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The Abundance of Autumn

When I think of Autumn it conjures up the most magnificent array of warm, vibrant and earthly colours that always bring a huge smile to my face. The fabulous mixture of rich browns, forest greens, burnt orange and sunny yellow, gold and deep warm reds through to purple all blend harmoniously at this time of year as the energy shifts and the Wheel of the Year continues to turn into the dark half of the year.

There is always such a distinctive smell in the air as the temperature drops, the daylight decreases and Mother Nature starts her retreat back to the Earth. We experience colder, longer nights and days with bright sunshine against brilliant blue skies and big, billowing white clouds and fresh, fresh air.

The trees are changing colour and their leaves are encouraged to fall by the lively breezes that blow. Fruits, berries and nuts are appearing everywhere and squirrels are very busy hoarding nuts and other treasures for the leaner times to come during the Winter.

We can change the type of food we eat and the clothes we wear in order to adapt to these seasonal changes. We can eat figs, pears, apples and other Autumnal fruits and start making warming soups and stews, as eating seasonally is the best way to support and nourish the body.

The sap in the deciduous trees is starting to move from the branches down the trunk and into the roots, before their dormant phase in the Winter. We also need to start thinking more about a similar journey, retreating within ourselves so we can restore and replenish ourselves ready for the Spring. It is such an important time to access our deepest wisdom and highest guidance.

At the end of the active half of the year, marked by the Autumn Equinox, I find it really helpful to mindfully bring my energy back to me using this mantra/affirmation. I sing it repeatedly, over and over and over again and seeing the trees transform reminds me to do this.

The Earth, the Air, the Fire and the Water.... return, return, return, return

Earth, Air, Fire and Water being the sacred Elemental Archetypes and aspects of being that combine to make our presence whole in this lifetime. So with this mantra we are calling back our entire existence across all dimensions. Love it!

Of course, we can make great use of our crystals as we do this. Any we have with the rich, deep colours previously mentioned, such as Amber, Obsidian, Honey Calcite, Garnet, or any of the 3rd Eye stones.

In addition to our precious crystals, we can also use the support of the element of Water to navigate the realm of Autumn. They are a perfect match and resonate beautifully together.

Autumn, Water and the West are all associated with depth of emotion, introspection and soul reflection. Endings turn into new beginnings as Autumn signifies change and transformation. Water teaches us how to flow and be more fluid with these changes, to honour the nature of our flow.

Water is divine feminine energy, it moves in a circular pattern to manifest and sustain itself here on Earth. We can call upon the guardians of Water and the keepers of the West to be with us for additional support throughout the season.

We call upon the power of Neptune, Master Poseidon, the mermaids, undines and kyhills to help us embody the higher qualities of Water.

We call upon the energy of Salmon to bring us the wisdom of the heart and inner knowing and to teach us how to flow with our authentic feelings.

What an incredible time of year it is, full of abundance, excitement and promise as we start our annual pilgrimage, the journey that takes us deep within.

Love and abundant Autumn blessings,

Tiggy xx


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