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How I became The Natural Healer

A very long time ago in a land far far away, I was a teacher in a secondary school with absolutely no knowledge or experience of natural healing, let alone crystals. However there were obviously cosmic forces at work as it became very clear that teaching in a school was not my destiny. Over the years my inquisitive mind drew me towards holistic therapies and I was first introduced to crystals during Reiki training. My Reiki Master showed us a small bowl with a handful of tumble stones in it and gave a brief explanation of what they could do. Really?! My logical and scientific side was indeed sceptical, but there was a part of me that lit up right there and then, and my journey since has been simply incredible.

The effect of Reiki on my life

My Reiki training completely changed my life and set me on the journey I am on. For those who don't know the process of Reiki, there are three levels to complete to becoming a Reiki Master. Each is very different, but the energy and the change I felt at every level was phenomenal.

  • Level 1 opened me up to energy

  • Level 2 introduced to crystals

  • Level 3 sent me into orbit!

My discovery of Crystals

Early in 2011 when I started practicing as a Reiki Master and Teacher, I used crystals in my treatments. Nothing fancy, just a set of 7 chakra crystals plus Clear and Smoky Quartz that had been a gift from a friend.

The more I worked with them, the more I knew that I needed to use a variety of crystals, not just the same set every time for everyone. I started experimenting and quickly became confident using whatever crystals I was drawn to.

Learning about the energy of Crystals

For the next 3 years I worked with someone who could only be described as a wizard and his life was filled with crystals, pendulums and magic like I had never come across before. He would select crystals and I would sit holding one at a time and simply experience their energy. It took time, practice, focus and determination. In the beginning I might get nothing or only one word, but by the end of our time working together I could tune in with ease and hear/feel/see/sense whatever information the crystal had to offer me.

He would sometimes add more of the same type of crystal, but in a different form to see how that affected me. On occasions he would hand me the same type of crystal from two different mines or countries and ask if I could differentiate between their energies. I could tell him what the energy of the crystal was all about and in return he would gift me the crystal. He bought crystals wholesale, lots of crystals, so there was always an abundance of crystals to work with!

During this apprenticeship he also taught me to dowse for the energy balance in the 12 chakra system and then determine which crystal or crystal combination was needed to bring them back into wholeness. Crystal elixirs were the magic that always made me smile. I was rapidly discovering a breath taking new world that existed way beyond the outer reaches of my current reality.

At the end of my apprenticeship I continued to use crystals in all my treatments and I was incredibly grateful, thankful and happy to now have a fabulous and diverse selection of crystals and minerals to work with.

Working with Crystals

I naturally have a very strong drive to evolve constantly, to find new and different ways to support the soul's journey through this lifetime. I have found that the more we understand ourselves, our innate nature, personality and characteristics (all of them!) the easier our path becomes. The saying "know thyself" is a cornerstone, a foundation and always the perfect place to start.

I very enthusiastically started to discover a variety of ways that I could use crystals to support me in my own life. I was always the guinea-pig for my ideas and in reaping the benefits of my experimentation I would then introduce them to my friends and clients. Their response never failed to amaze and astound me and the more I shared, the more I realised what a valuable source of support they were.

So I had crystals in my pockets, crystal jewellery, crystals under the bed, crystals on the bedside table, crystals in my water, and crystals in every room around the house. Crystals, crystals everywhere! Always in conjunction with other energy tools I am drawn to that feed the senses and support my growth.

I was always searching for natural ways to heal myself in any situation and I started using a book to give me suggestions. Did you know that there is a crystal for this, that and all the things you could possibly imagine or ever have going on with you! Crystals had become such a huge and integral part of my life.

Friends, family and clients started requesting specific crystals so I started travelling to shows around the country. Waking up on these days brought more childlike excitement than Christmas morning and made me so happy. I found a couple of suppliers that I could really trust and for several years I would travel to meet them and come home laden with as many crystals as I could get in the car or the bank account would allow.

Creating The Natural Healer

September 2019 brought big changes to my life! My Fire energy was rampaging all over the place with treatments, crystals, essential oils, animal communication and more having me shooting off in all directions. A timely decision was made to focus solely on sourcing beautiful crystals from around the world, and so, The Natural Healer was born.

What we didn't see coming was that within 6 months of making this decision there would be a global pandemic in play! This created challenges for everyone and new challenges for our business. Gone were the days of travelling to crystal fairs around the country and we had to adapt to be able to continue our dream. To achieve this we had to embrace an unfamiliar type of magic.....the internet! We are now blessed in being connected to some wonderful souls around the world, allowing us to select the best possible crystals, minerals and precious stones.

Every crystal that comes to us is cleansed, charged, loved and cared for in a multitude of ways... whatever I am guided to at the time: Water, Sun and Moon energy, classical music, incense and serenading with singing bowls are always options ..... but the power lies with intention, focus and visualisation and this combination helps me to co-create crystal alchemy. In this way I am able to activate and expand the crystal's energy so that it can fulfil its potential and expression in the highest way possible.

We are a specialist family run business that prides itself in the quality and energy of the crystals that we offer. Mother Nature is of the utmost importance to us and so it was a significant decision to source natural packaging as far as possible to keep our crystals and minerals safe while they are in transit to their new guardians.

We love what we do and do what we love. We care deeply about our crystals and our loyal crystal family who share our passion, as well as being able to share our knowledge and experience with as many people as possible.

Love and crystal blessings,

Carolyn xx


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