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The Summer Solstice

On June 21st 2021 we celebrate the Sun at the height of its power at the Summer Solstice and we experience the longest day and shortest night of the year. Directly opposite Winter Solstice, it is the peak of the Sun's highest climb into maximum light. The Summer Solstice day is 9 hours and 30 minutes longer and lighter than at the Winter Solstice in December. That's a massive difference!

The Sun also moves into the sign of Cancer, the sign of the Mother, on this day at 04.32GMT. This brings a huge change in the type of energy influencing us, moving from the lofty and breezy Air element (Gemini) to the flowing and feeling Water element (Cancer).

Throughout all of nature, the rampant growth period is reaching its peak and the natural world is in total and magnificent manifestation. Everywhere we look there is a sense of abundance and completion.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves.

As such the Summer Solstice is also the peak of our expressive and expansive selves where we enjoy and celebrate who we are, what we have, what we have manifested and our achievements this year.

On this very special day, we can focus our intentions and healing on everything we wish to be so we can fulfil our potential in this lifetime. When we simply look up to the heavens we open to the solar energies of Summer Solstice and connect to the entire Universe to support us in this endeavour. The energy and power of the Sun activate and amplify our intentions as we let go and then sing, dance and enjoy our unique personal expression.

We are experiencing and celebrating the death and rebirth of the great cycle of the year in nature and in ourselves as well. We are being called to value the power of the dark cycle as a necessary and very important part of the whole, see it as a gift and celebrate its valuable contribution to our lives. Balance is needed with all things.

This peak moment of active solar energy and light on our planet is an extremely special time. Transformation and alchemy are taking place as the power of the outer realms wane and the power of the inner realms expands bringing completion of ourselves and spiritual rebirth.

Our ancestors viewed this key turning point in the Celtic calendar as momentous, a time of blossoming and wild abandon. Even though it does herald a time when the light starts to decrease, they would have revelled in the height of summer and the earthy freedom, seeking contentment and new pleasures before the harvest.

The eternal ancestral voice from spiritual traditions is remembered in ceremonies and rituals in nature that can help remind us who we really are. Our ancestors would have stayed up all night to watch the sunrise and celebrate the longest day. They would have lit fires on the hilltops and thrown aromatic herbs into them. Leaping the fire assured abundance and fertility in themselves and of the land. Cartwheels adorned with straw were lit and rolled down the hillsides and how far they went was said to determine the abundance of the coming harvest.

Many stone circles are aligned to the Solstice sunrise so that the peak of the solar year could be acknowledged and celebrated.

How to celebrate the Summer Solstice:

There are so many ways we can celebrate the Solstice and we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Get up very early, spend time in nature, connect with our ancestors and watch the sunrise with Preseli Bluestone. Give thanks for our achievements, hopes and aspirations.

  • Connect with the Sun throughout the day using Sunstone. The Sun is the life-giving force in our Universe and Sunstone helps us to be a shining light in the world.

  • Focus on the Solar Plexus chakra as it is yellow in colour and is a reflection of the Sun shining from within us. Citrine will activate, amplify and expand the energy of this chakra and help us experience abundance and manifestation in our lives.

  • Programme clear Quartz with our intentions as we focus on what still needs to be achieved before the inner cycle takes hold.

  • Celebrate the new phase of the year with Petrified Wood to keep us grounded, calm and secure as we start a new cycle.

  • Use any black crystal of choice to acknowledge the power of the dark cycle that brings transformation and renewal.

Have a feast and party!

Have fun, embrace the energies and use our crystals to support us at this incredible time.

Love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx

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