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Astrology Basics

Astrology is a complex subject and is often referred to as a spiritual science. It describes the profound influence of the planets upon human life and helps to illuminate the problems which confront us in our search for the truth in this lifetime.

How Astrology can help us

The planets in our Solar System can help us in two major ways:

Firstly, the configuration of the planets at the precise moment that each of us was born defines our astrological birth chart. This is calculated using the date, time and place of our birth. We can use it as a spiritual guide (literally a map) as the planets and their relationship (aspect) to each other reveal our strengths and weaknesses and highlights the experiences that will trigger massive leaps in awareness for us. In spiritual development, astrology is our ally because it reminds us of who we really are.

Secondly, the planets are constantly in motion and every day their aspects to each other change. This affects the quality and intensity of energy in the heavens and this has a direct effect on us and the experiences in our life. Some days the effect will be more significant than others, but this knowledge can help us take advantage of when the influence is positive and understand why some days are challenging or even downright difficult!

As forces of Nature and sacred archetypes, the planets are the driving force of activity in both our inner and outer worlds...

As within, so without As above, so below

They are the energy and influence that operate through the signs of the Zodiac, Houses and Aspects. They can be seen as our teachers and each one plays a unique role in our life.

Astrology: Our Ten Teachers

The Sun

Represents: Self-Expression

Crystal: Ruby

Teaches us how to keep our life force energy strong and he tells us about our core essence, our inner authentic self.

The Moon

Represents: Emotional Security

Crystal: Pearl

Represents our feeling and emotions and has an effect on our body rhythms. She resonates with the magical and emotional side of our psyche.


Represents: Rewarding Communication

Crystal: Aquamarine

Governs learning, rational thinking and speaking. Mercury represents our senses and all the data that pour through them.


Represents: Self-Worth

Crystal: Light Blue Sapphire

Controls our attraction to other people, our expression of love, enjoyment of pleasure and awareness of beauty. She is concerned with harmony and her focus is peace.


Represents: Assertiveness

Crystal: Bloodstone

Represents our initiative, energy, drive and courage. Mars is the part of us that is brave enough to claim our own path and follow it!


Represents: Opportunity and Reward

Crystal: Amethyst

The mighty Jupiter teaches us about growth and fulfilment and is a symbol of generosity and opportunity. At the deepest level, he represents faith in life.


Represents: Public Achievement

Crystal: Garnet

Characterises clarity and precision, the part of us that is self-disciplined and seeks excellence. Saturn rules our conscience and governs the way we choose to live our life.


Represents: Freedom

Crystal: Ulexite

Represents our individuality, independence and uniqueness. It indicates the area in our life in which we must overcome the forces of socialisation and peer pressure to awaken and be true to ourselves.


Represents: Emotional Bliss

Crystal: Jade

The planet of trance, dreams, meditation and imagination. It governs our extra sensory perception and represents our doorway to mystical experiences where there are no boundaries.


Represents: Self-Mastery

Crystal: Diamond Quartz

With its transformative and evolutionary powers, calls us to face our shadow side and gain insight that leads to empowerment.

From the Earth's perspective, the planets travel progressively through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and seek to express their energies through the very different qualities of these signs. Wroking to understand how the planets and Zodiac's work together can have a profound impact on helping to understand yourself, your journey and supporting you through your challenges.

Love and cosmic blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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