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New Moon in Sagittarius

There will be a New Moon in Sagittarius at 07.43 GMT and a Total Solar Eclipse at 07.33 GMT on Saturday 4th December 2021. Read on to find out how this immense change in energy will affect us, how to successfully release your intentions for this Lunar cycle and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time.

Eclipses are fabulous opportunities to embrace change as they bring us some of the most powerful energies of the year. We are able to experience a significant change that brings endings and new beginnings into our life. The events that eclipses bring about can be influential in our lives for up to 6 months.

Eclipses deal with shadow energy and help to reveal the truth, so it is a great time to be open and honest with ourselves before the Universe takes over and we are left with no alternative! It will be really helpful at this significant time to be willing to find closure where needed and then be ready to start anew.

We know that revelation of our internal world supports us with revelation in the external world. We need to pay particular attention and be very mindful of what we hear, think and say in relation to any information or communication we receive around this time.

This Solar Eclipse brings us an incredible opportunity for soul growth and evolution. It is time for an upgrade with the help of Sagittarius! On a personal and global level, this means that the higher perspective of unity consciousness and understanding will come to the fore, showing us that we are all one under the Sun and we need to dream a bigger dream than ever before.

What is a Solar Eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse is experienced at the New Moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and casts a shadow over the Earth. We see the light of the Sun obscured by the Moon as a partial or total Solar Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse reminds us that we are both sovereign over our life (solar influence) and at the same time subject to forces beyond our control (lunar influence). We have to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives, acting with integrity and humility and ensuring that we fulfil our potential in this lifetime in the highest possible way.

As well as playing our part, we also accept that there are greater forces at work in our life that we must connect with and have faith and trust in, so we can flow effortlessly with the divine plan. Teamwork always makes the dream work!

New Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius energy is wild and carefree, scholarly and unsinkable, adventurous and visionary. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting!

At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Saturday after 07.43 GMT will be perfect.

The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our intuition as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle.

How do I make my intentions known?

There are many ways we can do this. Options include writing your intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but you can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak your intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when you have finished. There is no right or wrong way, the way that feels good to you will be the best way.

Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Sagittarius. Sagittarius loves to seek new levels of understanding. It’s the perfect time to explore all of our options and make necessary and appropriate changes.

Creating your intentions

In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey:

  • What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle?

  • What inspires you right now?

  • How would you like to change your life?

Sagittarius likes freedom and asks us to think about what we believe is the nature of the human experience.

5 intentions to make every day count

Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Sagittarius:

  • Search for meaning in our life and be more open-minded.

  • Laugh and have fun and even take a few risks by living life on the wild side for a while

  • Travel freely to bring a whole new set of experiences and perspectives into our life

  • Study something we are passionate about to expand energy into that area and open up new possibilities and opportunities and bring us more freedom

  • Express gratitude and know that we are truly blessed, always choosing a positive mindset about our life situation

3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon

There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend:


Labradorite is perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us with our inner work to dig out old patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward.

As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we access information from the higher realms.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper is a stone of happiness and Sagittarius just loves to go all out on the happiness front! Working with Ocean Jasper at the New Moon guides us towards peace, contentment and enjoyment of life by helping us to release negativity and stress. In doing this it brings us to the present moment and an appreciation of it.

Red Jasper

This empowering stone helps us to stabilise this abundant fiery Sagittarius energy so we can use it to our best advantage.

In helping us to release any remaining attachments we have to undesirable or traumatic experiences, we are then able to let go of the past and move forward with strength, vitality and a positive mindset.

Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of the Lunar cycle when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold!

...... and remember Sagittarius always seeks higher levels of understanding and it is important that we do too!

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx


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