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Manifesting with the 11:11 Portal

Thursday 11th of November is going to be another memorable occasion as it is the 11th day of the 11th month of the year. This is known as the 11:11 portal and presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the supersonic incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Here we go, upgrade and up-levelling fast approaching!

What is a portal?

A portal is an energetic doorway or gateway to an expanded state of consciousness. It creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies so we can make huge shifts in our life. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies by channelling, anchoring and integrating them.

The importance of numbers:

In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul, so are not easily understood by the logical mind. Patterns of numbers work together like a code and are interpreted by the subconscious mind. We can use these power days to connect more fully with our higher nature and consciously choose to elevate our awareness, vibration and level of understanding.

The meaning of the 11:11 portal

The 11:11 gateway is a portal of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve.

We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us on this special day.

The Sun is in Scorpio (transformation) and 11 is the first of the Master Numbers. We have the same digit (1) repeated (11) which makes it far more influential and has a greater impact. In Numerology, 11 is the Master Psychic, inspired and spiritual, exploring things beyond the physical nature of existence.

Then it is doubled (11:11) which amplifies this energy even more!

So today is the perfect day to trust and have faith in our creative potential and ability to manifest onto the Earth plane. Scorpio offers us an energetic doorway through which we can walk and leave the unwanted and lower aspects of our past behind, stepping into a higher frequency and more authentic version of ourselves. This is how we evolve and embody more and more light.

How to use the 11:11 portal

Step 1: Identify what is holding you back

It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing in our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as:

  • Where is my internal dialogue holding me back?

  • What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with forgiveness and letting go?

  • What restricting words do I use to describe my transformation?

Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs

Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place.

Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process.

Remember, Scorpio leads us through the cycle of life, teaching us how to transition - to let go, forgive and move on.

Step 3: Manifest

All we need to do then.....

  • Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space.

  • If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space.

  • Hold a clear Quartz point or Labradorite crystal.

  • Invite and visualise the 11:11 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath.

  • Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance.

  • On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia.

  • Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth.

  • Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia.

  • You are the channel.

  • Connecting Heaven and Earth.

  • The energies are flowing through you.

  • They are activating cellular light codes within you.

  • Let the light do the work.

  • Just focus on the light moving through you.

  • Do this until you feel it is time to stop.

  • Drink lots of pure water.

  • Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'.

  • Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance.

We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are.

Dig out your Labradorite

Labradorite is such a magical and mystical 'grounded and guided' crystal to work with on portal days. It enhances our rituals and is a great way to make the most of the energy.

Labradorite is a plagioclase Feldspar treasured for its remarkable play of colour. It is opaque to translucent with rainbow chatoyancy that is so eye-catching. It can be used at any time of year, but it is outstanding when it comes to awareness, visioning, new beginnings and going after your heart's desires.

Perfect for right now!!

The spectacular flashes of colour spark our inner fire and bring hope and possibility out of the darkness, opening us up to everything that the Universe has to offer.

As a stone of magic and divination that stands at the doorway to other realms, it provides us with protection and safe passage as we travel to higher dimensions.

Labradorite also enhances psychic abilities, increases the power of intuition and reminds us that magic is all around and constantly at work in our lives if we choose to see it.

In helping us to root out old patterns in readiness for letting them go it is perfect for working with while the Sun is in Scorpio and during the 11:11 portal in particular.

Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation.

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx


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