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The Magic of The Mayan Calendar

Have you ever wondered who you truly are, why you are the way you are, or why you are here? You are not alone, and it can be scary to ask those questions and sometimes feel impossible to find the answers. But what if we told you there was a way of answering all of these questions and discovering your souls' true purpose? Keep reading to find out how.

On our journey of awakening, we can use a variety of tools to ignite our awareness and help us explore expanded states of consciousness and alternate realities that light the path ahead and most definitely inspire our transformation! The tools we are drawn to that resonate so strongly lead us to our own divine wisdom and heart-knowing. It's amazing!

The History of The Mayan Calendar

The Maya were a civilisation known for astronomy and mathematics and they were builders of great pyramids and cities. Along with every major ancient culture, the Maya had symbol systems that served as divination tools as well as keys to understanding the universe. It was the norm back then. Symbols literally talk to the subconscious mind and speak the language of the soul, simply by having a massive visual impact.

When I first discovered the Mayan calendar and what it meant to me, I felt like I had struck solid gold! I was mesmerised reading about it and although it was a totally new concept, there was a part of me that was insanely excited....... my soul was singing in jubilation. I was captivated by the magic it promised and I hounded the postman until my latest purchases arrived and I could finally dive in and find out more.

Other systems, including western astrology, provide us with an overview of our Earthly (physical) self. But the Mayan astrology incorporated within the calendar is very different because it provides us with a galactic perspective of ourselves that we can use as a tool for spiritual development. This is quite unusual. It helps us discover who we truly are, what the greater cosmic plan is for us and how to facilitate our souls' evolution. When we live in accordance with this souls' plan, we naturally come into alignment and life flows like never before.

The exploration of The Mayan Calendar

Jose Arguelles was a visionary who assisted in decoding the secret mysteries of the Maya. He concluded that the Maya were star people who left a galactically encoded message in a "map" of the larger cycles of time, helping us to find our way back home to the stars. This map was a sacred calendar created 1,400 years ago that had 20 Solar Glyphs (representing soul purpose) and 13 Tones (representing types of energy). Each symbol in the calendar represented a specific type of energy.

Together these Glyphs and Tones form the Tzolkin, the "sacred round" of the Mayan calendar. This calendar spans a time of 26,000 years and is a galactic code to the workings of the universe. There are 260 possible combinations of Glyph and Tones that provide different and unique expressions of creation. Every day that we experience has the combined energies of 1 Glyph and 1 Tone and these change from one day to the next.

How the Mayan Calendar relates to you

So Mayan astrology involves discovering your personal combination of Glyph and Tone that were present on the day you were born, the predominant energies they depict and learning how they affect your life. It brings a totally different slant on experiencing personal issues from our soul's perspective, how to live making choices from the authentic or higher self, and what we have come to Earth to learn and contribute.

A remnant of the ancient Mayan system is still practised today in the remote Guatemalan highlands. The sacred calendar in combination with the 20 solar Glyphs and 13 Tones are used by the priests who cast small crystals and stones for divination and receive divine confirmation with a body sensation called "blood lightening".


Your Mayan Birthday Influences

The Solar Glyphs

There are 20 Solar Glyphs that symbolise the levels of wisdom of the soul. They represent the areas that the soul chooses to focus on in this lifetime and the Maya believed that you worked your way through all 20, successively in different lifetimes on Earth. It is possible that you may have already completed the level of wisdom you chose as your solar glyph, but most of us will still have plenty of work to do!

I love the fact that each Solar Glyph has its own shadow wisdom AND transformation to share that helps us work with our shadow energy to heal anything that is preventing us from raising our awareness, vibration and level of understanding. When we do this we are able to live our best and highest possible life.

To me, it's very exciting that once we know our Solar Glyph, we are able to choose specific crystals to provide the best possible support on our personal path, and then incorporate them into our daily lives and spiritual practice. Awesome!

You can meditate with the symbol of your solar glyph to help you work towards any level of wisdom you wish to attain. This is very powerful as it works on a subconscious/telepathic level.

The Tones

The 13 Tones are symbolic of the 13 streams of energy that combine to create our world. They are called Tones because they represent a particular energy and vibration. Together they are creation! Your birthday Tone describes the quality of energy that you carry in your body to help you express yourself in the world, understand reality and support you in attaining your life's purpose.

Some souls might have already been using these energies intuitively before discovering their Tone, but once we know more about it, we can consciously create with it - which is super exciting! When we know what our Tone is it helps us make sense of ourselves and our lives and then we stop questioning why we are the way we are and do the things we do. Then we start working with this energy and life flows more easily.

Meditating with our Glyph and Tone attunes the spirit to a higher frequency than we have experienced before, in this or previous lifetimes. When we are able to maintain this frequency we can start to affect everything around us in a really positive way. This helps ourselves, others and Mother Earth.

The Planets

Everything is energy and everything in our universe is connected by a web of energy. Each of the planets has its own energy and gifts to offer as a result of its own experiences. We are connected to all the planets and our birthday planet in particular.

The 10 planets correlate to the Solar Glyphs and demonstrate another aspect of our birth sign. We can learn from the information that is broadcast energetically from it. Our connection with our birthday planet is created at birth and provides a resource of energy that supports our soul's growth.

You can tap into this energy by using your intention. Simply calm your mind and emotions, ask to connect with it and know that there will be a connection. Simples!

I am deeply grateful and thankful and happy that I discovered the Mayan chart all those years ago as it has been a constant source of support and wisdom on my meandering path through life, and I am in such a wonderful position to be able to help others find these answers. It is a true passion of mine to help as many people as possible, and what better way than to read your charts and help you find the answers you seek? We will have more exciting updates on this topic coming soon.

Love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx

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