There will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 21.14 GMT on Thursday 4th November, read on to find out how this change in energy can affect us, how to successfully release your intentions and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time.
New Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio energy is powerful, deep, intense, emotional, passionate, sexy, penetrating and profound. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting!
At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Thursday after 21.14 GMT will be perfect.
The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow your intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle.
How do I make my intentions known?
There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. There is no right or wrong way, any way that feels good to you will be the best way.
Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Scorpio. Scorpio loves to create and transform our reality. It’s the perfect time to focus our energy on letting go of the old and moving on to pastures new.
Creating your intentions
In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey:
What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle?
What inspires you right now?
How would you like to change your life?
Scorpio likes to transition and reminds us to surrender control to a higher power so we can just let go and flow.
5 intentions to make every day count
Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Scorpio:
Empowerment and self-mastery with the focus on strength, self-discipline and commitment to our path
Develop and Deepen Intuition as it is necessary to guide us through our life
Crisis Management because drama doesn't need to rule our experience
Deep Emotional Connections facilitate stronger bonds and add value with the important people in our lives
Overcome Destructive Urges and use personal power constructively in all situations
3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon
There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend:
Labradorite is perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us with our inner work to dig out old patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward.
As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we access information from the higher realms.
Kumbaba Jasper
Kumbaba Jasper is a Shamanic stone that possesses warrior energy and healing power. It encourages the release of old energy that is ready to be transformed and invokes the courage needed to explore the depths of our darkness.
Black Obsidian
Created when molten rock from a volcanic eruption cools, this glassy crystal has been through quite the transformative process itself! It is powerfully protective and we can use it to ground ourselves, heal chakras and cultivate a strong sense of self by dispelling self-judgement and self-sabotage.
Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of each month when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold!
...... and remember Scorpio embodies the essence of transformation and it is important that we do too!
Love and crystal blessings,
Tiggy xx