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It's your time to shine!

The Wheel of the Year keeps turning through the warm Summer months and the Sun moves into the fiery sign of Leo at 15.26 (GMT) on Thursday 22nd June 2021. Leo is ruled by the Sun and their combined energies inspire us to shine our light brightly into the world.

What Does the Sun in Leo Mean?

Every time the Sun changes sign by moving from one constellation to another, so does the energy available to us. Following on from the generous and caring energy of Cancer, we are now all fired up with the playful and creative energy of Leo. Up we go!

The focus is on creativity because Leo is the Fixed Fire Sign. Fire energy is life force energy that embodies energy, action, leadership, passion, motivation, confidence and sparkle and Leo explores the themes of expression, individuality, loyalty and respect. Fixed energy is lasting energy that keeps us directed and productive. It is a great time to focus our energy on something that requires passion and dedication.

The Benefits of Leo Season

We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Leo season or if it's your Moon or rising sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Leo people are fun-loving, generous, spirited, big-hearted, noble, playful and imaginative. If you were born in the sign of Leo it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Leo season will help you to expand your natural gifts with grace if you choose to embrace this opportunity.

It's time to:

  • Love Yourself - Leo rules the heart and there is nothing more important than loving ourselves. We can open our hearts and celebrate our greatness Leo style, in a humble rather than arrogant way.

  • Be Creative - Leo teaches us that creativity is how we express our individual nature. I love the saying 'be yourself, everyone else is taken' and it is highly appropriate here!

  • Celebrate Life - The more we do this the more we will have to celebrate in our lives and Leo just loves to have fun and celebrate at any opportunity.

  • Indulge Yourself - Because we are so worthy and Leo reminds us that we are all super special souls and have so much to offer the world.

3 Crystals for support during Leo Season

There are many many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Leo. As ever be guided in the moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Leo season and to help channel this magnificent energy.

Tiger eye

A fabulously striking and shimmering Leo stone that enhances all the qualities that this archetype possesses in abundance. Tiger Eye is the ultimate support for balanced will-power, confidence and drive that helps manifest dreams into reality through the power of intention setting.

As a 'grounded and guided' stone, Tiger Eye gives Leo energy a transformational boost to reach its highest potential in this lifetime.


Garnet is another Leo crystal that symbolises this Sun sign perfectly as it lights a powerful fire that brings out the best in Leo. The luscious dark velvety red of Garnet also enhances strength and promotes loyalty and courage. The grounded perspective that Garnet has to offer helps to balance Leo while retaining charisma and flair.


The flaming orange energy of Carnelian encourages passion, vitality and creativity which are all key themes for Leo. Carnelian also inspires confidence and instils happiness which are natural states of being for Leo and this enables their generous heart to be shared more readily.

We can use any of these stones on their own or in combination to help promote the energy of Leo. It is imperative to use our guidance when choosing our crystals as this always allows us to make the perfect decision.

With love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx

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