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Colours and the Crystal Connection

Colour continuously impacts us every day of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not! From the clothes we wear to the colour of the food we eat, we are continuously (consciously or subconsciously) bringing colours into our life to support our well-being and light up our life. Read on to find out the power of colour and how you can use it to benefit your life.

Understanding Colour

We can use the full rainbow spectrum of colours to keep our bodies healthy and correct any imbalances that we might be experiencing. When we have a greater awareness of the qualities of specific colours, it becomes easier to understand why the associated colour of a crystal can be so beneficial.

Each colour has its own energy and frequency and will have a specific impact on us psychologically, emotionally and physiologically. We can be drawn to some colours and repelled by others, but we need to work with both.

So let's start at the bottom and work our way up! This means that we are beginning with colours that have a more dense vibration and as we progress the frequency will continue to rise, culminating with the colour that has the highest vibration at the end.


Black absorbs light and suggests infinity and mystery. However, black isn't always dark and dense. It can be filled with all manner of sparkles and pearlescent light filled energy.

Black signifies power and change, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It helps to see the possibilities inherent in new situations and to make the most of them.

The colour black is divinely feminine in nature and is always grounding and protective.

Black crystals include:
  • Shungite,

  • Black Tourmaline,

  • Black Obsidian.


Dynamic and vibrant, hot and powerful, red promotes courage, passion, confidence and assertiveness.

Red energises, warms, revitalises, stimulates, speeds up blood circulation and so speeds healing of infections and wounds.

Red rules the Base Chakra and its complementary colour is turquoise.

Red crystals include:
  • Red Jasper,

  • Fire Quartz,

  • Garnet.


Promoting well being and enthusiasm, always warming and cheerful, orange instils happiness, emotional warmth, vitality, creativity and freedom.

Orange is revitalising, boosts the immune system, soothes digestive problems, helps with trauma and is an antidepressant.

Orange rules the Sacral Chakra and its complementary colour is blue.

Orange crystals include:
  • Carnelian,

  • Orange Calcite,

  • Sunstone.


Cheerful and bright, energising and uplifting, yellow stimulates the brain, helping with perspective, memory recall, clarity of thought and intelligence.

Yellow detoxifies and cleanses, heals skin problems, and soothes arthritic and rheumatic conditions.

Yellow rules the Solar Plexus Chakra and its complementary colour is violet.

Yellow crystals include:
  • Tiger Eye,

  • Citrine,

  • Honey Calcite.


Associated with Mother Nature, green creates balance and harmony. It also fosters unconditional love, acceptance of others, compassion, empathy and generosity.

Green is balancing, calms the emotions, detoxifies the liver and reduces blood pressure.

Green rules the Heart Chakra and its complementary colour is magenta.

Green crystals include:
  • Jade,

  • Green Aventurine,

  • Green Fluorite.


A blend of white and red, pink combines the qualities of both these colours. A deep pink will carry more vibrant energy than pale pink which is more soothing.

Pink resonates with unconditional love and is kind, calm and gentle, and reduces the amount of anger and emotion found in difficult situations allowing for a more understanding approach.

It is a muscle relaxant and supports the heart and emotions.

Pink is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Pink crystals include:
  • Rose Quartz,

  • Pink Tourmaline,

  • Rhodochrosite.


A blend of blue and green, turquoise combines the energy of both these colours... the harmony of blue and the serenity of green, making it a very restful and soothing colour. Turquoise is creative and helps to find a greater sense of personal self-expression.

Turquoise is connected to the Higher Heart Chakra which lies between the Heart and Throat Chakras.

Its complementary colour is red.

Turquoise crystals include:
  • Turquoise,

  • Amazonite,

  • Chrysocolla.


Invoking peace and calm, serenity and relaxation, blue allows us to see our problems with clarity and perspective and encourages honest and truthful communication.

It also encourages restful sleep, treats and cools infections, heals headaches and alleviates asthma.

Blue rules the Throat Chakra and its complementary colour is orange.

Blue crystals include:
  • Blue Lace Agate,

  • Chalcedony,

  • Celestite.


Infinite, mysterious and deep, indigo connects you to your Higher Self so you can gain a greater sense of self and see the big perspective. It stimulates psychic abilities, strengthens links to the higher realms and allows trust in the things that you cannot see.

It also acts as a sedative, reduces pain, purifies the blood and relieves muscular tension.

Indigo rules the Third Eye Chakra and it has no complementary colour.

Indigo crystals include:
  • Azurite,

  • Mystic Merlinite,

  • Iolite.


Encouraging empathy for all living things and creating a bridge between humans and the inhabitants of the elemental worlds, violet helps the human body align with its spiritual self and gives an enlightened and spiritual viewpoint.

It also helps ear problems, promotes restful sleep, supports bacterial and viral infections, and is a blood purifier.

Violet rules the Crown Chakra and its complementary colour is yellow.

Violet crystals include:
  • Amethyst,

  • Lepidolite,

  • Purple Fluorite.


Containing all the colours of the spectrum, white reflects light to help illuminate dark areas in life. White helps us to gain new insight into situations and is associated with spirituality, innocence, purity and clarity.

It helps all conditions that we might encounter!

The colour white is divinely masculine in nature and is always connecting us to higher frequencies.

White is connected to the Crown Chakra.

White crystals include:
  • Clear Quartz,

  • Selenite,

  • Herkimer Diamond.


Representing enlightenment, the highest possible spiritual wisdom and knowledge, gold helps us to connect to the angelic realms.

It also supports arthritis and rheumatic conditions, improves blood circulation and energises the nervous system.

Gold crystals include:
  • Golden Healer Quartz,

  • Gold Sheen Obsidian,

  • Pyrite.

Wow! So many colours and there are more! What a fabulous variety of energies available to us when we have a selection of different coloured crystals. In addition to this, any crystal combination that has more than one mineral will bring multiple energies for us to work with. Now that's what I call sparkly friends with benefits!

Love and colourful crystal blessings,

Tiggy xx


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