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Mercury Retrograde

In our last blog, we talked about what a retograde is in detail, which you can read here. Now we are going to take a look at one of the most commonly talked about retrogrades; the Mercury Retrograde. This retrograde has probably the worst reputation and negative association, but it really doesn't need to have.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun which means it lasts for a relatively short period of time compared to the other planets in our Solar System. It goes retrograde on average 3 times a year for approximately 3 weeks at a time. That's more than enough for most people!

The meaning of Mercury

Mercury is the messenger with a strong desire to create connections and communicate. Its inquisitive energy is concerned with intelligence and understanding, reasoning and memory.

Mercury is also known as the planet of writing, publishing, media, internet and telecommunications in all forms. In addition to this, it is associated with the road network, transport and commerce.

So you can see how many different ways the Universe can communicate with you about what needs healing during this time. Disruption to anything mentioned is here to make you stop and assess the relevance it has to your life.

Mercury is the planet that represents communication and mental clarity so there can be blockages here when Mercury is retrograde. When you take the time and grasp the opportunity available to you, you can create enormous mental shifts and download new information and wisdom.

When we are in Mercury retrograde, you are being asked to reflect on your level of communication and associated skills. Not just how you communicate directly with other people, but also indirectly via technology and devices.

Mercury Retrograde Challenges

You can experience all sorts of breakages/problems/strange anomalies that can be very frustrating when you don't understand how to improve the situation from a personal perspective. A truth that can be hard to swallow is this is not happening to you, it is happening because of you!

You just need to take time to assess where your strengths and weaknesses lie with regard to communication. The weaknesses are what you are going to be working on, improving and upgrading during the retrograde period.

Crystals for the Mercury Retrograde

Any crystals that support self-reflection are perfect to work with during any period of retrograde. Crystals that are like a mirror help you to do this, for example, Silver Mica. It's like looking in a mirror when you work with this crystal, helping you to see what isn't always obvious at first.

Silver crystals resonate with divine feminine energy and support you in receiving guidance from your Higher Self and the Higher Realms. In this way, you can know exactly what it is that you need to be working on.

Black and silver crystals totally rock at this time, so other crystals that we love dearly and highly recommend are Silver Sheen Obsidian, Black Moonstone with silver shimmer, Mystic Merlinite and Larvikite with their flashing silver Feldspar crystals. They all combine powerful divine feminine energies which are perfect for this task.

Crystal skulls are ancient tools that represent information and higher intelligence. They always carry a positive energy and enable you to raise your awareness and access higher levels of consciousness and guidance on the path to enlightenment. Work with yours at this time if you are blessed to be the guardian of one.

If you are looking to be more specific in working with the energies of the actual planet that is retrograde then you can do that too. You can work with Aquamarine, which is fantastic for the Mercury Retrograde as the blue colour resonates perfectly with the throat chakra. The throat chakra is the centre in charge of communication and self-expression, which Mercury is all about. If you happen to have a piece of Aquamarine with silver Mica included, then you have won the Mercury retrograde jackpot!!

When you are experiencing a tricky time during any period of retrograde then you need to remember to work with Lepidolite; the most incredible stress-busting crystal! We all need this serene calming influence in our lives.

Don't have any of these in your collection? Then simply programme your Clear Quartz to be the one of choice.

We always encourage you to be guided by your own choice of crystals, but we do recommend avoiding gold-coloured crystals at this time. They resonate with divine masculine energy and this is not what we are looking to access at this time of introspection.

So how many blessings will Mercury retrograde bring you this time around? Well, the choice is yours! It's all a matter of perspective and whether you choose to see the gift in every experience that you have on this wild ride. You can choose to embrace the blessings and use your crystals to support you in every conceivable way. The rest will just flow if you allow it to.

Love and retrograde blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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