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Understanding the Moons Cycle

The Moon is planet Earth's only natural satellite. She reflects the light of the Sun and represents our emotional nature, symbolising our feeling response to life in general. The Moon influences our emotions, inner life traits and characteristics and has power over our spiritual life is as strong as her power on the ocean tides in the physical world.

The Moon's Benefits

We can bring more balance and flow to our lives when we choose to follow the rhythms and cycles of the Universe. After all, we are a part of nature, and connecting with the energy and unique cycle of the Moon helps us to feel grounded, less stressed and more connected to our own internal universe.

The Moon exerts such a powerful influence that we would be foolish to ignore her! She controls the tidal energies of vast oceans, so just imagine how she impacts mere humans that are 80-90% water! Emotions are the language of manifestation, as what we feel we manifest more of in our life.

The Moon Cycle

The Moon moves through her own cycle in 28 days, growing visually larger and then smaller in the sky. As she waxes (increases) we develop and as she wanes (decreases) we release. So the Moon can take us on an emotional journey relating to the current zodiac sign of the Sun.

The Sun lights up a theme of self-development and the Moon helps us to learn about this theme and then we can evolve and grow.

The New Moon - the start of the cycle

Each New Moon takes place when the Sun and the Moon are on the same degree of the zodiac at the same time. They are side by side in the sky, just chilling out together and this creates a very special type of magic. The sky is dark and it is a time of quiet reflection where we listen to our intuition and allow new ideas to form.

So New Moons are always exciting as they are a time of opportunity and new beginnings. We can plant the seeds of our dreams and consciously manifest with the Moon during the Lunar cycle. What is it that we choose to cultivate during the current cycle? In order to do this we need to have quiet time, alone time. Time to rest, nurture and meditate.

We need to go inward and reflect on our desires.

When we have done this we can send our intentions for the cycle out into the Universe as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. We can write these intentions down in a journal or Moon diary, but I also love to stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak my intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when I have finished.

Our intentions are amplified even more when we align them with the energy of the current New Moon.

When we add crystals that connect with the New Moon like Labradorite and Black Moonstone, they can support our manifestation in magnificent ways!

The Full Moon - the peak of the cycle

At the Full Moon, the Sun stands directly opposite the Moon, 180 degrees apart. The Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun and it is time for us to balance the energies that they both represent at this time.

The Full Moon is the high point of the Lunar cycle that began a couple of weeks ago at the New Moon. Energy and emotions are at a high, and things might seem a little crazy! It is the most powerful time of the entire cycle and a time to celebrate and enjoy the life we are creating.

At the New Moon we planted the seeds of our intentions and now at the Full Moon it is time to harvest what we have cultivated and can see as internal realisations and external success.

It is time to be fully engaged with life!

It is a very powerful time for healing where we can do our inner work, clearing energy blocks and releasing the past. We can let go of any lower energies in our life that no longer serve us, whether it's a relationship, experience, pattern of behaviour, negative thoughts and emotions ........ anything that is preventing us from living our best life.

When we add crystals that connect with the Full Moon like Moonstone and Selenite, they can support our journey through the Lunar cycle in incredible ways.

Living in harmony with the rhythm of the Moon and her cycle connects us with our own internal Universe. The deeper self-awareness that this brings really helps us to know who we truly are, which in turn can reveal our purpose and direction. This consistent vision for the future allows us to move forwards with ease and confidence, a blessing indeed.

Love and Lunar blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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