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The Spring Equinox

On Monday March 20th 2023, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring and the festival of awakening and new life. It is time for celebrating balance and harmony, to work on yourself and prepare for the upcoming light half of the year. Read on to find out more about what it means and how to make the most of this time.

What is the Spring Equinox?

Also known as Ostara, the Spring Equinox is a time we experience a moment of balance before we head into the lighter 6 months of the year. Sat directly between the Winter and Summer Solstices we will bear witness to equal day and night, light and dark, and divine feminine and masculine energies.

All of nature is awakening and coming alive as the Sun gains in strength and the days get longer. We have moved from the dark receptive depths of Winter into the light active expression of the new growth cycle. What do we really want for ourselves and the world?

This is the point of balance between the worlds; the inner and outer journey, the joining of the unconscious and the conscious, the infinite cycle of change and renewal that brings you the chance to explore and understand yourself and the life you are creating. Here you can look at and work towards greater balance within yourself.

If you can bring the opposing forces of dark and light into balance at this time, then you can access the power that brings fertility and manifestation for the months ahead.

The 2023 Spring Equinox:

On this day at 21:24 GMT, the Sun also moves into the cardinal sign of Aries, the assertive and dynamic sign of the zodiac. It brings with it necessary change and transformation, and a huge shift in the type of energy influencing us. We move from the flowing and sensitive element of Water (Pisces) to the creative and motivated element of Fire (Aries).

What to do during the Equinox:

It is a time for you to look back with immense gratitude for the gifts and support given during the darker months and also forward to the rapid expansion that will happen in the Spring. Welcome the change as the energy flows towards the light and the power externally. You can start to act on all of the guidance and inspiration received during the darker months and work towards bringing them into your physical reality.

Throughout all of nature and across the world, day and night are of equal balance. The Spring Equinox is the doorway to Summer and the Sun's power is increasing fast.

We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

As such the Spring Equinox is a time to take action and move into a new phase to balance our outer and inner worlds. It is an opportunity to be crystal clear about what it is we want to do now and prepare for Summer. The Universe LOVES clarity and will respond instantly to it!


A time for...

Starting New Ventures:

Whatever project we start at this time will prove to be incredibly fertile and begin to manifest on many levels. So make sure you begin a new venture that nurtures and nourishes your spiritual path.

Use positive affirmations and mantras to build positive thought patterns to support your new creations moving forwards. This will help to break away from outworn patterns and ideas that are not serving you.


This is a time of balance where we can acknowledge and reconcile any extremes or opposites and instead choose to see them as a part of the whole. We can acknowledge and celebrate our whole selves (light AND dark) and incorporate all aspects (body, mind, emotions and spirit) including the good, the bad and the ugly!


The change in season gives us a chance to for a fresh start and to begin again. The light and outer realms are a place where we can utilise the power, strength, focus and inner wisdom from the darker months.

Just like Mother Nature the lighter months are a time for outward growth and manifestation. The balance between the inner and outer journey brings a strong foundation to our lives as we head to a valuable time of action and expansion. The ideas that we planted and incubated in the dark months will emerge now it is Spring, transformed by their time in the unconscious.


Celebrate the Spring Equinox:

There are so many ways we can celebrate the Equinox, we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas to get inspired:

  • Wrap up and spend time outside, embracing the energies and elements available with your favourite crystal. Look for signs of Spring everywhere you go.

  • Focus on balance and connect with crystals that really help you do this like Tiger Eye or Sunstone AND Moonstone.

  • Use symbols of balance like the Yin and Yang, spiral, 6-pointed star, Caduceus, dragon, Celtic cross, especially if you have them in crystal form which will make them even more potent.

  • Create an altar or sacred space to honour the awakening Earth using yellow and green crystals and other significant items. Add Spring flowers, early blossoms and other signs of new life from Mother Nature.

  • Meditate outside with the trees or a particular one you are drawn to. Touch it or stand in its energy field and feel the life force energy emanating from it. Be aware of any messages it has for you.

  • Honour the 5 Elements in a way that is appropriate for you, a crystal grid would be perfect.

  • Honour the Earth and the fertility and abundance of all life found on and within her. In particular express gratitude for all the crystals you have.

Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this incredible time.

Love and Equinox blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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