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Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius and Total Lunar Eclipse!

There will be a Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius at 12:14 GMT and a Total Lunar Eclipse at 12.19 GMT on Wednesday 26th May. But what does this mean? Keep reading to find out, along with how to harness this phenomenal energy and 4 crystals we recommend using during this cosmic shift.

What is a Lunar Eclipse?

A Lunar Eclipse is experienced at the Full Moon when the Earth travels between the Moon and the Sun and the shadow that the Earth creates makes the Moon much harder to see. A Total Lunar Eclipse is experienced when the entire Moon is blocked. This is quite rare, happening once every two and a half years. Opportunity knocks!

Eclipses are fabulous opportunities to embrace change as they bring us some of the most powerful energies of the year. Eclipses deal with shadow energy and help to reveal the truth, so it is a great time to be open and honest with ourselves before the Universe forces our hand and we are backed into a corner! Our greatest ally at this transformational time will be the willingness to find closure where needed and then be ready to start anew.

Where in our life are we ready for a totally new way of being?

Lunar Eclipses serve to amplify the energy of the Full Moon (like there isn't enough normally!). There is a whole lot of energy going on and it is all for our benefit. It is a truly historic time in terms of the past/old programming that we can shift and potentially then step into a higher reality/timeline. It really is an opportunity not to be missed.

In a nutshell, it is all here to help us be more of who we truly are..... our unique, authentic selves. In order for this to happen, we have to release and let go of a LOT of old stuff. Old beliefs, ideas, patterns of behaviour (lower vibration/dimensional timelines) that no longer serve us. This is normal for a Full Moon, but at an Eclipse we are able to release even bigger and more significant aspects of ourselves that we have outgrown.

The Universe might well step in to help us do this in the form of chaos, upheaval or unexpected circumstances....... maybe a change in relationship or job, loss or addition of a family member or finances, a new spirit guide, change in physical health..... whatever happens, it will rock the boat to help us do what needs to be done.

Not if we get in there first!

As this Lunar Eclipse is in Sagittarius and aligns with the Karmic South Node in Sagittarius, we are being called to cleanse and purge the karmic patterns around the shadow side of Sagittarius. So we are looking to remove anything that is currently in excess in our lives (eating, drinking, spending, or simply overdoing in any area) and then arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, intolerance, lack of acceptance and thinking that our way is the only way! Any bells ringing?

What we resist persists, and will make for a REALLY tricky time if we don't let go and let life flow. Toolkits and support at the ready!

What is a Super Blood Full Moon?

We call it a Super Full Moon when the Moon is in closer proximity to the Earth than usual. Being closer means that her influence has a greater impact on us and we feel the energetic effects more strongly.

Whenever we have a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon takes on a reddish tinge and this is why it is called a Blood Moon.

So....... we have Full Moon energy which is full-on, then we add Super Moon energy to amplify, and a large dose of Total Lunar Eclipse energy to top it all off! No wonder it will be an eye-opening week.

At the Full Moon, we always go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves...... but this is like a Full Moon on steroids and then some! Think big, be bold and choose to see it all as a great adventure.

So where do we start?

We live in a world of energy - everything is energy. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Fantastic!

Forgiveness holds the releasing power.

Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. When we forgive we release the karma which binds us to a situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean we condone the actions of another, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead.

Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart

Gratitude holds the power to fill the void.

We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for.

Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world

Super Blood Full Moon in Sagittarius

Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. Right now the Sun is in the airy and changeable sign of Gemini and the Moon is in the fiery and fun sign of Sagittarius.

As the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, we are looking to find a balance between these two opposing energies. At their extremes, they are flippant, arrogant and preachy (Sagittarius) and highly strung, distracted and indecisive (Gemini). In the beauty between we find truthful communication.

We can use the strong energy at the Sagittarius Full Moon to ask ourselves tough questions about the issues that are troubling us right now and then allow time for self-reflection.

The Full Moon is about to bring our spiritual life into our physical reality. It is time to ground everything we have learnt so far on our path and integrate it into our daily life. We can utilise the incredible energies of forgiveness and gratitude and apply them to our personal situation.

5 Questions to ask at the Super Blood Sagittarius Full Moon

Here are five questions to help guide us during the Sagittarius Full Moon:

  1. Where in my life can I be more accepting of others?

  2. Am I practising humility and integrity on a daily basis?

  3. Am I accepting of the beliefs and opinions of others when they differ to my own?

  4. Am I able to speak my mind without saying too much?

  5. Which area/s of my life has excess that needs to be brought into balance?


Crystals for support during the Super Blood Sagittarius Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

There are many, many crystals and minerals we can use to support us at this time. As always we need to be guided in every moment for the best possible outcome. Here are my favourites for this auspicious time, that will help us to make the most of this supersonic energy.


Moonstone can be used at any time of the Moon cycle as it resonates so strongly with its energy. That's why it's called Moonstone ;) As the Lunar energy is amplified out of all proportion this week, Moonstone is the keeper of the feminine mysteries that is best able to help us with our journey of self-discovery. It can do this and help us keep cool, calm and collected at the same time!


The Sun and Moon are the 2 main celestial bodies that together can create balance in our lives..... light and dark, day and night, masculine and feminine. As the Earth is sat between the Sun and the Moon at the Lunar Eclipse there is a valuable place for Sunstone at this time.

Meditating with it on the third eye chakra will help to see our highest path of action through this energetic maze. Its warming and opening qualities help to melt any doubts or thoughts of unworthiness and open us up to our personal power and expanded levels of consciousness, both of which are so necessary right now.

Rainbow Obsidian

The journey into the shadow is as amazing and fulfilling as it is absolutely necessary. Taking this journey into the darkness with Rainbow Obsidian pre-empts a crisis in our outer life by facilitating the removal of blocks and supporting us on an emotional level.

This powerhouse will help the journey into the depths be far shorter than one forced upon us, bringing with it encouragement, optimism and hope.


Not only is Pyrite grounding and protective at this crazy time, but it also amplifies willpower and helps us to establish new patterns in our life as we positively move forwards.

It will also keep abundance and prosperity flowing in our lives at times when the road is rocky and we might feel a little unsupported.

Everything is in divine alignment, so choose to flow with each situation/experience to benefit from the transformations that are available to us at this time. Remember to be guided when selecting the best crystal/s and other tools to work with. We need to keep awareness levels high and have the utmost compassion for ourselves and everyone else.

Love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx

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1 Comment

Tina Hamblin
Tina Hamblin
May 25, 2021

Thank you this was really informative ❤️and loads of advice and guidance to harness this really energetic time 💥xxx


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