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The Zodiac Year

The wheel of the year keeps on turning and we find ourselves at the beginning of the Zodiac year as the Sun moved out of Pisces and into Aries a few days ago. It is a fabulous time of renewal and growth, of opportunity and action, for us and for all of Nature.

We are creatures of Nature and its forces express themselves through us and around us. The sequence of the Zodiac signs' elements and qualities can be seen as a complete holistic structure and work like a well-oiled machine. There is nothing random about it as each sign has a unique and vital role to play within Mother Nature's annual cycle. They tell of the relationship between Heaven and Earth that creates life, and this can help us accept and nurture our own nature.

Our Sun sign might be Leo, Scorpio or Gemini, but every time the Sun moves into a different sign of the Zodiac it is important and will have a significant impact on our lives in one way or another. The more we can pay attention to the changes and work with the different energies using our crystal allies to support us, the easier it will be for us.

This is a great time to look at an overview of the year ahead and acknowledge that it is not just our own personal Sun sign that is important, all the energies throughout the year are here to help and support us if we choose to take advantage of them. We can just look to Nature to see where we are at any given point in time if we wander into unfamiliar territory or lose our way.

The Signs

It all begins with Aries and applies equally to us...

Aries - March/April

The Cardinal Fire of Aries generates the power to move forward. Its energy comes from the Sun and Nature springs into life and buds explode into existence. All growth rises rapidly towards the heavens and individuality emerges strongly.

Taurus - April/May

The power generated in Aries is now concentrated through the Fixed Earth of Taurus. Nature grows from within and using the Earth's resources it develops leaves and flowers. Everywhere is beautiful.

Gemini - May/June

That which has been concentrated in Taurus is now distributed through the Mutable Air of Gemini. The warm air is alive with movement and the sound of flying creatures that are the agents of cross-pollination. Gemini is the agent of exchange between polarities that enable fertilisation and reproduction to happen.

Cancer - June/July

The Cardinal Waters of Cancer generate the power to bear fruit. Growth is at its height and the Cardinal Water actively surges upwards and outwards to reproduce. Its water swells the fruit that is the outcome of the connection between Heaven and Earth.

Leo - July/August

The power that has been generated is now concentrated through the Fixed Fire of Leo. Fruit and seed ripen to maturity in the warm Summer Sun. With fire in their hearts they glow magnificently as individuals.

Virgo - August/September

That which has been concentrated in Leo must be distributed through the Mutable Earth of Virgo. Ripe seeds must be dispersed. These seeds contain the perfect package for making another unique individual. Virgo perfects each tiny part and disseminates useful information via the creatures that eat or store the seed.

Libra - September/October

The Cardinal Air of Libra generates the power for the individual self to die. That which has grown must now die and the individual self-development must be balanced by relationships and connections with others. Without this, the magic of regeneration cannot happen.

Scorpio - October/November

The power that has been generated is now concentrated through the Fixed Water of Scorpio. Life retreats underground as old forms decompose in the rain and frost. Essential elements are released creating the catalyst to nourish next year's growth. Only through this cycle of death and decay can there be new life.

Sagittarius - November/December

That which has been concentrated must now be distributed by the Mutable spark of Sagittarius. Set free by decomposition, sparks of life fly into the future. The horizon is revealed again and inner visionary fires of hope look towards the rebirth of the Sun.

Capricorn - December/January

The Cardinal Earth of Capricorn generates the power of creation. Earth's instinct to rise up and reach for the light is quickened by the Solstice Sun. Capricorn establishes the secure foundation necessary for future success by actively seeking out resources that will nourish upward growth and production.

Aquarius - January/February

The power generated is now concentrated through the Fixed Air of Aquarius. It synthesises the information into a plan that fixes the idea that will inform and define future development. It is aware of uniqueness and connectivity.

Pisces - February/March

The plan that was concentrated is now distributed by the Mutable Waters of Pisces which spread the current of life itself through Mother Nature. Sap rises and seeds swell with the essential fluid that connects all things.

Then we begin again..... seasons and cycles, rhythm and balance, all things in good time.

When we are aware of and understand the predominant energy belonging to each individual sign of the Zodiac, we can use it to maximum effect to help us on our path at the relevant time of year. There are so many crystals that we can use, we just need to let ourselves be guided to the perfect one/s at the right time and how to use them.

If you would like more information, we have created a free Zodiac Guide with over 20 pages of information, which you can download here.

Love and Zodiac blessings,

Tiggy xx


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