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Celebrating Imbolc

On February 2nd we celebrate Imbolc. As a cross-quarter festival, it is a bit of a moveable feast because the tradition was to celebrate when Mother Nature gave the signal. This could be any time from the end of January to the beginning of February.

As February 2nd coincides with the 2:2:22 portal this year, the day has extra special significance.

What is Imbolc?

The days are beginning to lengthen, but it is still cold, maybe even snowy. The Sun is gradually returning and Mother Earth is responding. Winter is losing its grip and Spring really isn't far away. It is that potent time between Winter and Spring when the sap is starting to rise and we can see signs of the Earth stirring.

Imbolc is the festival of Earth awakening where we cleanse and purify our homes and then fill them with light to celebrate the Sun and our health. We are enticing and encouraging the Sun, with all its life-giving energies, to return to us.

At Imbolc the unconscious is emerging from a time of rest and incubation, raring to go! We are shifting from the dark inner phase of the year to the light active phase and so we are with ourselves as well. It is a real opportunity to unite our inner receptive power with our outward, active manifesting energies.

Why is Imbolc important?

The cross-quarter festivals are an opportunity for us to use the developing energy of a new season. Now is the time to prepare inwardly for the changes to come by planting ideas and allowing them to germinate.

The returning light at Imbolc brings feelings of hope and thoughts of rebirth. It is really important to listen to our inner guidance and the wisdom we have gained during the Winter months and celebrate the divine spark of inspiration.

We are moving into the active phase of the year and it is the combination of the outer and inner aspects of ourselves that is the magic of Imbolc and brings new growth into our lives.

We look to the cycles and rhythms of nature to find healing and wholeness within ourselves.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

How to Celebrate the Imbolc:

There are so many ways we can celebrate Imbolc and we just have to go with what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Any white or yellow crystals of choice can be used around the time of Imbolc.

  • Spend time outside to connect with nature and feel the life force emerging.

  • Light candles to represent the return of the light as the Sun's energy begins to increase.

  • Clear out the old and make way for the new to symbolically clear away the remnants of Winter.

  • Use divination tools (oracle cards, Tarot, Runes etc.) to help see the way forward.

  • Cleanse crystals and maybe let them have some time outside in the Sun and Moon to recharge.

  • Burn dried sage and use the smoke to cleanse your energy field.

  • Make a promise to honour and listen to your intuition, beginning a new journey of discovery and understanding.

Have a feast and party!

Have fun, breathe into the energies and use crystals for support at this special time.

Love and Imbolc blessings,

Tiggy xx


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