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  • Light up Your Life with Crystals in 2021

    So 2020 has been right out there in terms of what we were expecting. Maybe that was the problem? Expectation invariably leads to disappointment. It was a new decade, a fresh start, a new beginning. It should have been a walk in the park! Instead our known world was turned upside down and we witnessed things beyond our wildest imagination that previously we might have only seen in a movie. I always enjoy the unexpected and relish in the unusual, but 2020 rocked my boat big time! Something radical had to happen to push us beyond our comfort zone, something so unbelievable that we had no parachute, no escape route, no safety blanket and no get out clause. We had to face the music. We have been triggered, challenged and pushed to the limit. We all had our backs against the wall in new, crazy and unfathomable ways. We all had different experiences, and there have been an exhaustible supply of them, probably too many to count! We had no choice but to change and to evolve into higher beings. If we resisted the problems we encountered they didn't just persist, they magnified out of all proportion. This was all necessary to push us to new levels of insight, awareness and understanding. 2021 is very nearly upon us and we are probably feeling more intrepidation than on any other New Years Eve. Please don't. There is always hope and where there is hope there is light, love and optimism. Remember that crystals are incredibly powerful and they can play a major role in our lives if we allow them to. Here are my top tips to not just surviving, but smashing our best year ever! 1. Align - We can use our crystals to keep us aligned between the Earth and the Heavens so we can be grounded and guided at all times. Darker coloured, heavier and metallic crystals connect us to our physical home in this lifetime, Mother Earth. Lighter, brighter and more sparkly crystals connect us to the cosmos and higher energies. There are some very special crystals that combine the two like Tourminalinated Quartz, Garnet and Astropyllite and Mystic Merlinite. 2. Purify - Purification of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies is essential to remove lower vibrational energies so we can bring in the higher ones. Our ascension is all about increasing the amount of light quotient we can carry within our body. Crystals for purification include Black Tourmaline, Jade and Amethyst. 3. Balance - This is a constantly shifting state to keep our Elements in correct and manageable proportions which allows healing to take place. Crystals for balance include Tiger Eye, Seraphinite and Chlorite Quartz. 4. Acceptance and Flow - It is a blessing to be able to let go of control, especially control of our own lives. When we do this we start to flow with the rhythms of the Universe and experience greater peace, harmony and enjoyment of life. Crystals for acceptance include Lepidolite and pink Calcite and for flow include Ocean Jasper and Aquamarine. 5. Gratitude - Gratitude is the practice of giving thanks for everything that we have in our life. Gratitude changes everything. It opens doorways, raises our vibration and brings us untold blessings. Crystals for gratitude include Kunzite, Hiddenite and green Apatite. So let us burst into 2021 with a positive mindset and crystal power. Life is after all what we make it.

  • The Magic of Crystals

    I often find it hard to wrap my head around the incredible variety of crystals, minerals and stones that are made available to us from Mother Earth. The energies, colours, structures, patterns, intricate detail, inclusions, flamboyance, sparkle, shimmer and spangle..... I certainly do not have enough words or eloquence to describe the immense diversity and beauty that abounds beneath our feet. Why use crystals? Who would have guessed that under the grass and soil lay waiting such a feast of treasures to delight the senses and be such a source of inspiration and passion? Crystals have been captivating the human race since the dawn of time and were used extensively by ancient civilisations, playing a key part in their everyday lives and in sacred ceremony too. The mineral kingdom allows us to access universal life force energy and with the right use of intention can support us in raising our level of consciousness and facilitate healing. There is undeniably something for everyone at any stage of their life journey, regardless of their mental, physical, emotional or spiritual needs or capabilities. Finding the right crystals for you Each crystal has its own personal energy signature, a strong and consistent force that can help us regain our balance and find our centre when we have been knocked off course and need to find healing and wholeness again. We only have to sit quietly with one for a few minutes and allow its vibration to stabilise our own, to benefit from a positive shift in our energetic frequency and be experiencing improved thoughts and feelings. Crystals can take us on a fabulous journey of awakening and self-discovery if we are humble enough to tune in to their hugely beneficial energies. For example, we only have to meditate with luscious Lepidolite to see how quickly it can quiet and calm an anxious mind. When we open to the possibility, these beautiful crystals can help guide us towards hidden wisdom and personal power enabling us to live our highest and best possible life. What crystals should I use? We can read about other people's experiences with specific crystals, but it is not until we stop looking externally for guidance and begin accessing internal support, do we take a giant leap in faith and confidence, start transcending limiting beliefs, and start having our own unique and very personal experiences with the mineral kingdom. That is when the authentic and truly fulfilling journey with the magic of crystals begins. We are here at The Natural Healer to honour, support, guide and nourish you on your own magical mystical crystal journey, every single step of the way, with our extensive collection of unique crystals and our regular educational blog posts and videos. Love and crystal blessings, Carolyn xx

  • Welcome To The Natural Healer

    Hello and a very warm and sparkly welcome to The Natural Healer. Here at The Natural Healer we literally live and breathe crystals. They light up our life in so many fabulous ways and it brings us great joy to help you find the perfect crystals so they can do the same for you. We are a husband and wife team who are living our dream and fulfilling our purpose. We combine our skills and talents to bring you the best selection of top quality crystals, minerals and stones from around the world so that they can fulfil their potential with you. 5 things that we are crystal crazy about: 1. Quality - This is where it all begins! We select the best crystals so that you will see the results you are looking for when you have them in your environment or when you work with them. Just like food, just like the water, just like everything else in life... quality matters, and having the best quality crystals provide the best possible energy. 2. Care and Respect - So we start with the best and then intuitively cleanse, clear, charge and attune them to their highest available vibration using the Elements, the Sun and Moon, herbs, sacred wood, pyramids, and crystal singing bowls to name a few. 3. Eco Friendly Packaging - We have total respect for the incredible planet that is our home and we are passionate about shipping our crystals in a sustainable way. Mother Earth needs us all to be more responsible in how we live and its important to us that, where possible, we play our part by only using natural packaging. 4. Information - The best most highly attuned crystals are so much more powerful when we know how to tune into and work with them. Our Blog and Facebook page are free resources where you can find all the information you need. 5. Support - We promise to provide only the best available crystals and answer your questions with honesty and integrity. We care deeply about our crystal family and have built a wonderful community in which you can share. There is nothing we like more than sharing our crystal passion with other like minded guardians of Gaia's treasure. It absolutely makes our day when you share with us how amazed and astounded you are by our crystals, by their beauty and innate power.

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