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Once in an Aquarian Blue Moon

This week we have a Full Moon in Aquarius- yes again! This will be the second Full Moon in Aquarius of the year and what an incredible opportunity this is for us all. Carry on reading to find out why this is such an incredible opportunity, plus our favourite Full Moon ritual, and the crystals we recommend for you to use.

With so much to talk about with this Full Moon, here is a quick overview. Simply select the link below to go to the section you are looking for:

Why is a Full Moon important?

The night of the Full Moon represents possibility, unfolding potential and abundance as one of our New Moon intentions is about to manifest or could be on its way.

We need to spend time outside and look up at the Moon, connect to our primal instincts and feel wild and free. Our ancestors have danced and celebrated under the light of the Full Moon throughout time and in surrendering to the present moment we are then open to receive what is available to us right now.

Affirmation: I surrender to spirit and open my heart to infinite possibilities

We can go within to release the past, shift blocks and heal ourselves. This is easiest when we remember that forgiveness and gratitude are the major players at any Full Moon. The Full Moon is shining so brightly at this time that it is illuminating the darkness to help us see exactly what inner work needs to be done.

When is the Full Blue Moon in Aquarius?

There will be a Full Moon in Aquarius at 13.02 GMT on Sunday 22nd August. The Sun will also move into Virgo on this day at 22.35 GMT, however, this will happen after the Full Moon, meaning we are still in Leo season!

How will the Full Moon in Aquarius affect us?

Each month the Full Moon takes place in a different sign, bringing a new and different energy and theme to work with. This month we are lucky as we are experiencing our second Full Moon in the same sign. The moon remains in Aquarius, whilst the Sun is still in Leo. This is known spiritually as a Blue Moon and is where the term "once in a blue moon" comes from, it is a very rare occurrence.

This makes this Sunday a phenomenal opportunity as it is a second chance for us to make the most of this Aquarian energy. Aquarius brings transformational energy and encourages us to ask difficult questions, self-reflect and prepare to release and grow.

It is also important for us to take note of the incredible transformations we experienced during the Lionsgate portal as this will have a profound effect on how we embrace the Aquarian Full Moon energy the second time around. It is a time to reflect on whether you are enforcing the changes you made. Consider:

  • What changes have you experienced since the last Full Moon?

  • Are you continuing to embrace and enforce those changes?

  • Are there any further changes you are wanting to make?

  • What intentions did you release during Lionsgate and the New Moon that you want to come to fruition?

  • Have you forgiven the things you need to?

  • What am I grateful for?

How to embrace the Full Moon

We live in a world of energy, a web of energy where all things are connected. There are no gaps in this energy, so when we shift and release lower frequencies from our energy field it creates a void that we can then consciously choose to fill with something of a higher nature, with a super-high frequency. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. Creating a ritual is the perfect way to work through this process.

Step 1: Forgiveness holds the releasing power and creates a void.

Forgiveness is the first step in the healing process as we have to release the past so we can live the life of our dreams. Forgiveness sets us free as when we forgive, we release the karma which binds us to a person, situation or experience and allows us to be free of it. It does not mean that we condone the actions of someone else, it just allows us to let go and move on. This is such a gift as we can release the burdens we carry and choose to do something far healthier with our energy instead.

Forgiveness affirmation: I release the past with love in my heart

Step 2: Gratitude holds the power to fill the void.

We can fill the gaps created by forgiveness with gratitude as it has such a high vibration. Gratitude is a magical attitude we can choose to have, it helps us to raise our frequency which makes us lighter and brighter and manifests more things for us to be grateful for.

Gratitude affirmation: I know that I am truly blessed and all is well in my world

Step 3: Guidance

Use these five questions to help guide you during the Aquarian Full Moon:

  1. How have I allowed myself to evolve and grow this month?

  2. Am I making friends with people for all the right reasons?

  3. How can I live life more from my heart centre and less from my head?

  4. Am I embracing the romance of life or am I too concerned with practical considerations?

  5. Have I been doing things my way all the time, just for the sake of it? Is it my way or the highway?!

Step 4: Meditate

Meditation is a great tool we should look to use daily, but it can take us to new levels when we meditate and harness the energy that surrounds us during the different stages of moon cycles. Use meditation to help you clear your headspace and reframe. If you aren't sure where to start, you can watch our collection of meditation for beginners videos here.

Step 5: Use Crystals

Another phenomenal tool to harness is our crystals and their energy, they can help us at any or all stages of the Full Moon ritual. Picking crystals intuitively is the best way to surround yourself with the energy you need, but if you need a starting point, here are three crystals we would recommend:

  1. Amethyst Amethyst is a primary birthstone for Aquarius and it is a crystal that helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and bring patience to the fore at a time when emotions and energy are running at a high. It holds the power of purification which is a total blessing at the Full Moon to cleanse and clear the way for a bright new future. It is a stone that helps Aquarian energy to determine the best course of action moving forward with new and exciting manifestations because it gets in touch with intuition and spiritual guidance.

  2. Celestite Celestite is a beautiful Aquarius birthstone that partners brilliantly with the Aquarius Full Moon. Its wonderful vibration connects us with the angelic realms and encourages spiritual development as we move forward on our path. Its soothing and calming energy helps us to stay balanced and flexible, especially at a time when crazy chaos can be the order of the day!

  3. Moonstone A crystal for any phase of the Lunar cycle, but it really resonates with the energy of Aquarius too! Aquarius might be an Air sign, but its symbol is the water bearer and its energy is very much connected to emotions and feelings. Moonstone brings emotional balance, calm, heightened intuition and the ability to see the hidden truths within ourselves. Choose your favourite colour or type of Moonstone and it will be perfect right now!

Choose an affirmation, select the crystals you are drawn to and be prepared for this fabulous Full Moon. It's setting us up for the transformation we so desire and supporting us at the same time.

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx

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