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Manifest your Dreams with the 4:4 Portal

The powerful support continues as we welcome April with a New Moon on the 1st, followed a few days later on the 4th with another powerful portal. More energy for us to work with and benefit from with the help of our beloved crystals.

In April we experience the 4:4 portal. Monday 4th of April is the 4th day of the 4th month of the year and is known as the 4:4 portal.

This portal presents us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Super upgrade and up-levelling right here just for us!

If we have awareness of the relevance of the number 4 then we will have a greater understanding of the significance of its relevance at the portal and where to place our focus.

We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of these fabulous energies available to us on these special days.

The meaning of the 4:4 portal

At the 4:4 gateway, portals of light will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve so we are able to increase our frequency. These waves of energy will combine with the energy and vibration of the number 4.

Number 4 brings us stability of form with solid, confident energy that we can use as a foundation to build upon. It connects with physical structure, boundaries, manifestation and time in the material world.

It is a divine energy that resonates with the vibration of maturity, self-expression and self-fulfilment.

The powerful symbolism of the number 4 makes us think about 4 sides to a square, 4 elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water), 4 directions (North, South , East and West), 4 seasons and so on......

For the 4:4 portal, the Sun is in Aries (innovation and leadership) so on this day we are heralding a significant shift in awareness as the energy of Aries combines with the amplified number 4, promising the manifestation of the structure of our dreams in the physical plane. We need to be conscious of our inner focus and the support we are receiving from the Universe as we act to manifest our Soul purpose in the material world.

How to use the 4:4 portal

Step 1: Identify what is holding you back

It is really helpful to identify any areas that are preventing guidance from flowing into our lives. We can do this by asking ourselves questions such as:

  • Where is my internal dialogue holding me back?

  • What limiting words and phrases am I repeatedly using in connection with the physical world?

  • What restricting words do I use to describe my ability to manifest?

Step 2: Letting go of old beliefs

Once identified, we choose to let go of this old mental patterning and beliefs. Release it and let it go. Release the past with love in our heart and then choose to invite in newer, higher vibrations to take their place.

Call our spirit guides, angels, power animals..... to help us and use Aquamarine (release) and Ocean Jasper (let go and flow) or any other crystals we are guided to support us in this process.

Remember, Aries asks us to have faith in ourselves.

Step 3: Manifest

All we need to do then.....

  • Sit quietly out in nature or inside in your sacred space.

  • If inside, light a candle, diffuse essential oils or burn incense to cleanse and purify the space.

  • Hold a clear Quartz point or other crystal of choice.

  • Invite and visualise the 4:4 energies flowing down from the heavens and flowing down from your Crown chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath.

  • Have the intention to anchor this energy within your physical body and energy field to upgrade your ability to receive guidance.

  • On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing down from your Base chakra and continuing past your Earth Star chakra (just beneath your feet) and keeping going until it reaches the crystalline core of Gaia.

  • Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing down through you and then down into the Earth.

  • Anchoring the energies within you and then grounding them into Gaia.

  • You are the channel.

  • Connecting Heaven and Earth.

  • The energies are flowing through you.

  • They are activating cellular light codes within you.

  • Let the light do the work.

  • Just focus on the light moving through you.

  • Do this until you feel it is time to stop.

  • Then invite and visualise energies from deep within Mother Earth flowing up from beneath your feet and flowing into your Base chakra and into your chakra column on the in-breath.

  • Sense the difference in this energy compared to the energy that came down from the heavens.

  • On the out-breath visualise this energy flowing up and out of your Crown chakra and flowing back down around the outside of your body back into Mother Earth.

  • Just keep breathing in and out, visualising the incoming energies flowing up through you and then back down into the Earth.

  • Do this until you feel it is time to stop.

  • Drink lots of pure water.

  • Express gratitude to the Universe by bringing your hands together in front of your heart and saying 'thank you, thank you, thank you'.

  • Go for a walk in nature or draw some oracle cards for guidance.

We can also ask the Universe to help us receive the guidance that we need in order to live our best possible life. By releasing all limitations that we currently have regarding our ability to heal ourselves, we can bring our highest potential to this world and shine like the fabulous inspired beings that we truly are.

Aries will be offering us an energetic doorway through which we can walk on the 4:4 portal, leaving the unwanted and denser aspects of our past behind. We are then able to step into a higher frequency and level of consciousness and a more authentic and confident version of ourselves. This is how we evolve, embody more light and help to heal ourselves and the world.

Relax, embrace the energies and enjoy! Our crystals are the best support for us at this time of transformation and rebirth.

Sparkly love and portal blessings,

Tiggy xx

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