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Mystic Merlinite for December

December is upon us and we are fast approaching the darkest time of the year when we will experience the rebirth of the Sun and of ourselves. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique and exciting. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Mystic Merlinite! Read on to find out why.

December and Mystic Merlinite:

December is traditionally associated with cold, darkness and celebrating the Winter Solstice. The Sun starts in Sagittarius and then moves into Capricorn....... bright, inspired and optimistic Fire energy followed by practical, systematic and goal orientated Earth energy.

December is the last month of the year and brings us to that magical point in the wheel of the year when the old has died and been released, creating space for new possibilities and potential! During December we experience the 12:12 portal and celebrate the sparkly Winter Solstice (Yule).

All the crystals that align with the energy of December are magical and impart harmony and healing, encouraging us to dream our biggest dream for our self and our life. They do this by helping us to find happiness through the freedom to align with our purest and most powerful intentions for incarnating in this lifetime.

So naturally, I have chosen Mystic Merlinite as my crystal of choice for December. You could also use Turquoise, Tanzanite or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to.

Mystic Merlinite:

Also known as Indigo Gabbro, this fabulously powerful crystal is a unique combination of Quartz, Feldspar and several trace minerals.... well it would have to be wouldn't it?!

The history of Mystic Merlinite:

Mystic Merlinite is named after the archetypal wizard called Merlin who was connected to King Arthur, and who better than this historical legend to work with us at this extraordinary time? This magical connection enables us to access and balance the elemental energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water within us as body, mind, spirit and emotions.

The power of Mystic Merlinite:

The light and dark aspects of Mystic Merlinite represent the light and shadow aspects of self that we have to embrace to find wholeness. This is so key at this time when our most difficult, darker attributes that are yet to be healed really need to surface so they can be. Mystic Merlinite will bring all that remains in the dark out into the light of consciousness, helping us find a magical mystical union, shifting us out of duality into the realms of unity consciousness.

The magic of rebirth is available to us during December with the help and support of Mystic Merlinite. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your third eye, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this significant time.

Sparkly blessings,

Tiggy xx


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