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The Winter Solstice

On December 21st 2021 we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice and we experience the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Directly opposite the Summer Solstice, it is the lowest point of the Sun's descent into minimum light.

What is the Winter Solstice?

The Winter Solstice day is 9 hours and 30 minutes shorter and darker than at the Summer Solstice in June. That's a massive difference and a whole lot of darkness! As the Sun is reborn, so are we! Bringing the wisdom of our inner journey out into the world with the increasing daylight.

For now, the darker days allow us the opportunity to experience our inner world and integrate the experiences we have had this year. It provides the perfect conditions to incubate our personal plans and ideas that will start to manifest as the outward active energy returns.

Why is the Winter Solstice important?

The Solstice is a time to stop, look back and reflect as all of nature has slowed down and so have we, then look forward to a new and exciting active season as the Sun's returning power will bring increased daylight, growth and activity. The days will lengthen and the warmth will return once more.

The Sun also moves into Capricorn, the sign of the achiever, on this day at 15.59 GMT. This brings a huge change in the type of energy influencing us, moving from the wild and bouncy Fire element (Sagittarius) to the practical and structured Earth element (Capricorn).

We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

As such the Winter Solstice is where bring our visions and guidance into the world so that we can start to manifest the dreams that we have been incubating more consciously. On this very special day, we can focus our intentions and healing on the active principle (divine masculine energy) with the positive qualities of logical thinking, assertiveness and taking action, bringing passion and purpose to our lives.

To understand this point in time we need to see this festival as a rebirth within the whole cycle of the Wheel of the Year. This is just a chosen starting point, but it is necessary to connect to what has gone before. Nothing is happening in isolation as everything is part of a vibrant whole.

There are many megalithic monuments that acknowledge the return of the Sun. The outer Sarsen ring of Stonehenge is aligned to the sunset at the Winter Solstice and is probably the most famous.

How to celebrate the Winter Solstice:

There are so many ways we can celebrate the Solstice and we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Get up and watch the sunrise with Sunstone/Moonstone, a powerfully balancing stone of divine masculine and feminine energies.

  • Connect with the Sun throughout the day using Sunstone or any crystal that calls to you. The Sun is the life-giving force in our Universe and Sunstone helps us to be a shining light in the world.

  • Focus on the Solar Plexus chakra as it is yellow in colour and is a reflection of the Sun shining from within us. Citrine will activate, amplify and expand the energy of this chakra and help us experience abundance and manifestation in our lives.

  • Programme clear Quartz with our intentions as we focus on what we would like to achieve in the next cycle.

  • Cleanse all our crystals and maybe let them have some time outside to reset and regenerate with the power of the elements.

  • Celebrate the new phase of the year with Petrified Wood to keep us grounded, calm and secure as we start a new cycle.

  • Watch the sunset with Preseli Bluestone and connect with your ancestors.

Have a feast and party!

Have fun, breathe into the energies and use crystals for support at this memorable time.

Love and Solstice blessings,

Tiggy xx

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