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Working with the Divine Energies

In our last few blogs, we have explored the Sun and the Moon and how they work together to create harmony and balance. When we learn to balance the two in our lives, this is when we will find our balance and power. We also started to look at how the Sun and Moon tie into our divine energies, which we will be looking at in more detail today.

To quickly recap, the moon energy represents our divine feminine energy while the sun represents our divine masculine energy.

As above, so below. As within, so without.

To understand more, you can read our previous blogs:

Our Divine Energies

We have both divine masculine and feminine energies within our energy fields, regardless of whether we are male or female, and it is necessary to balance both in our lives. The ultimate goal for our current lifetime so we can live our best life, is to use both these energies so that we are able to manifest our desires and make our dreams come true in the highest possible sense.

Understanding Divine Feminine Energy

Divine feminine energy is natural, receptive, incoming, flowing energy. We experience this in the right side of the brain and the left side of the body.

The divine feminine energy can be seen as receiving intuition and inner guidance that flows from our higher self and the higher realms, bringing us inspiration and guidance on what we need to create in our lives. It is offering us the best way to move forward at this time.

Understanding Divine Masculine Energy

Divine masculine energy is natural, active, outgoing, flowing energy. We experience this in the left side of the brain and the right side of the body.

The divine masculine energy is the part that allows us to bring all this fabulous guidance into the physical world and manifest it into our lives so we can experience it and not just dream about it.

We will probably be dominant in one of these energies and it doesn't necessarily follow that women will be dominant in the feminine energies and men in the male energies. This is because it has absolutely nothing to do with being girlie/sexy/liking pink or being manly/strong/sports, etc...

The flow of divine energies

We can think about dividing these energies up to look at them, but in reality, they will flow seamlessly from one to the other:

  • Divine feminine followed by divine masculine energy.

  • Incoming then outgoing.

  • In on the left side, out on the right side.

  • Be still and receive then take action on the guidance.

  • Flowing seamlessly from one to the other.

How can I tell if my energies are out of balance?

Time for a quick self-assessment! Take some time and ask yourself:

  • Do you have all the IDEAS but never/rarely make it happen in real life? Then your divine feminine energy is dominant.

  • Are you always busy taking ACTION without being guided and then it doesn't work out so well? Then your divine masculine energy is dominant.

  • Are you able to do both easily? Then congratulations, you have achieved a balance between the two!

How to balance my divine energies:

If you found you were dominant with one of the energies, then it is time to work on the other. But how do we do this? Fortunately, we can use our crystals to support us in finding and maintaining this balance.

  • Sunstone perfectly represents the Sun's divine masculine energy and we can use it to help us step up and take action externally in the physical world.

  • Moonstone perfectly represents the Moon's divine feminine energy and we can use it to help us go within and be more receptive internally and connect to the spiritual worlds.

  • Sunstone/Moonstone is the perfect crystal combination to work on both energies simultaneously.

For me these are the epitome of crystals we can use for this specific work, but if your guidance is suggesting an alternative, then always go with that instead.

Here is how you can work with these crystals:

  • Hold Moonstone in your LEFT hand during meditation/walking in nature and/or wear it on your left hand (jewellery), to work with and strengthen the incoming feminine energies.

  • Hold Sunstone in your RIGHT hand during meditation/walking in nature and/or wear on your right wrist (jewellery), to work with and strengthen the outgoing masculine energies.

  • Hold Sunstone/Moonstone in whichever hand feels right or if you are lucky enough to have 2, then you could hold one in each hand.

Always be guided for optimum results as we each have the power to make the best possible choices at any moment in time.

Love and sparkly blessings,

Tiggy xx


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