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The Autumn Equinox

On September 22nd 2021 we celebrate the Autumn Equinox, a time for celebrating balance and harmony. It is a time to work on ourselves, to prepare for the upcoming winter months and decide what we want from this time. Read on to find out more about what it means and how to make the most of this time.

What is the Autumn Equinox?

Also known as Mabon, the Autumn Equinox is a time we experience a moment of balance before we head into the dark half of the year. Sat directly between the Summer and Winter Solstices we will bear witness to equal day and night, light and dark, divine masculine and feminine energies.

This is the point of balance between the worlds, the inner and outer journey, the infinite cycle of change and renewal that brings us the chance to explore and understand ourselves and the life we are creating.

The 2021 Autumn Equinox:

On this day at 20.21GMT, the Sun also moves into the sign of Libra, a sign of harmony and balance. It brings with it necessary change and transformation, and a huge change in the type of energy influencing us. We move from the grounding and vitalising Earth element (Virgo) to the innovative and thinking Air element (Libra).

What to do during the Equinox:

It is a time for us to look back with immense gratitude for the gifts and support given and also forward to the expansion that will begin again in the next Spring. We welcome the change as the energy flows towards the dark and the power within. We can connect to our inner pathways, rest and recharge, dream a magnificent new dream!

Throughout all of nature and across the world, day and night are of equal balance. The Autumn Equinox is the doorway to Winter and the Sun's power is waning fast.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves.

As such the Autumn Equinox is a time to take action and move into a new phase to balance our outer and inner worlds. Like the leaves on the tree, it is time for you to let go; release the past and move forwards. It is an opportunity to be crystal clear about what it is we want to do now and prepare for Winter. The Universe LOVES clarity and will respond instantly to it!

Summer is behind us and a new phase is beginning. Now is the time to share what have we achieved and completed during the Summer months and make plans for the Winter ahead. We can feast and celebrate the year's abundance, our creations, friendship, family, Mother Earth and all her gifts.


A time for...


Gratitude is needed for our personal harvest. Gratitude opens the heart, expands our heart energy and increases the flow of love and abundance in our lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Gratitude is also necessary for Mother Earth and everything that she has provided. What can we give back? How can we help to heal the Earth? She deeply needs our inspiration and help right now.

Ask for guidance and be open to a change in focus or direction.


This is a time of balance where we can acknowledge and reconcile any extremes or opposites and instead choose to see them as a part of the whole. Celebrating our whole selves, we look to balance our masculine and feminine energies....... the conscious and subconscious, active and receptive, light and dark, lower and higher selves..... all aspects of us.


The change in season gives us a chance to begin again. The dark and inner realms are not a place to be feared, but a place where we can access our power, strength, inner wisdom, focus and spiritual path. A time to embrace, look forward to and enjoy.

The darker months are not to be maligned, but we can choose to see them as a really important time of rest, sleep and renewal. The balance between the inner and outer journey brings a strong foundation to our lives and we are heading to a valuable time of planning and incubation. The ideas that we plant now will emerge in the Spring, transformed by their time in the unconscious.


Celebrate the Autumn Equinox:

There are so many ways we can celebrate the Equinox, we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas to get inspired:

  • Spend time outside and embrace the energies available with Moss Agate and Red Jasper

  • Focus on balance and connect with crystals that really help us with like Tiger Eye, or Sunstone AND Moonstone

  • Share with a significant soul your gains and losses this year. Look at what is no longer needed and let it go with thanks, gratitude and Ocean Jasper.

  • Meditate to connect with the Earth's energies to bring calm, grounding, nourishment and a strong and stable foundation with Smoky Quartz

  • Plant some seeds or bulbs and plant your inner seeds at the same time. Include hopes and possibilities for the Spring and pledge an allegiance to Mother Earth using Carnelian

  • Give thanks for the abundance and prosperity experienced this year using Garnet and Citrine

  • Light candles to connect to Spirit and guide us to the inner planes with the help of Amethyst

Have a feast and party! Have fun, embrace all the energies and let's make the best possible use of our crystals to support us at this incredible time.

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx

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