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Find your peace

The Sun will be shifting into the watery depths of Scorpio at 05.511 (GMT) on Saturday 23rd October 2021. Scorpio has two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars governs Scorpio's relentlessly driven spirit overflowing with energy and passion, while Pluto takes responsibility for its deeply hidden nature, psychic abilities and obsessive personality!

What is the Sun in Scorpio?

Every time the Sun changes signs by moving from one constellation to another so does the energy that becomes available to us. Following on from the relationship orientated energy of airy Libra, we plunge into the transformation and intensity of watery Scorpio.

Scorpio leads us through the cycle of life, teaching us how to transition along the way. This includes a master class on letting go, forgiveness and moving on. We only have to look outside to see what nature is up to right now and we get all the confirmation we need. The trees are letting go of their leaves, easily and effortlessly, and flowing with the cycle of life. The leaves represent the death of the old, and after decomposing during the Winter months will become the fuel for rebirth in the Spring. The focus is on transformation because Scorpio is the fixed Water Sign. Water energy embodies emotions, dreams, the subconscious, symbols, intuition, psychic abilities, family, home, ancestors, forgiveness and metamorphosis. Fixed energy is lasting energy that helps us stay focused and productive. It is a great time to engage in something that requires patience and persistence.

The benefits of Scorpio Season

We can all benefit from the current energies at work in our lives regardless of when we were born, but for those with a birthday in Scorpio season or if it's your Moon or Rising Sign, it is a particularly special and powerful time. Scorpio people are emotional, passionate, sexy and profound. If you were born in the sign of Scorpio it is your season for an upgrade and need to get to work defining your goals for the year ahead. Scorpio season will help you to expand your natural gifts if you choose to embrace this opportunity.

It is time to:

  • Develop Your Psychic Abilities - Scorpio can see beneath the surface and easily access inner guidance and knowing.

  • Get Sexy - because Scorpio loves the dark side and sex works best when we get beyond our limiting beliefs and lose our inhibitions about it. Then Scorpios inspires us to merge in union with another person - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  • Breathe - the intensity of Scorpio can become a bit compulsive and obsessive so remember to breathe and lighten up!

  • Find Inner Peace - by acknowledging and dealing with any thoughts of jealousy or possessiveness in an appropriate way.

  • Release Grudges - it's the best time to let go of suspicion and any thoughts of revenge.

3 Crystals for support during Scorpio Season

There are so many crystals and minerals that we can select to support us in tuning into and making the most of the energy of Scorpio. As always, let yourself be guided to access the best possible outcome. Here are my 3 favourites in 2021 for support during Scorpio season and to help channel this intense energy.

Black Obsidian

This fabulous grounding stone can be of help in so many ways during Scorpio season. It can be used to release excess energy AND eliminate lower and negative energies. Black Obsidian facilitates psychic cleansing, which in turn leads to protection and better communication with spirit.


This is the perfect colour crystal for Scorpio and its characteristics are so supportive as well. As a stone of alchemy and transformation, it helps us to manifest our divine blueprint in this lifetime.

Cinnabar also stimulates the third eye bringing greater insight and then helps to ground the visions into our physical reality, creating prosperity and wealth.


Sodalite really helps to transform difficult emotions and stabilise them by focusing the mind on producing more rational thought patterns.

Sodalite's soothing energy prevents the powerful energy of Scorpio from becoming distracted and really helps it to become more centred and stable.

Using any of these stones on their own or in combination, or any others that we are drawn to at this time will help us to tune in to the energy of Scorpio. When we follow our guidance when choosing our crystals magical things happen!

With much love and crystal blessings, Tiggy xx


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