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The Universe: One Song

The Universe is everything that exists from the largest galaxy clusters to the smallest particles and incorporates space, time, energy, and matter.

Nothing separates us from the air we breathe and the Earth beneath our feet. We are one with everything in this extraordinary Universe. Along with all the creatures and plants that inhabit this incredible planet we are dependent for our existence upon the earth, sun, air and rain..... on the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water!

The word Universe means 'one song'; uni means one and verse means song. The name shows us that we can co-exist and be in harmony with all living things in our Universe. It makes me all emotional just thinking about it.

In this Universe, Mother Earth is our home for this lifetime, and she reacts to everything around her. Just like us!

The four kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal and human) all interact and depend on each other for life.

We are an intrinsic part of nature.

We have developed in harmony with the environment (or not!) and can use everything in the natural world to help us on our path and this includes crystals. We are constantly immersed in the vibrations of Mother Earth if we are grounded, and through her energy, we learn about the law of cycles and establish our own patterns through hers. Thank you!

Connecting with Mother Earth

Our ancestors knew the natural world intimately. If we choose to use their sacred knowledge, their ancient source of power, we can begin to explore our relationship with Mother Earth once more. The subconscious mind loves metaphor, symbols and myth. We can use a combination of these to unlock the secrets of our ancestors and ancient civilisations.

The Elements

The four elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water characterise principles of creation, and sacred archetypes, which are reflected through every level of our inner and outer existence.

As above so below, as within so without.

They represent a set of energetic frequencies and describe our most basic personality traits. It's how we really get to know ourselves. This framework might be mythological in origin, but it has been used for centuries across many cultures as a way of understanding the world and everything in it. By understanding the nature of Earth, Air, Fire and Water we can become aware of any imbalances that exist within ourselves. This is significant in terms of our healing.


North - Foundations - Physical - Wisdom

The element of Earth represents the stable and physical aspects of ourselves and our life. It is the place of beginnings and foundations and underpins all of our experiences. Earth allows us to take action and get things done. When we are connected with the Earth and her energies, we function well on a daily basis in our life.

When we have a balanced expression of Earth we are:

  • reliable,

  • consistent,

  • deliver what we promise.

Earth element Crystals include Cuprite, Pyrite, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Obsidian, Ruby, Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Petrified Wood, Amber and Shungite.


East - Spirit - Mind

The element of Air represents the energy of Spirit. Its power is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Air enables us to work things out and make sense of things. Its energy is in our breath and in our blood, and it allows us to explore and experience things outside our normal frame of reference by bringing us visions and communication from Spirit.

When we have a balanced expression of Air we:

  • communicate well

  • see how people and things interrelate and have definition

  • have an objective and impartial perspective

Air element Crystals include Moonstone, Amethyst, Labradorite, Azurite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Selenite, Charoite, Fluorite, Celestite, Apophyllite and Howlite.


South - Transformation - Spirit

The element of Fire represents action and is the force of change and purification. It is through action that we create our reality and our experience. Fire helps us to rise above our situation and dream of other lives and outcomes. The destruction caused by Fire creates space for growth and renewal. It clears the old and unproductive aspects of ourselves, allowing new experiences and creations to thrive.

When we have a balanced expression of Fire we:

  • take action as a way of achieving goals and resolving problems.

Fire element Crystals include Carnelian, Zincite, Sunstone, Citrine, Malachite, Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Golden Topaz, Tiger Eye and Vanadanite.


West - Introspection - Emotion - Death and Renewal

The element of Water represents the emotions, motives and inner energies. Through introspection, we can understand why we create the experiences that we do. Water energy gives us the insight to see beneath the surface. It is a powerful source of energy for cleansing the heart and emotions which is vital for growth. It clears old emotional patterns, helps with self-expression and heals emotional wounds.

When we have a balanced expression of Water we are:

  • good at being ourself

  • understand our feelings are real

Water element Crystals include Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Amazonite, Kunzite, Green Aventurine, Pink Tourmaline, Dioptase, Larimar, Chrysocolla, Lepidolite and Blue Lace Agate.

Love and elemental blessings,

Tiggy xx


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