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How to Develop a Lasting Love Affair With Crystals

Crystals are the most amazing things. We can benefit hugely from them just by having them in our environment. Their beauty is a constant source of inspiration and also helps us to recognise our own inner beauty. Crystals connect us with the higher energies of Spirit, enabling us to see and develop the light within ourselves so we can evolve with grace and ease.

Why should I work with crystals?

If this is the role we choose for our crystals then that's fabulous, BUT there is so much more they can do for us if we take the time to develop a more intimate relationship with them. We can get to know our crystals on a whole new level so that they are able to offer us the most incredible levels of support and guidance. When we connect with crystals as equals with respect and humility, they can help us bring balance and peace into our lives, and help us develop important skills and abilities while guiding us on our path.

We are taught to have and keep our attention and focus outside of ourselves the majority of the time. In order to tune into crystals, minerals and stones, we need our attention firmly inside of ourselves, inside our physical body. When we do this we are able to sense crystal energy and pick up on the subtle vibrations they emit. The saying 'go within or go without' couldn't be more appropriate.

We live our best life when we stop, go within and be still. Working with crystals in this way is a form of meditation that is hugely beneficial and it is a great way to meet and greet a new arrival or find out what wisdom an old friend wants to impart.

You might already have a specific crystal in mind that you would like to work with. If not then simply survey your crystals with a soft eye and an open heart to see which one calls to you and would like your attention at that moment in time. Alternatively, if you seek specific help with a particular issue (maybe grounding, intuition or transmuting lower energies), then focus on the issue as you survey your crystals and one will make itself known to you.

Please note that practice, patience and persistence are all likely to be necessary! However, consistent effort will be rewarded in the most unbelievable ways that are unimaginable at this point in the journey.

How do you work with crystals?

Here are three steps to help you work with your crystals and develop a connection with them.

1. Preparation

Allow a few minutes to make the transition from the busy outer world to the stillness we find within. Sitting in the same space each time we do this and beginning with a simple ritual like lighting a candle, breathwork, meditation, music/chanting, oils, crystals or whatever feels right in the moment. This alerts the subconscious mind to what is about to happen and will make the transition easier every time we do it.

2. Connection

I like to hold the crystal in my left hand to tune in to it. The left side is our receptive side and so the energies flow easily and effortlessly into the body from here. You might choose to sit with it directly in front of you on a table or with it sat in your lap, but whatever choice you make will be perfect for you. Then close your eyes, bring your attention into the body, relax and be still.

3. Feel for the Energy

Keep your attention within your body, be patient and just see what comes up. We can pick up on the messages from crystals in the form of colours, feelings, images, words, inner knowing, messages, symbols..... This can be in the physical body or the energy field or ..... Be open to absolutely anything and choose to accept it simply as information from the crystal specifically for you.

Top Tip:

It is a great idea to keep a journal or notepad to log your crystal encounters. The more you practice the more you will sense the crystal energy and the more rewarded you will be with a new depth and richness in your life. That's the magic and essence of developing a love affair with crystals!

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