In the second part of our Working with Quartz series, we are looking at how we can use Quartz to enhance our intentions- specifically with the law of clarity.
Quartz is one of the most powerful crystals we could come into contact with. It has been used throughout history for its phenomenal ability to carry all types of energy efficiently, whilst also reflecting and amplifying the energies to which they are exposed. You can find out more about this here. But Quartz can be used in so many different ways, each with its own benefit.
What are the Laws of the Universe?
The Laws of the Universe are guiding principles that govern the entire Universe and impact every aspect of our lives. They are an unchanging framework that shows us how the Universe works for our highest good. In essence, they offer us a road map for our life that we can use to access a higher vibration, greater awareness and level of understanding leading us to live a more spiritual life.
These laws are applied equally to everyone, regardless of whether we know them or not! When we don't understand them we encounter obstacles and roadblocks and get frustrated and confused. It always makes me chuckle to realise that we are born into a world where we are not taught the rules of the game that we are here to play. I always liken it to running out onto the pitch at Wembley to play football in the FA Cup Final and only knowing the rules of netball! You just can't play the game. We need to learn the rules (Universal Laws) so that we can participate fully in the game of life.
These laws have been taught by ancient cultures for over 5000 years, and an understanding of the Universal Laws give us insight into what we can do to reach our goals and enables us to master life on all levels. They simply demonstrate how our behaviour affects our lives and then we can use these principles to create and shape the lives of our choosing. (But we will talk more about these laws in another blog)
As you have probably guessed, one of these laws is the Law of Clarity. If we want to feel more confident, productive and aligned than ever before, then there is positive action we can take with our crystals to achieve this, and the Law of Clarity is where we start......
The Law of Clarity:
Clarity is one of the Laws of Creation. If we are unclear about what it is we truly desire, we will be met with very mixed and often disappointing results. The Universe literally plays the game 'Snap' with us and will give us back exactly what we are giving out..... If we are unsure, indecisive or confused then the universe will be unclear in its response. We have to get crystal clear about what we truly desire before the Universe can bring it to us. This is where our crystals can help us.
How Quartz can help:
The energy of Clear Quartz brings clarity to the body, mind and spirit, helping to manifest our heart's desires. We can use it to get crystal clear about our vision for the future and then the Universe can support us in manifesting its outcome. Yes! Its consistent and strong vibration cuts through mental fogginess and illuminates darkness and density. It resolves confusion with ease and brings greater focus to our thoughts and spiritual perceptions.
It is through clarity of thought and intent that our creations are made to manifest at the perfect time. Clarity of purpose and vision are always supported and rewarded, so we get great feedback when we are doing it right. Quartz cuts to the chase, targeting and annihilating any muddle and confusion, opening us to divine Light and allowing our future to unfold in the highest possible way. Thank you Quartz!
4 steps to achieve crystal clarity:
Select your Clear Quartz - any type or shape of Clear Quartz that you are drawn to work with
Meditate with this crystal - to connect deeply with your Clear Quartz and find clarity
Make a decision - be specific about what you really want to happen in your life, always for your highest good
Release your intention - speak clearly to the Universe while holding your clear Quartz and your intention will be sent out like a laser beam of light
When we take responsibility for ourselves and our lives we can be perfectly clear about what it is we would like to happen moving forward. We always have choices, we just need to decide which one we are going to take. Then when we focus and take action on that choice, doors will start to open, allowing our dreams to become our reality. So, what are you going to manifest?
Love and crystal blessings,
Tiggy xx