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Celebrating Beltain

On May 1st we celebrate Beltain, the sexy Spring cross-quarter festival of fertility and life. It is the peak of Spring, Mother Earth is at her most active and all life is literally bursting with potential. So are we, and just like her, we are growing too, in new, exciting and unexpected ways!

The rampant potency of life force energy is on show as nature is growing and manifesting, but we can celebrate union, fertility and manifestation on many levels. It's time to connect with the wild instinctive forces within and without, above and below, and be aware of the magic and power of life force in all areas of our lives.

What does Beltain mean?

Beltain brings together the opposite elements of Fire and Water, Sun and rain, divine masculine and feminine, the rational and the intuitive, the active and receptive. Fertility is inherent in everything, anything is possible and manifestation is reaching the height of its power. Sparks are flying and our inner fires have been kindled, helping us to be spontaneous and act without hesitation.

The energy surrounding Beltain is one of reverence for all of life, celebrating the beauty and abundance around us and honouring the fertility that grows from the union of opposites. It embodies the sacredness and power of passion, sexual pleasure and deep connections of the heart.

At Beltain, powerful life forces are focused on all kinds of unions, releasing the magic of manifestation. This encourages us to bring all of our intentions, hopes and dreams into our physical reality as sex and our sexual nature is only one expression of our ability to birth life.

When does Beltain happen?

Beltain marks a really potent transition in the yearly cycle. The veils between the physical and spiritual worlds are very thin, making it one of the best times to connect and communicate with the spirit realms. This can bring incredible insight and understanding that expands our consciousness and supports our creative potential.

From here to the Summer Solstice is the peak of sunlight that we look forward to during the darker winter months and now it's time to shine our light brightly out into the world around us. At this high energy time, we also need to be aware of what we need to be able to create the most fertile and positive environment for our personal growth.

The history of Beltain:

In the Pagan past, Beltain eve was the night of the 'greenwood marriage' where the union between the horned god and the fertile goddess was re-enacted by men and women to ensure the fertility of the land. It was party time and sexual energies were high. They spent the night in the woods, made love outside and stayed up all night to watch the sunrise.

The god and goddess represent the great circle of life and death through the seasons. When these opposite forces combine they become the fertile force of manifest energy. Through their sacred union, they become transformed, both physically and spiritually. Beltain is the celebration of this magical and mystical transformation inherent in sexual union.

May Day celebrations included dancing around the maypole which symbolises the joining of male and female energies. The Green Man danced around the edge and represented the spirit of vegetation.

Another folklore custom was to tie ribbons and shreds of material to hawthorn trees, especially those by sacred wells. They would be dipped in the water and hung on the trees with prayers for healing and gifts to the guardian spirits of the well.

How to celebrate Beltain:

There are so many ways we can celebrate Beltain and we just have to choose what feels right for us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Connect with Venus using a Rose Quartz crystal. Venus is the brightest star in the night sky and the planet of love. Make a wish upon a star!

  • Focus on the heart chakra as it is green in colour with green Aventurine and connect to the energies of love and all life in nature. At this fertile time, we can communicate from the heart and express our inner truth.

  • Create a temporary labyrinth and walk this ancient pathway in a walking meditation holding a Smoky Quartz crystal, and being open to receiving inspiration and guidance.

  • Celebrate our sexuality and explore ways to connect with our wild energy with a Carnelian crystal. This can then be expressed through dance and song.

Have a feast and party!

Have fun, embrace the energies and use your crystals to support you.

Love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx

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