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Clear Quartz for April

April, we are so happy to see you that we are full of the joys of Spring. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Clear Quartz! Read on to find out why.

April and Clear Quartz:

April is considered the month of fertility as hibernating animals come out of their Winter sleep and migrating birds return with the sole intention of getting their jiggy on and reproducing! During April, the fourth month of the year, we experience April Fools Day, the powerful 4:4 portal and Earth Day.

The Sun starts in Aries and then moves into Taurus....... Cardinal Fire energy is followed by Fixed Earth energy.

All the crystals that align with the energy of April are translucent, clear and used to raise energy and strengthen the vibration of a person or place. They tell a story of power and innovation and help us to have wisdom, direction and support.

So naturally, I have chosen Clear Quartz as my crystal of choice for April. You could also use a Diamond or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the crystal kingdom. It has an incredible ability to carry any energy efficiently, whilst also reflecting and amplifying the energies to which they are exposed.

Quartz occurs naturally in many different forms according to its hexagonal crystalline structure. As one of the purest forms of crystal, it carries a high and pure echo of Mother Earth's energy field. Quartz contains silicon and oxygen, two of the most common elements on Earth, and it can be found on every continent in the world in magnificent abundance.

The history of Quartz:

From the times of Lemuria and Atlantis to the ancient Egyptian culture, the Mayans and Aztecs to the African tribal systems, Aborigines and Tibetan Buddhists, Quartz has been used in diagnostic healing, for raising consciousness towards the enlightened state, and in communicating with spirits and beings of light from higher realms.

Quartz in the modern world:

It is no secret that this ability has been harnessed in the modern world, with Quartz being used in early crystal radio sets. But it does not stop there, being able to resonate with various frequencies and amplify those resonant frequencies makes Quartz a sought-after material in modern technology.

Much in the same way, Quartz can be used for almost any metaphysical purpose allowing us to amplify our energy and feel things more strongly. This is important as it helps us to identify subconscious and unconscious patterns that are driving our emotions and behaviours, ultimately creating confusion and chaos in our lives.

But how can Quartz do all of this?

The power of Quartz:

When we shine a light through Clear Quartz, a rainbow appears demonstrating the entire spectrum of colours in just one crystal. This means it can affect every aspect and level of us and our lives, making it a crystal of transformation; one that resonates with the element of Storm. This is also why Clear Quartz can be programmed with any intention and can be used to enhance the energy of other crystals.

Quartz produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surrounding atmosphere of positive ions. It purifies and cleanses the physical, mental and spiritual bodies of lower energies and influences. Quartz then stimulates positive thoughts and feelings and directs them to peace, joy and loving relationships with all other beings.

We can feel transformed just by being in its presence. Like spending time at the ocean or in a forest, it helps us to be grounded and to calm and clear our minds, a key component in helping us address the chaos and confusion in our lives.

Working with Quartz:

When we think about Clear Quartz it really brings so many powerful qualities to mind:

  • cleansing,

  • healing,

  • programming with intentions,

  • amplification

  • raising levels of consciousness to name a few.

It reminds us of the ultimate goal, the aspiration of every spiritual seeker - that of becoming Light incarnate; to exist in physical form and yet have the vibration and consciousness of Spirit, embodying light in the physical vessel. Clear Quartz encourages and exemplifies this ideal through its clarity and beauty on both physical and energetic levels.

Regardless of how we choose to use Quartz, the power and force remain attuned to the energy of the person it is connected to.

The magic of rebirth is available to us during April with the help and support of Clear Quartz. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your throat chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this exciting time.

Sparkly Clear Quartz blessings,

Tiggy xx


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