August we love you! Bringing with you the lazy days of Summer and a break in the regular routine. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Tiger's Eye! Read on to find out why.
Why Tiger's Eye?
August is holiday time, fun time and let your hair down time. The corn is being/has been harvested and Gladiolus (sword lily) are in full resplendent flower. During August, the eighth month of the year, we celebrate Lammas, experience the awesome 8:8 Lionsgate portal and the Sun moving from the Fixed Fire sign of Leo into the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo.
That means we are looking for crystals that align with the energy of August, that of manifestation and dedication, leadership and self-actualisation. So naturally, I have chosen Tiger's Eye as my crystal of choice for August. You could also use Peridot, Spinel, Sardonyx or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to at this time.
What is Tiger's Eye?
Tiger's Eye is a silicon dioxide mineral with shimmering bands of yellow-brown to golden colour. As a member of the Quartz family, it carries a high vibrational charge in the golden highlights. The gorgeous dark brown ray grounds this energy into the Earth, bringing balance and well-being. The mesmerising silky gold sheen symbolises personal power, integrity and the ability to bring heaven to Earth.
A 'Grounded and Guided' crystal that stimulates the Base and Solar Plexus chakras, while bringing down the highest golden rays from the cosmos. A stone of vitality and practical physical action, it helps us to take effective action while staying calm and grounded by energising the body and sharpening the mind.
When this lustrous stone is held up to the light it resembles a tiger's eye filled with sunshine. This luminous cat's eye effect is called chatoyancy.
At a time in the year when we are letting our spirit shine forth and demonstrating our authentic self this stone is a powerful ally for all of us.
How Tiger's Eye was used throughout History
Tiger's Eye has been used as a talisman since the early days of human civilisation representing strength, courage and prosperity.
Roman soldiers wore engraved Tiger's Eye to protect them in battle.
In the late 16th century, Tiger's Eye was more precious than gold. It was so rare and beautiful that tribal leaders used it in their ceremonial and wardresses.
The magic of rebirth is available to us during August with the help and support of Tiger's Eye. We can carry it with us, wear it as jewellery, place it on our chakras, and have it in our environment, but we need to connect with it as often as we can. It will help change our lives at this extraordinary time.
Sparkly Tiger's Eye blessings,
Tiggy xx