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Crystal Skulls - The Stuff of Myth and Legend

Fluorite Skull

There is nothing quite like a crystal skull for eliciting a strong reaction, both positive and negative. They really are the Marmite of crystal carvings, you tend to either love them or hate them! Did you ever stop to wonder why?

Why would you want a crystal skull?

Many years ago when I first got the crystal bug, crystal skulls made me screw my face up and just wonder why? Why would you do that? Why would you want one? Why would you spoil a perfectly good crystal? You get the idea!

Well, Western culture very much views the skull as a symbol of mortality, death and evil, so it was kind of obvious why initially I didn't like to see beautiful crystals carved in this way. My understanding of death was very limited at the time, but since then my level of awareness has expanded around this concept. In opening to the idea that they have a higher and positive purpose, I started to investigate how other cultures consider crystal skulls as they have a long and varied history of use with multiple overlapping variations and connotations.

Cultural traditions and crystal skulls:

  • Celtic traditions view the skull as the seat of power that depicted the cyclical nature of life and gateways for receiving knowledge.

  • In India, skulls have important religious significance. Hindus see life and death as part of the cosmic cycle to be embraced as it is simply the natural progression of life.

  • In Tibet, skulls have a traditional representation of death, and so have been incorporated into Buddhist mala beads to represent the fragility of life and the limits of human knowledge.

  • While in Mexico they actively celebrate the Day of the Dead with skulls decorated with garish patterns and colours. This is to celebrate the lives of their loved ones that are now in spirit.

  • Native American culture shows us that skulls for them are symbolic of respect, honour, power, pride, leadership, and spirituality.

  • In many Eastern traditions, the skull is an esoteric symbol. There are legends that associate the skull with powerful deities and many are depicted wearing skull necklaces.

  • Skulls are also a common feature in the myths of the Mayan and Aztec ancient civilisations of South America as well as in the relatively recent tribal activities of North America.

The creation of Crystal Skulls:

It appears that the earliest crystal skulls were made of Quartz. Believed to be 5,000 to 30,000 years old and remnants of the ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis that possess magical powers, the ancient skulls were carved as receptacles for esoteric knowledge.

According to Mesoamerican Indian myth, thirteen Crystal Skulls were carved from a single piece of crystal. They belonged to the goddess of death. Known as "the mothers and fathers of wisdom", they taught that death was simply a doorway to another dimension. These ancient skulls not only carried hidden wisdom but also gifts of healing and telepathy.

Supposedly one of these skulls has been found, way back in 1927, during an archaeological dig at a Mayan Temple in Belize. It is known as the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and is surrounded by controversy. Regardless of whether this skull is modern or ancient, once it was activated it had a distinctive energy field and contained images of the past, present and future.

Crystal Skulls in the modern world:

One thing that is indisputable is that crystal skulls have been triggering the imagination of mankind for eons of time. Whether you love them or hate them, crystal skulls now come in all shapes, sizes and stone type, and are becoming very popular.

There is a long tradition of skulls that communicate wisdom and guidance to their keepers. Regardless of whether they are old or new, they share the same resonance and have created an energy network that connects them around the globe. Super cool or what?

The healing properties of Crystal Skulls:

When we perceive them in a positive way, Crystal Skulls represent wisdom, information and higher intelligence. They help to raise our awareness and level of consciousness and enable us to tap into the consciousness of the Earth and mineral kingdom and are able to support our health and well-being.

The healing properties of each skull really depend on the crystal from which it has been carved. Skulls are fabulous to meditate with or to use for scrying if they have clarity. They are amazing tools for personal and planetary evolution when used with respect and integrity.

"Crystal Skulls are the computers of the ancients, they contain important information that helps humanity to pass through its current series of challenges to take us into a Golden Age." - Unattributed Modern Shaman

How to Communicate with your Crystal Skull:

  1. Place your hands on either side of the top of the skull and gaze into its eyes.

  2. Take a few moments to be present, ground and centre yourself and focus on your breath.

  3. With the greatest of respect acknowledge the skull's higher energy and ask for this to completely fill and surround you.

  4. Ask that your vibration attunes to that of the skull.

  5. Notice any thoughts, feelings, words, images or anything that comes to you.

Discover and shop our selection of Crystal Skulls:

We have a wide selection of crystal skulls online in our shop, discover some of them here:

With love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx

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