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Sink or Swim in Pisces Season?

We are deep into Pisces season and Pisces is a Water element sign. It is all about feeling deeply! This is a bonus because it will help us to process our emotions more easily and effectively if we know how to do that. If we don't then we can definitely feel overwhelmed and what happens then? We literally sink or swim!

Understanding our Emotions

In our Western culture, it is very rare to be taught to work with and process our emotions, which makes life really quite difficult for us. If we don't process them we only have the options of pushing them down inwardly or expressing them outwardly, neither of which are healthy or enjoyable for anyone!

So we have a difficult or traumatic experience in childhood or maybe even in a past life/lives, and the emotion that it generates haunts us throughout our entire subsequent life. The problem is that if the emotion isn't heard and processed it will return, again and again, getting more and more insistent on having a voice. That's because it's their specific job to bring us important information and messages to help us evolve on our path.

Tricky emotions can feel anything from uncomfortable to downright horrible so we will literally do anything we can to distract ourselves from feeling them. This can be anything from eating chocolate, going onto social media, to drinking alcohol or taking other types of drugs. We all have our own favourite type of addiction that we resort to at such emotionally-driven times, but this only numbs the feeling, never makes it go away. Ever.

Energetically speaking we create a sack full of unprocessed emotions that we carry around on our back that gets bigger and heavier the older we get. Crazy right?!

One day we wake up and realise that we can do something about it so we don't have to live in pain and suffering anymore! Awesome!

You have to feel it to heal it; processing your emotions

So how do we get rid of this sack? Well, it's a lot easier than we might first think or our ego/lower/logical mind would like us to think! What I have learnt and experienced first-hand for myself is that when we stop sending these emotions away and actually start diving deep into them, then something truly magical happens.

No one else can do this deep inner work for us. This is literally taking our life into our own hands and transforming it. Abracadabra!

You have to feel it to heal it! Did you ever hear that expression? Well, it is absolutely spot on!! What we are doing when we feel and process these emotions is healing ourselves so that we can raise our awareness, vibration and level of understanding and be healed, healthy and whole again.

Facing our biggest fears takes courage and then acceptance that a rocky road lies ahead, but the transformation that lies beyond is more than worth it.

Please know that you are never sent anything you can’t handle.

..... and remember, however difficult things are right now, this too will pass.

Crystals are such a fabulous help, specifically any that are connected to the element of Water. Aquamarine really helps me, but you might be drawn to Amethyst or Ocean Jasper or...... Trust your guidance.

How to heal your emotions

So I am going to share a process that I personally use. Make this your starting/reference point and adapt it as you are guided to, so your process is perfect for you.

  • Create a sacred space by burning White Sage, Palo Santo or whatever works for you.

  • Breathe gently and mindfully.

  • Keep breathing

  • Then breathe some more

  • Follow the in-breath, then follow the out-breath

  • I am..... my breath

  • I am breathing in..... I am breathing out

  • Then sit and let the particular emotion you want to process fill you up completely. See it filling your entire physical body. Give the emotion a colour and energy if that helps to really bring it to life. You are aiming to experience this emotion in the way that you would in real life. You can think of specific scenarios that trigger these emotions in your day to day life if it helps. There is nothing to fear. You are safe and you are deeply loved.

  • Breathe and focus on your breath as it will bring awareness and guidance. Stay there, feeling all the feelings and breathing…. your feelings need a voice, they only ever wanted to be heard. When you listen to them rather than suppressing or expressing them, they don’t feel the need to keep harassing you anymore.

  • After a short time, maybe even just a few minutes, the emotion will subside. For real!! Just make sure you ground out any extra energies by sending them deep down into Mother Earth so she can transmute them for you. Simply use the power of your intention and visualisation to do this. You have the power.

  • Next, we need to bring in higher energies with crystals or invoke the power of angels….. or whatever comes to mind.

It might take a little practice, but it’s simple and SO effective.

Here is a mantra that I like to use to support me when I am using this process.....

I welcome and work with my wonderful emotions as they arise, Helping me to discern my truth and guide me on my path.

Have courage and you will not be disappointed.

Love and Watery Pisces blessings,

Tiggy xx


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