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Zodiac Astrology Basics

We have already spoken about the 10 Planets in a recent blog and the profound influence they have on our lives individually and collectively. They are the energy and influence that operate through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

That's because each of the 10 Planets will be happily residing in a sign of the zodiac at any moment in time, and in a very specific one at the moment of our birth.

As sacred archetypes, the signs of the zodiac each represent an aspect of the relationship between heaven and Earth that creates life as we currently know it.

As within, so without As above, so below

Each sign of the zodiac relates to one of the Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, so there are 3 signs in each element. When a particular planet connects and combines with one of the signs of the zodiac it will create very specific energy.

Each zodiac sign has a natural affinity and resonance with a number of crystals and minerals and these powerful unions generate a magical combination of energies!

So let's take a look at the signs of the zodiac in more detail. We start at the beginning of the zodiac year...

Aries - Fire

Represents: Leadership and self-confidence

Crystal: Bloodstone

The courage and tenacity of Bloodstone helps Aries to take pioneering action and get something started.

Taurus - Earth

Represents: Money and self-worth

Crystal: Rose Quartz

The soft and loving energy of Rose Quartz teaches Taurus that the source of love comes from within and this is essential for discovering self-worth and inner peace.

Gemini - Air

Represents: Mindset and community

Crystal: Fire Quartz

The powerhouse that is Fire Quartz has a dual nature just like Gemini and brings us the best of both worlds to improve balance and connection.

Cancer - Water

Represents: Home and family

Crystal: Moonstone

Shimmering Moonstone helps to amplify the nurturing and intuitive energies of Cancer while keeping the emotional state calm and flowing.

Leo - Fire

Represents: Creativity and fun

Crystal: Tiger's Eye

The harmonising and protective energy of Tiger's Eye is the ultimate support for balanced willpower, confidence and drive that helps manifest Leo dreams into reality through the power of intention setting.

Virgo - Earth

Represents: Health and habits

Crystal: Amazonite

Amazonite is perfect for helping balance the emotions and releasing control, encouraging Virgo to go with the flow and accept imperfections.

Libra - Air

Represents: Relationships and equality

Crystal: Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is a powerful crystal for balance and alignment so is a great match for the Libra, connecting to the highest truth and making self-expression and clear, open communication effortless.

Scorpio - Water

Represents: Transformation and forgiveness

Crystal: Cinnabar

Red is the perfect colour crystal for Scorpio and its characteristics are so supportive as well. As a stone of alchemy and transformation, Cinnabar helps to manifest our divine blueprint in this lifetime.

Sagittarius - Fire

Represents: Wisdom and travel

Crystal: Bronzite

The balancing and grounding frequencies of Bronzite support the free-spirited tendency of Sagittarius, keeping courage and confidence high, regardless of life's challenges.

Capricorn - Earth

Represents: Career and goals

Crystal: Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a fabulous crystal to connect Capricorn to higher levels of consciousness, bringing clarity and helping to determine the true purpose and necessary steps to make dreams become reality.

Aquarius - Air

Represents: Hope and progress

Crystal: Aquamarine

Aquamarine transforms thoughts into reality and the humanitarian endeavours of Aquarius find empathy, compassion and inspired service to humanity with this Water element crystal.

Pisces - Water

Represents: Intuition and spirituality

Crystal: Amethyst

Amethyst helps to amplify divine connection for Pisces by purifying the energy field, bringing protection and supporting inner guidance.

From the Earth's perspective, the planets travel progressively through these 12 signs of the zodiac and seek to express their energies through the very different qualities of these zodiac signs. When we understand how the planets and zodiac signs work together it can help us to understand ourselves, our journey and support us through life's many challenges.

There are more astrology basics blogs to come! Until then,

Love and cosmic blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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