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New Moon in Pisces

Read on to find out how the New Moon in Pisces will affect the energy available to us, how to successfully release your intentions for this Lunar cycle, and the top 3 crystals we recommend to use during this time.

New Moon in Pisces

Pisces energy is sensitive, creative, intuitive, deeply spiritual, mystical and emotional. The energy surrounding the New Moon is powerful and potent and it can have a profound effect when we work with it to manifest what we want in our lives. We can combine the two for some magical manifesting!

At the New Moon, we can sow the seeds of our intentions for the next Lunar cycle as soon after the actual time of the New Moon as possible for maximum effect. So any time on Wednesday after 17.35 GMT will be perfect.

The most important thing to remember at the New Moon is to follow our inner guidance as this will enable us to access the guiding vision for our life. The dark time and skies around the New Moon provide such beneficial conditions to help us go within and access our inner guidance. Then we can plant the most powerful, appropriate and timely seeds as we start the new Lunar cycle.

How do I make my intentions known?

There are many ways we can do this. We can write our intentions in a journal or Moon diary, but we can also stand outside and consciously connect with the Moon and speak our intentions out loud to her, always remembering to express gratitude when we have finished. There is no right or wrong way, the way that feels good to you will be the best way.

Our intentions are amplified if we align them with the energy of the current New Moon and this month it’s the energy of Pisces. Pisces has full understanding of the Earthly planes and can teach us about the higher realms. It’s the perfect time to connect to your intuition and access the wisdom of the cosmos!

Creating your intentions

In deciding what your intentions are, here are some simple questions you can ask yourself to create intentions that are true to yourself and your journey:

  • What do you want to create during the next Moon cycle?

  • What inspires you right now?

  • How would you like to change your life?

Pisces believes and trusts in the Universe and can help us with our Ascension process.

5 intentions to make every day count

Here are 5 intentions to help align with the energy of Pisces:

  • Surrender - to the Universe and trust that everything is happening as it should

  • Dream - use your imagination to access that dreamy world of Pisces

  • Connect to higher guidance - and practice using your intuition

  • Spiritual healing - develop a yoga and meditation practice to support your growth

  • Release your fears - face the things you would rather avoid and liberate yourself from them

3 Crystals for Support at the New Moon

There are so many crystals that can work to help us access and tune into the energies, but here are 3 that I recommend:


Labradorite is always perfect at this time as it is a stone of new beginnings and fantastic to work with as we start each Lunar cycle. It helps us to dig out old repeating patterns, heal the past and create a new and exciting way forward.

As a powerful stone of magic and divination, it helps us to bring our biggest dreams into our physical reality and protects us as we connect with the higher realms.


Sodalite is a calming and harmonising stone that relieves worry and stress. It also promotes self-understanding and acceptance of who we are as our most authentic, highest self.

Sodalite balances emotions with logic, helping this super sensitive energy to access both sides of the brain, intuitive and intellectual, in every day life.


To have the courage to live life on the physical plane, happy to be in a physical body and experience first hand the discomfort that can accompany this choice. Knowing and understanding that this is the way to bring Heaven to Earth, channelling the light of the cosmos and anchoring it into the physical body before grounding it into Mother Earth.

Work with your personal choices on the darkest night of the Lunar cycle when you set your intentions for new beginnings and hold the vision for what is possible in your life. Let the magic unfold!

...... and remember Pisces always connects to the higher realms for guidance, and it is important that we do too!

Love and New Moon blessings,

Tiggy xx


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