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Aquamarine for March

March already! What a total joy to be heading into Spring with all the exciting changes that will bring. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Aquamarine! Read on to find out why.

March and Aquamarine:

March is considered the month of new beginnings as it heralds the end of Winter and the start of Spring. During March, the third month of the year, we experience the powerful 3:3 portal and celebrate the Spring Equinox.

The Sun starts in Pisces and then moves into Aries....... Mutable Water energy followed by Cardinal Fire energy.

All the crystals that align with the energy of March empower us with emotional support and healing. The flow of energy that this facilitates brings encouragement, hope and inspiration. It's like the crystals know that we need this as we shift from the inner to outer phase in the wheel of the year helping us to stay connected to both our inner and outer worlds. To do this we must get in touch with our feelings so we can process them and create healthy relationships with ourselves and others.

So naturally, I have chosen Aquamarine as my crystal of choice for March. You could also use Bloodstone or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to.


Aquamarine is a highly prized variety of blue/green Beryl. Its name is derived from the Latin meaning 'water of the sea' and this is a perfect description of the colour of quality Aquamarine crystals.

The history of Aquamarine:

Aquamarine is steeped in myth and legend.

It has been used in jewellery since 500BC! That's a very long time ago!

Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and so sailors carried it as a talisman for protection against shipwreck and seasickness. As a last resort in a storm, they would throw it overboard in an attempt to calm the gods.

The Romans thought that Aquamarine could heal throat, stomach and liver ailments.

Aquamarine has long been believed to promote harmony in relationships and was given as an anniversary gift long before it was officially recognised as the semi-precious gemstone for the 19th wedding anniversary.

The power of Aquamarine:

A goddess stone that connects to divine feminine energy and the element of Water, Aquamarine connects us to our deepest emotions which enhances intuitive abilities and connection to the higher realms of Spirit.

By activating the Throat Chakra it then helps us have the courage and clarity to communicate our inner knowing and highest truth.

Aquamarine then supports us in keeping cool, calm and collected even in the most tricky situations.

With all this in mind, my favourite use for Aquamarine is to help release the past. I hold it in my hands and use this to help the process....

I release the past with love in my heart

Anything that no longer serves me

Anything that isn't for my highest good

Anything that isn't love

I let go and flow

Repeat 3 times!

The magic of rebirth is available to us during March with the help and support of Aquamarine. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your throat chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this auspicious time.

Sparkly Aquamarine blessings,

Tiggy xx


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