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The Sun Moves into Virgo

How did we get here so quickly?! The Wheel of the Year seems to be turning at breakneck speed and the Sun will be diving into the earthly sign of Virgo at 22.35 (GMT) on Sunday 22nd August 2021. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and their combined energies inspire us to make the world a better place one detail at a time.

What Does the Sun in Virgo Mean?

Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the playful and creative energy of Leo, we have come down to Earth with the organised and disciplined energy of Virgo.

The focus is on service because Virgo is the Mutable Earth Sign. Earth energy embodies action, leadership, passion, motivation, confidence and sparkle. Mutable energy focuses on change, emphasising progression and moving on, rather than transformation of current situations. It is a great time to step forward, focusing on ending cycles and starting anew. It is a time to confidently embrace adaptation and motivate yourself to take the next step in your journey to achieve your goals.

The Benefits of Virgo Season

We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Virgo season or if it's your Moon or Rising Sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Virgo people are kind, modest, hard-working, particular, disciplined and organised. If you were born in the sign of Virgo it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Virgo season will help you to expand your natural gifts if you choose to embrace this opportunity.

It's time to:

  • Be of service - Virgo season is a time to check-in and make sure you are living your purpose. Are you following your heart centre and true desire, or are you living the life you think you should?

  • Be healthy- This is a time to take inventory, are you being the best version of yourself and nourishing yourself; not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually too?

  • Be kind- Virgo season can be intense if we are not in balance and within our heart centre. It is a time to show some kindness and love to ourselves and others.

  • Be organised- Virgo is a very organised sign, they are disciplined and hard-working. Now is the perfect time to embrace this to help you to organise yourself and create achievable plans. If you have felt stuck, it is the ideal time to get out of your rut and finally make changes to move forward.

3 Crystals for support during Virgo Season

There are many, many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Virgo. As ever be guided in the moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Virgo season and to help channel this wonderful energy.


Virgo season can bring a lot of emotion and a want to control situations. Amazonite is perfect for helping balance emotions and release control. It encourages us to go with the flow and accept imperfections, bringing a nice balance to the energy of Virgo season.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a wonderful crystal for helping us to connect to our inner self, it encourages and guides us to follow our path, which is what Virgo season is all about. It also helps us be truthful with ourselves and others, which is key to identifying what is no longer serving us and helping us release negative self-talk and patterns.


Virgo season is a time for planning, hard work and living your purpose. Mental clarity and accessing your higher mind are key for helping us achieve this. Fluorite clears the Lower Mind of muddled thoughts and negativity, bringing a new sense of clarity. It also balances the third eye, so insight and intuition are more readily accessible and available to us.

Using any of these stones on their own or in combination, or any others that we are drawn to at this time will help us to tune in to the energy of Virgo. When we follow our guidance when choosing our crystals magical things happen!

With love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx


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