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What is the 11:1 Portal?

We are firmly in the new year, bidding goodbye to last year and all the challenges we faced and opportunities we had to grow. With this change of time comes a wave of new energy; a fresh start and new beginnings.

As the dust has finally settled on the festive period and new year celebrations, you can finally start to take some time to think of your year ahead. If you didn't have time on January first to work with the energies of the 1:1 portal, then fabulous news! We are lucky enough to have the 11:1 portal this month too.

The 11:1 portal occurs on the eleventh day of the first month and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. You can experience mega upgrades and up-leveling right here in a very short space of time!

We are still firmly in Capricorn season for the 11:1 portal, meaning you can align and work with the practical, systematic, and goal-orientated Earth energy to focus on the energies available and make changes.

The meaning of the 11:1 Portal

The 11:1 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering your DNA to activate and evolve.

You can choose to consciously participate so that you can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to you whether you actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to you on these special days.

The Sun is in Capricorn (goals and aspirations) and 1 is the number of I, self, awakening, and connection.

Number 1 resonates with the vibration of new beginnings.

Capricorn offers you an energetic doorway through which you can walk and leave the unwanted and denser aspects of your past behind, stepping into a higher frequency and more authentic and confident version of yourself. This is how you evolve and embody more light.

Crystals for the 11:1 Portal

You can also work with crystals to support you during this time. We always recommend you use your guidance when working with crystals; select them intuitively. But if you are not sure where to start and would like some guidance, then here are three crystals we recommend:


Garnet is a show-stopping crystal that brings you abundance and prosperity through all the channels of the Universe. A stunning stone that activates the Base Chakra and connects you to Mother Earth, allowing you to receive energy and sustenance from her.

This brings you back into balance with your home planet in this lifetime which is fundamental if you are to fulfill your potential while you are here.

The nourishing power of Garnet helps you remember that all of life is connected and springs from the same Source of energy. This innate knowing helps you to understand that you have all that you need to thrive and prosper right now.

All you have to do is accept the gifts that you have before you, acknowledge them with gratitude, and believe that prosperity is your birthright.


Labradorite is such a magical and mystical 'grounded and guided' crystal to work with on portal days. It enhances your rituals and is a great way to make the most of the energy.

It can be used at any time of year, but it is outstanding when it comes to awareness, visioning, new beginnings, and going after your heart's desires. Which is perfect for right now!!

The spectacular flashes of colour spark your inner fire and bring hope and possibility out of the darkness, opening you up to everything that the Universe has to offer.

As a stone of magic and divination that stands at the doorway to other realms, it provides you with protection and safe passage as you travel to higher dimensions.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz can be programmed for any use, plus it has the most spectacular cleansing and clearing abilities, ideal for releasing anything you no longer want to carry, so you can make space energetically for your new beginnings. If you would like to know more about Clear Quartz, you can read about it here.

You can carry these crystals with you, wear them as jewellery, place them on your chakras, have them in your environment, or work with them during meditation. Just make sure you connect with one or all of them as often as you can as they will help you transform your life at this time.

Sparkly blessings,

Tiggy xx


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