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The significance of Samhain

In our latest blog, we explore what Samhain is and why it is such a significant time of year, common misconceptions about this time and also different ways we can embrace this special time. We have also included a simple step-by-step ritual you can follow, this Samhain, to prepare you to achieve your dreams in the next 12 months. Read on to find out more.

What is Samhain?

On October 31st 2021 we celebrate Samhain (pronounced Sow-ain), the Autumn cross-quarter festival marking the end of Autumn. Also known as All Hallows Eve (Halloween), All Souls Night and the Festival of the Dead, Samhain is a magical time that brings a mystical energy that we can use to understand ourselves better and transform our experience here on Earth.

Samhain is a festival of remembrance; it signifies the end of the wheel of the year and the beginning of a new one. It is a significant time in the calendar marking the end of the last harvest, and coinciding with the first frosts of the season, indicating Winter is definitely on its way. We are reminded to adjust to the changing season and energy, and acceptance of this brings a revelation of new options and possibilities for our life.

Why is Samhain important?

The veil separating the physical and spirit world is thin; it is the time to invite our ancestors and loved ones who have passed through the veil, into our sacred space so we can celebrate their time on Earth. This is also a time for darkness, and of death and decay…. death of the old, and the knowledge of generation and rebirth. The mystery of transformation occurs in this dark phase of the year, on all levels.

We can see this in nature right now as the green world is dying and will be reborn in the Spring. But these Winter months are also a time for the seeds of our ideas and future direction in life to be incubated in the unconscious.

Here we can find renewal through meditation, contemplation, rest and sleep. We honour the cycle by being aware that the death of the old will bring opportunities for a new start, as this is how the cycle continues.... with each end there is always a new beginning.

This endless cycle of change is so necessary and beneficial for us, bringing a renewal of every part of us on every level. We can always make different choices to have another go, shift our energy and be healed and healthy.

How do I celebrate Samhain?

There are so many ways we can celebrate the Samhain, you can work with one method or several, you just have to go with what feels right for you. Here are some ideas for various intentions, to get the inspiration flowing:

Meditation for connection and clarity:
  • Meditate to connect with the Earth's energies to bring calm, grounding, nourishment and a strong and stable foundation with Hematite.

  • Meditate and contact our deepest wisdom to access intuition that will bring new revelations. Once revealed we can then choose to think differently and transform the way we live our lives.

  • Connect with our Higher Self, team, angels, and other beings of the light as this will be much easier at this time.

Use your tools:
  • Spend time outside and embrace the power of the dark energies available with Smoky Quartz and Labradorite.

  • Create a sacred space/altar/shrine to reflect the energies of Samhain using a variety of black, brown, red, green and purple crystals. Add leaves, herbs and gifts from nature.

  • It is a time for divination so use Oracle cards, Tarot cards, Runes or any other means you favour, to access guidance at this point on your path.

  • Release whatever is holding us back into the fire. Write any insecurities, fears, lack, old beliefs, habits or patterns onto a piece of paper and throw it into the fire, facing our fears and letting the energy of Fire fuel the mystery of transformation.

Connecting to spirits:
  • Light a candle in an East facing window to connect to Spirit and guide us to the inner planes with the help of Clear Quartz.

  • Welcome any spirits we have known and lost in the last 12 months: focus on connecting to them with Selenite, Apophyllite or Danburite.

  • Honour and name those who have passed and been an influence in our life. Contemplate the lessons and wisdom gained from them and send them love straight from our heart, supported by the energy of Rhodochrosite.

  • Honour the cycle of death and rebirth by honouring death as a part of life. Honour grief and loss and any friends or family who are now in spirit with the help of Amethyst.

A Simple Samhain Ritual:

One of our favourite ways to embrace and honour Samhain is with a simple ritual. You can do this alone, or with friends and family. You will need:

  • One black and one white candle,

  • A crystal of your choice,

  • A selection of crystals and/ or symbols for your space,

  • A tool of divination (oracle or tarot cards, runes etc.),

  • A journal and pen,

  • Some food and drink for feasting.

Step 1- Create your space

To begin, you will need to sit in your Sacred Space with your crystal of choice. Call upon the Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit to be with you and protect your space by placing crystals and symbols, or whatever combination you like to use, around you.

Step 2- Acknowledge the past

Light the black candle (which represents the passing year), and spend a short while contemplating what has happened in your life in the last 12 months. Give thanks for all the good things and successes, then consider what you have learnt from the experiences that were difficult and challenging.

Remember anyone dear to you, human or animal, who have passed from this world during the past year.

Step 3- Consider your intentions

Light the white candle which represents the coming year and spend some time thinking about what you hope to create and achieve in that time. Ask the Universe to bless your hopes and dreams.

Step 4- Divination

While both candles are lit it is time for divination. Journal any thoughts, images, feelings or impressions that you receive whilst working with your tools.

Step 5- Release

Put out the black candle and say farewell to the old year. (Leave the white one lit).

Thank the elements individually; Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit for their presence and guidance

Step 6- Feast

It is time for feasting! At Samhain, it is traditional to set a place for the spirit of your loved ones at the table. Celebrate all that has happened in the past year.

Step 7- Closing the ritual

Mindfully clear away everything that you have used for your ritual while thinking about the significance of what has happened.

Put out the white candle.

Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this powerfully transformative time.

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx


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