and earthly colours that always bring a huge smile to my face. The fabulous mixture of rich browns, forest greens, burnt orange and sunny yellow, gold and deep warm reds through to purple all blend harmoniously at this time of year as the energy shifts and the Wheel of the Year continues to turn into the dark half of the year. There is always such a distinctive smell in the air as the temperature drops, the daylight decreases and Mother Nature starts her retreat back to the Earth. We experience colder, longer nights and days with bright sunshine against brilliant blue skies and big, billowing white clouds and fresh, fresh air. The trees are changing colour and their leaves are encouraged to fall by the lively breezes that blow. Fruits, berries and nuts are appearing everywhere and squirrels are very busy hoarding nuts and other treasures for the leaner times to come during the Winter. We can change the type of food we eat and the clothes we wear in order to adapt to these seasonal changes. We can eat figs, pears, apples and other Autumnal fruits and start making warming soups and stews, as eating seasonally is the best way to support and nourish the body. The sap in the deciduous trees is starting to move from the branches down the trunk and into the roots, before their dormant phase in the Winter. We also need to start thinking more about a similar journey, retreating within ourselves so we can restore and replenish ourselves ready for the Spring. It is such an important time to access our deepest wisdom and highest guidance. At the end of the active half of the year, marked by the Autumn Equinox, I find it really helpful to mindfully bring my energy back to me using this mantra/affirmation. I sing it repeatedly, over and over and over again and seeing the trees transform reminds me to do this. The Earth, the Air, the Fire and the Water.... return, return, return, return Earth, Air, Fire and Water being the sacred Elemental Archetypes and aspects of being that combine to make our presence whole in this lifetime. So with this mantra we are calling back our entire existence across all dimensions. Love it! Of course, we can make great use of our crystals as we do this. Any we have with the rich, deep colours previously mentioned, such as Amber, Obsidian, Honey Calcite, Garnet, or any of the 3rd Eye stones. In addition to our precious crystals, we can also use the support of the element of Water to navigate the realm of Autumn. They are a perfect match and resonate beautifully together. Autumn, Water and the West are all associated with depth of emotion, introspection and soul reflection. Endings turn into new beginnings as Autumn signifies change and transformation. Water teaches us how to flow and be more fluid with these changes, to honour the nature of our flow. Water is divine feminine energy, it moves in a circular pattern to manifest and sustain itself here on Earth. We can call upon the guardians of Water and the keepers of the West to be with us for additional support throughout the season. We call upon the power of Neptune, Master Poseidon, the mermaids, undines and kyhills to help us embody the higher qualities of Water. We call upon the energy of Salmon to bring us the wisdom of the heart and inner knowing and to teach us how to flow with our authentic feelings. What an incredible time of year it is, full of abundance, excitement and promise as we start our annual pilgrimage, the journey that takes us deep within. Love and abundant Autumn blessings, Tiggy xx

  • The Path Less Travelled

    Our path through life is ours to walk alone. It is totally unique just like us and only we can walk it. While doing this we can connect with other like-minded souls who resonate with us at points along our path. Whilst our path is a personal journey, we are able to ask others for support when the timing is right and we are guided to do so. What is our life path? The first really important point to make is that the path is actually a metaphor for our journey through life. We are the path! I am my path and you are yours! Isn't that the best news you have had for a while? As a result of this revelation, we can't get ever get lost on or lose the path, but we can feel this way when we lose our balance, alignment and grounding and shift away from our centre. How to discover your life path: The process of determining the path is far simpler than we think or might have been led to believe. There is a really powerful three-step process we can use to help us... Step 1: Know Yourself This is all about looking inwards to discover self-awareness and understanding so that we really know every aspect and dimension of ourselves in a deep and meaningful way. Go within or go without! Step 2: Work on Yourself By keeping our focus and attention firmly inward, this is the inner work that is so necessary to help develop and balance our individual aspects... Body - be grounded in your physical body Spirit - develop a divine connection Mind - keep a positive mindset Emotions - process every emotion In doing this we can right any imbalances so these aspects of self can work together as a team and co-exist and create harmony in our life. KEEP REPEATING STEP 1 AND STEP 2 and you will find there is a natural and effortless progression from here to step 3. Step 3: Discover Your Divine Purpose This is necessary so we can live our highest expression in this lifetime. This process helps us to raise our awareness, vibration and level of understanding which are all so vital for us to embody the light that we came here collectively to do. Encapsulate all of this in awareness, understanding, love and respect of self and life very readily takes on a new, passionate and elevated meaning. With crystals by our side every step of the way it is like our path is lined with gold! Or certainly golden energy!! Crystals empower us to unfold and explore our divine potential and become more readily attuned to our purpose and destiny. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Zodiac Houses: Astrology Basics

    The birth chart, stripped back to the bare essentials, provides us with a description of the happiest, most fulfilling life that is available to us in this lifetime. How unbelievably cool is that?! That surely has to be something worth exploring, doesn't it? Astrology reminds us who we truly are and illuminates the experiences that trigger our most explosive leaps in awareness! It does all this and warns us about the oh-so-comforting lies that we tell ourselves at the most convenient times, keeping us stuck in the same old loop recreating the same old patterns, over and over and over again. I revert to my chart on a very regular basis as it is so helpful and supportive in so many situations. It shows us the strategies we can use to avoid making bad choices and end up stuck in a dead end. It lists our resources and talks about what our life looks like when we misuse these resources.... showing us how we self-sabotage our best efforts! The astrology map is routed in nature, just like we are. So how do we learn these lessons? Well, we start by looking at the planet's placement in a sign of the zodiac Then we take our analysis one step further and see which House that planet was illuminating The Houses The House placement of a planet shows the area within which it operates most effectively. The 12 Houses represent the 12 basic arenas of life. It is where the planets in the signs of the zodiac make their energies felt in our Earthly areas of experience. Each of the 12 Houses is traditionally ruled by a zodiac sign and so the first House is ruled by Aries, the second by Taurus, the third by Gemini and so on. What we have to be aware of is that in our own birth chart it depends which zodiac sign rules the first house. So for example, if Leo rules the first House, then Virgo will rule the second, Libra the third and so on. Throughout our life, the Universe continually presents us with metaphysical and moral questions connected with our emphasised Houses, but how we each react and what we learn (or not!) will determine the quality of life we experience and the level of inner peace we ultimately find. House Effects Let's take a look at each of the houses and what they represent, plus the areas you can look to for guidance. 1st house: Self-Image and Leadership the subject of the chart, personality, physical appearance, impact on the world, confidence 2nd house: Money and Self-Worth resources, possessions, finances, stability, security, beautiful life 3rd house: Mindset and Community mental and communication skills, siblings and neighbours, relationships, connections, learning, growth 4th house: Home and Family domestic affairs, mother, nourishment, foundation, ancestors, security, nurturing, changing emotions, comfort 5th house: Creativity and Fun self-expression, individual nature, creativity, romance, children, pleasure, play, courage 6th house: Health and Habits work and service, health and efficiency of the system, details, refining practices, organisation, self-care 7th house: Relationships and Equality balance, relationships, partners, colleagues, diplomacy, compromise, listening 8th house: Transformation and Forgiveness others' resources, the underworld, transmutation, cycle of life, letting go, moving on, change 9th house: Wisdom and Travel belief systems, higher learning, far horizons, attainment, status, authority figures, career 10th house: Career and Goals public position, attainment, status, authority figures, career, profession, responsibility, reputation, efficient systems and structures 11th house: Hope and Progress vision for the future, innovation, social networks, friends, groups, plans, objectives, teamwork, aspirations, new possibilities 12th house: Intuition and Spirituality higher consciousness, spirituality, wisdom, other realms, mystical, belief, inner world, soul growth, privacy Astrology is an incredibly accurate tool we can use to gain insight into our character, talents and abilities. It is a mirror that reflects our inner world, while crystals help us in the outer world to harmonise the energies we were born with. Crystals are gifts from Mother Earth that we can use to help unfold our divine potential. Through their beauty and wisdom, they can help us be more in tune with our destiny. When we work with astrology and crystals together their energies are complementary in helping us to find our way, recognise our authentic selves, heal and find balance in the world. We can let astrology guide us and the crystals empower us! Love it :) Love and cosmic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Tiger Eye for August

    August we love you! Bringing with you the lazy days of Summer and a break in the regular routine. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Tiger's Eye! Read on to find out why. Why Tiger's Eye? August is holiday time, fun time and let your hair down time. The corn is being/has been harvested and Gladiolus (sword lily) are in full resplendent flower. During August, the eighth month of the year, we celebrate Lammas, experience the awesome 8:8 Lionsgate portal and the Sun moving from the Fixed Fire sign of Leo into the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo. That means we are looking for crystals that align with the energy of August, that of manifestation and dedication, leadership and self-actualisation. So naturally, I have chosen Tiger's Eye as my crystal of choice for August. You could also use Peridot, Spinel, Sardonyx or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to at this time. What is Tiger's Eye? Tiger's Eye is a silicon dioxide mineral with shimmering bands of yellow-brown to golden colour. As a member of the Quartz family, it carries a high vibrational charge in the golden highlights. The gorgeous dark brown ray grounds this energy into the Earth, bringing balance and well-being. The mesmerising silky gold sheen symbolises personal power, integrity and the ability to bring heaven to Earth. A 'Grounded and Guided' crystal that stimulates the Base and Solar Plexus chakras, while bringing down the highest golden rays from the cosmos. A stone of vitality and practical physical action, it helps us to take effective action while staying calm and grounded by energising the body and sharpening the mind. When this lustrous stone is held up to the light it resembles a tiger's eye filled with sunshine. This luminous cat's eye effect is called chatoyancy. At a time in the year when we are letting our spirit shine forth and demonstrating our authentic self this stone is a powerful ally for all of us. How Tiger's Eye was used throughout History Tiger's Eye has been used as a talisman since the early days of human civilisation representing strength, courage and prosperity. Roman soldiers wore engraved Tiger's Eye to protect them in battle. In the late 16th century, Tiger's Eye was more precious than gold. It was so rare and beautiful that tribal leaders used it in their ceremonial and wardresses. The magic of rebirth is available to us during August with the help and support of Tiger's Eye. We can carry it with us, wear it as jewellery, place it on our chakras, and have it in our environment, but we need to connect with it as often as we can. It will help change our lives at this extraordinary time. Sparkly Tiger's Eye blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Zodiac Qualities: Astrology Basics

    We are looking to add another layer of interest and intrigue to the existing Astrology Basics blogs as we build a bigger picture of this sacred science while preventing overwhelm! Initially, we have looked at the foundation of the 4 elements, which led us to the power of the10 planets, followed by the 12 signs of the zodiac, which are important to understand before we continue with today's blog. If you need a quick recap you can select the headers below for a quick reminder, or visit the previous blogs via the images: Zodiac Sign Qualities Now we will address the 3 qualities (also called modalities or triplicities) associated with these 12 zodiac signs. These qualities refer to the stages in the seasonal cycle that make each sign unique despite sharing the same elemental (Eath, Air, Fire, Water) energies. These qualities are known as Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each quality group comprises 4 signs, 1 from each element: Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Cardinal zodiac signs always start a season. This energy is self-motivated, future-orientated and dynamic. Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Fixed zodiac signs embody each season fully. This energy is steadfast, focused and persistent. Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Mutable zodiac signs finish each season and help us to transition to the next one. The Full Zodiac Sign Meanings: By putting together the quality and elements of any given sign of the zodiac we can determine the basic nature of that sign. Aries Element: Fire | Quality: Cardinal Life force energy that likes to initiate new projects Cancer Element: Water | Quality: Cardinal Intuitive feeling energy that likes to initiate new projects Libra Element: Air | Quality: Cardinal Connecting and communicating energy that likes to initiate new projects Capricorn Element: Earth | Quality: Cardinal Grounded, physical energy that likes to initiate new projects Taurus Element: Earth | Quality: Fixed Grounded, physical energy that is productive and persistent Leo Element: Fire | Quality: Fixed Life force energy that is productive and persistent Scorpio Element: Water, Quality: Fixed Intuitive feeling energy that is productive and persistent Aquarius Element: Air | Quality: Fixed Connecting and communicating energy that is productive and persistent Gemini Element: Air | Quality: Mutable Connecting and communicating energy that refines and adapts Virgo Element: Earth | Quality: Mutable Grounded, physical energy Sagittarius Element: Fire | Quality: Mutable Life force energy that refines and adapts Pisces Element: Water | Quality: Mutable Intuitive feeling energy that refines and adapts Watch out for more astrology basics blogs! Until then, Love and cosmic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Zodiac Astrology Basics

    We have already spoken about the 10 Planets in a recent blog and the profound influence they have on our lives individually and collectively. They are the energy and influence that operate through the 12 signs of the Zodiac. That's because each of the 10 Planets will be happily residing in a sign of the zodiac at any moment in time, and in a very specific one at the moment of our birth. As sacred archetypes, the signs of the zodiac each represent an aspect of the relationship between heaven and Earth that creates life as we currently know it. As within, so without As above, so below Each sign of the zodiac relates to one of the Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, so there are 3 signs in each element. When a particular planet connects and combines with one of the signs of the zodiac it will create very specific energy. Each zodiac sign has a natural affinity and resonance with a number of crystals and minerals and these powerful unions generate a magical combination of energies! So let's take a look at the signs of the zodiac in more detail. We start at the beginning of the zodiac year... Aries - Fire Represents: Leadership and self-confidence Crystal: Bloodstone The courage and tenacity of Bloodstone helps Aries to take pioneering action and get something started. Taurus - Earth Represents: Money and self-worth Crystal: Rose Quartz The soft and loving energy of Rose Quartz teaches Taurus that the source of love comes from within and this is essential for discovering self-worth and inner peace. Gemini - Air Represents: Mindset and community Crystal: Fire Quartz The powerhouse that is Fire Quartz has a dual nature just like Gemini and brings us the best of both worlds to improve balance and connection. Cancer - Water Represents: Home and family Crystal: Moonstone Shimmering Moonstone helps to amplify the nurturing and intuitive energies of Cancer while keeping the emotional state calm and flowing. Leo - Fire Represents: Creativity and fun Crystal: Tiger's Eye The harmonising and protective energy of Tiger's Eye is the ultimate support for balanced willpower, confidence and drive that helps manifest Leo dreams into reality through the power of intention setting. Virgo - Earth Represents: Health and habits Crystal: Amazonite Amazonite is perfect for helping balance the emotions and releasing control, encouraging Virgo to go with the flow and accept imperfections. Libra - Air Represents: Relationships and equality Crystal: Blue Kyanite Blue Kyanite is a powerful crystal for balance and alignment so is a great match for the Libra, connecting to the highest truth and making self-expression and clear, open communication effortless. Scorpio - Water Represents: Transformation and forgiveness Crystal: Cinnabar Red is the perfect colour crystal for Scorpio and its characteristics are so supportive as well. As a stone of alchemy and transformation, Cinnabar helps to manifest our divine blueprint in this lifetime. Sagittarius - Fire Represents: Wisdom and travel Crystal: Bronzite The balancing and grounding frequencies of Bronzite support the free-spirited tendency of Sagittarius, keeping courage and confidence high, regardless of life's challenges. Capricorn - Earth Represents: Career and goals Crystal: Clear Quartz Clear Quartz is a fabulous crystal to connect Capricorn to higher levels of consciousness, bringing clarity and helping to determine the true purpose and necessary steps to make dreams become reality. Aquarius - Air Represents: Hope and progress Crystal: Aquamarine Aquamarine transforms thoughts into reality and the humanitarian endeavours of Aquarius find empathy, compassion and inspired service to humanity with this Water element crystal. Pisces - Water Represents: Intuition and spirituality Crystal: Amethyst Amethyst helps to amplify divine connection for Pisces by purifying the energy field, bringing protection and supporting inner guidance. From the Earth's perspective, the planets travel progressively through these 12 signs of the zodiac and seek to express their energies through the very different qualities of these zodiac signs. When we understand how the planets and zodiac signs work together it can help us to understand ourselves, our journey and support us through life's many challenges. There are more astrology basics blogs to come! Until then, Love and cosmic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Numerology Basics

    The significance of numbers can sometimes be overlooked, but they surround us everywhere. You might have heard reference to repeated numbers and the significance of seeing them, but they are so much more. Carry on reading to find out the power of numerology. The practice of using numbers to understand the world has very ancient roots. Numerology today studies particular numbers (like our date of birth) to reveal special significance in our life. We can then harness our newfound potential with the fabulously supportive energy of crystals! Numbers are essentially symbols that embody specific wisdom and offer us a magical connection to Source/Creator energy. There is infinite power to be found in the consciousness of numbers as symbols have a direct impact on the subconscious mind which speaks directly to our Soul or Higher Self. So numbers can have a great cosmic influence on our lives and we can take maximum advantage of this when we understand and appreciate their meaning. Then we can combine them with our amazing crystals for optimum results. There are so many exciting things that we can calculate using numbers, like our 'life path number', but in this introductory blog let us start by looking at the basic numbers, their individual meanings and associated crystals. As always, please follow your guidance when selecting crystals. The Energies and Meanings of the Numbers 1 Awareness of Self Source, beginning, unique, self-aware, innovative, independent, awakening, initiate, courage, leadership, ambition, goal orientated, masculine energy, high energy, dynamic force, relentless drive. Associated crystal: Sunstone 2 Equality Duality, equality, gentle, peace, balance, relationship, polarity, cooperation, diplomacy, tact, resilience, support, advice feminine energy, subtle, loving, vulnerable, humble, music, harmony. Associated crystal: Moonstone 3 Self-expression The Higher Power of Consciousness, trinity, communication, evolution, sunshine, playful, optimistic, enthusiastic, creative, inspired, motivated, expansive. Associated crystal: Clear Quartz 4 Practical Stability of form, rock, detail, ordered, systematic, methodical, precise, habit, ritual, physical structure, boundaries, foundation, reliable, punctual, dependable, honest, trustworthy. Associated crystal: Petrified Wood 5 Adventure Expanded perspective, dynamic, courageous, persuade, promote, bright, quick, versatile, adaptable, experiment, explore, transformation. Associated crystal: Bronzite 6 Harmony Heaven on Earth, love, awareness, commitment, caring, sympathy, protection, nurture, responsible, self-sacrificing, undemanding, domestic, maternal, teacher, healer, artistic, creative. Associated crystal: Tiger's Eye 7 Truth Spirit, divine inspiration, mystical, cerebral, analyse, focus, psychic, channelling, contemplate, meditate, intellectual, abstract thinker, knowledge, wisdom, insight, intuition, understanding, inward, reflection, solitary, contentment. Associated crystal: Mystic Merlinite 8 Vision Awareness of infinity, power, ambition, results, money conscious, leader, business, dreams, plans, strength, perseverance, understanding, forgiveness, broad minded. Associated crystal: Sodalite 9 Connection Completion, realisation, humanitarian, sacrifice, sharing, loving, caring, conscious, genius, spiral of evolution, creation, death and rebirth, artistic, noble, aloof, aristocrat, healer, giving. Associated crystal: Golden Fluorite Love and blessings, Tiggy xx

  • 3 Steps to Unlimited Success

    Many roads lead to Rome as they say, but achieving success as we travel through life can sometimes seem like an unobtainable goal. I always find that simplicity is key and repetition helps to focus our attention and efforts in an exponential way. Here are 3 steps that I remind myself of every morning before I start my day. With every day that passes, the power associated with the thoughts, words and crystals increases and amplifies. Success then becomes inevitable! Go Within What does this actually mean? It is a phrase that people talk about and many find confusing. That's because we were taught to go without! We were taught to take our attention and focus outside of ourselves, out into our environment, out into the world around us. In doing this we never really get to know ourselves as we never spend time within ourselves. We are always too concerned with the busyness going on all around us to notice and pay attention to what is going on inside. How do we go within? We can simply sit in stillness to begin the magical internal journey of introspection. Then we bring our attention inside of our physical body and keep it there! Going within connects us to divine feminine energy, to the womb, the abyss, the cave, the place of mystery. This is the place of all potential, where all dreams, ideas and possibilities exist. This is the sanctuary of the self. Going within helps us cross the boundaries of our own growth edges and receive potent gifts and insight. Crystals to help go within: Hematite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Moonstone, Onyx Surrender to Spirit This might sound a tad weird! Surely surrender is giving in or giving up? What we do when we have failed? What is actually meant by this is to hand over control of the situation to the Universe. Give up any preconceived ideas and notions about what we thought we had to micro manage and have a handle on regarding our entire life..... our ego just loves this! In truth there is so much that we are never able to control..... other people, situations, experiences and the like. What we do have control over is our self and our responses to everything that happens on this amazing journey through life. This is our power and what creates the change we so desire. The rest we can hand over or surrender to the Universe. It's not our responsibility anyway and it relieves us of a huge amount of pressure. The Universe has the grand plan for our life and we are far better off going with the flow of what it brings to us so we can have the best time while we are here. When we have played our part it is time to turn the rest over to the divine and then Spirit can work its very special kind of magic for us. Crystals to help surrender to spirit: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Rainbow Moonstone, Rutilated Quartz, Apatite Open Your Heart Love is the overriding force in the Universe, it always speaks the truth in our world. When I say this I am not talking about the type of love that we were taught about as children. Conditional love always has strings attached and is more a type of shallow sentimental love that chooses when the conditions are right to give love. What I am talking about is unconditional love. The type of love that places no demands, has no expectations and definitely no limits. We are each able to experience this unconditional love at the deepest level when we choose to open our heart. Throughout our life we unconsciously allow our hearts to close as we experience pain, grief and loss. This is a protective mechanism that wrongly believes it will prevent us from being hurt again. What actually happens is that it prevents us from loving and being loved in the fullest sense. What kind of life is that?! Opening and expanding our heart energy allows love to flow and is mind blowingly life changing. This type of love changes our perception and then proceeds to nurture us through all types of hardship and challenge, allowing us to experience joy, peace, passion and true happiness. Crystals to help open your heart: Ruby Zoisite, Diopside, Lemurian Seed Crystals, Scolecite, Malachite, Rubellite In addition to using crystals to support us we can use the affirmation 'I go within, surrender to spirit and open my heart' or something similar that resonates. Powerful crystals and positive phrases can do so much to help us achieve incredible things in this lifetime when we use them consistently. Take one small step today and it will bring huge success in the future. Love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Carnelian for July

    July, here so soon?! I'm not sure we are ready to head into the dark half of the year quite yet! Not to worry, we still have plenty of lazy days of Summer to look forward to, as we ease away from the peak of the Solar cycle. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Carnelian! Read on to find out why. July and Carnelian: July is comforting, relaxing and nurturing and makes us feel like we have all the time in the world. During July, the seventh month of the year, we experience the powerful 7:7 portal and the Sun moving from the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer into the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. That means we are looking for crystals that align with the energy of July, that of passion and protection, connecting to our deepest desires, to love and be loved. So naturally, I have chosen Carnelian as my crystal of choice for July. You could also use Ruby or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to. What is Carnelian? Carnelian is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz and a member of the Chalcedony family. Its name is derived from its resemblance in colour to the Kornel type of cherry. The fabulous Iron Oxide is the source of colour for Carnelian and it can vary from yellow through all shades and tones of orange all the way to the deepest red and ruddy brown. It can also be anything from totally translucent to semi-opaque. In this way Carnelian can incorporate all the colours that resonate with the three lower physical chakras - Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus. As a powerful activator of the lower chakras which govern stability, grounding, creativity, sexuality, passion, vitality, power and confidence, enthusiasm and a zest for life, Carnelian enhances the flow of life force energy in the body and encourages well-being. How Carnelian was used throughout History The first stone in Aaron's (High Priest and brother of Moses) breastplate that was noted in the bible, was Odem. This is the biblical stone name that aligns with Sard, Sardonyx and Carnelian in modern times. The ancient Egyptians adored Carnelian and had many uses for it, including using it to stimulate fertility, encourage passion and provide courage to their warriors. They called it the Sunset Stone and strings of Carnelian beads were worn around the neck and some have survived to this day. In ancient Greece and Rome, Carnelian of a dark red colour was referred to as Sard. Many of the prized signet rings of Rome were carved from Carnelian. Its naturally varied shades also created striking sculptures. The magic of rebirth is available to us during July with the help and support of Carnelian. We can carry it with us, wear it as jewellery, place it on our chakras, and have it in our environment, but we need to connect with it as often as we can. It will help change our lives at this extraordinary time. Sparkly Carnelian blessings, Tiggy xx

  • Astrology Basics

    Astrology is a complex subject and is often referred to as a spiritual science. It describes the profound influence of the planets upon human life and helps to illuminate the problems which confront us in our search for the truth in this lifetime. How Astrology can help us The planets in our Solar System can help us in two major ways: Firstly, the configuration of the planets at the precise moment that each of us was born defines our astrological birth chart. This is calculated using the date, time and place of our birth. We can use it as a spiritual guide (literally a map) as the planets and their relationship (aspect) to each other reveal our strengths and weaknesses and highlights the experiences that will trigger massive leaps in awareness for us. In spiritual development, astrology is our ally because it reminds us of who we really are. Secondly, the planets are constantly in motion and every day their aspects to each other change. This affects the quality and intensity of energy in the heavens and this has a direct effect on us and the experiences in our life. Some days the effect will be more significant than others, but this knowledge can help us take advantage of when the influence is positive and understand why some days are challenging or even downright difficult! As forces of Nature and sacred archetypes, the planets are the driving force of activity in both our inner and outer worlds... As within, so without As above, so below They are the energy and influence that operate through the signs of the Zodiac, Houses and Aspects. They can be seen as our teachers and each one plays a unique role in our life. Astrology: Our Ten Teachers The Sun Represents: Self-Expression Crystal: Ruby Teaches us how to keep our life force energy strong and he tells us about our core essence, our inner authentic self. The Moon Represents: Emotional Security Crystal: Pearl Represents our feeling and emotions and has an effect on our body rhythms. She resonates with the magical and emotional side of our psyche. Mercury Represents: Rewarding Communication Crystal: Aquamarine Governs learning, rational thinking and speaking. Mercury represents our senses and all the data that pour through them. Venus Represents: Self-Worth Crystal: Light Blue Sapphire Controls our attraction to other people, our expression of love, enjoyment of pleasure and awareness of beauty. She is concerned with harmony and her focus is peace. Mars Represents: Assertiveness Crystal: Bloodstone Represents our initiative, energy, drive and courage. Mars is the part of us that is brave enough to claim our own path and follow it! Jupiter Represents: Opportunity and Reward Crystal: Amethyst The mighty Jupiter teaches us about growth and fulfilment and is a symbol of generosity and opportunity. At the deepest level, he represents faith in life. Saturn Represents: Public Achievement Crystal: Garnet Characterises clarity and precision, the part of us that is self-disciplined and seeks excellence. Saturn rules our conscience and governs the way we choose to live our life. Uranus Represents: Freedom Crystal: Ulexite Represents our individuality, independence and uniqueness. It indicates the area in our life in which we must overcome the forces of socialisation and peer pressure to awaken and be true to ourselves. Neptune Represents: Emotional Bliss Crystal: Jade The planet of trance, dreams, meditation and imagination. It governs our extra sensory perception and represents our doorway to mystical experiences where there are no boundaries. Pluto Represents: Self-Mastery Crystal: Diamond Quartz With its transformative and evolutionary powers, calls us to face our shadow side and gain insight that leads to empowerment. From the Earth's perspective, the planets travel progressively through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and seek to express their energies through the very different qualities of these signs. Wroking to understand how the planets and Zodiac's work together can have a profound impact on helping to understand yourself, your journey and supporting you through your challenges. Love and cosmic blessings, Tiggy xxx

  • Working with the Divine Energies

    In our last few blogs, we have explored the Sun and the Moon and how they work together to create harmony and balance. When we learn to balance the two in our lives, this is when we will find our balance and power. We also started to look at how the Sun and Moon tie into our divine energies, which we will be looking at in more detail today. To quickly recap, the moon energy represents our divine feminine energy while the sun represents our divine masculine energy. As above, so below. As within, so without. To understand more, you can read our previous blogs: The Sun: The Wheel of the Year Understanding the Moons Cycle Harmony: The Sun and Moon Our Divine Energies We have both divine masculine and feminine energies within our energy fields, regardless of whether we are male or female, and it is necessary to balance both in our lives. The ultimate goal for our current lifetime so we can live our best life, is to use both these energies so that we are able to manifest our desires and make our dreams come true in the highest possible sense. Understanding Divine Feminine Energy Divine feminine energy is natural, receptive, incoming, flowing energy. We experience this in the right side of the brain and the left side of the body. The divine feminine energy can be seen as receiving intuition and inner guidance that flows from our higher self and the higher realms, bringing us inspiration and guidance on what we need to create in our lives. It is offering us the best way to move forward at this time. Understanding Divine Masculine Energy Divine masculine energy is natural, active, outgoing, flowing energy. We experience this in the left side of the brain and the right side of the body. The divine masculine energy is the part that allows us to bring all this fabulous guidance into the physical world and manifest it into our lives so we can experience it and not just dream about it. We will probably be dominant in one of these energies and it doesn't necessarily follow that women will be dominant in the feminine energies and men in the male energies. This is because it has absolutely nothing to do with being girlie/sexy/liking pink or being manly/strong/sports, etc... The flow of divine energies We can think about dividing these energies up to look at them, but in reality, they will flow seamlessly from one to the other: Divine feminine followed by divine masculine energy. Incoming then outgoing. In on the left side, out on the right side. Be still and receive then take action on the guidance. Flowing seamlessly from one to the other. How can I tell if my energies are out of balance? Time for a quick self-assessment! Take some time and ask yourself: Do you have all the IDEAS but never/rarely make it happen in real life? Then your divine feminine energy is dominant. Are you always busy taking ACTION without being guided and then it doesn't work out so well? Then your divine masculine energy is dominant. Are you able to do both easily? Then congratulations, you have achieved a balance between the two! How to balance my divine energies: If you found you were dominant with one of the energies, then it is time to work on the other. But how do we do this? Fortunately, we can use our crystals to support us in finding and maintaining this balance. Sunstone perfectly represents the Sun's divine masculine energy and we can use it to help us step up and take action externally in the physical world. Moonstone perfectly represents the Moon's divine feminine energy and we can use it to help us go within and be more receptive internally and connect to the spiritual worlds. Sunstone/Moonstone is the perfect crystal combination to work on both energies simultaneously. For me these are the epitome of crystals we can use for this specific work, but if your guidance is suggesting an alternative, then always go with that instead. Here is how you can work with these crystals: Hold Moonstone in your LEFT hand during meditation/walking in nature and/or wear it on your left hand (jewellery), to work with and strengthen the incoming feminine energies. Hold Sunstone in your RIGHT hand during meditation/walking in nature and/or wear on your right wrist (jewellery), to work with and strengthen the outgoing masculine energies. Hold Sunstone/Moonstone in whichever hand feels right or if you are lucky enough to have 2, then you could hold one in each hand. Always be guided for optimum results as we each have the power to make the best possible choices at any moment in time. Love and sparkly blessings, Tiggy xx

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