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Amethyst for February

Where did January go? In the blink of an eye I guess! February is here already and time is flying by. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique and very special. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Amethyst! Read on to find out why.

February and Amethyst:

February is traditionally associated with the last grip of Winter, emerging snowdrops and Imbolc. The Sun starts in Aquarius and then moves into Pisces....... Air energy followed by Water energy.

During February, the second month of the year, we experience the powerful 2:2 and 22:2 portals and celebrate the festival of Earth awakening at Imbolc.

All the crystals that align with the energy of February empower us with strength, light and love. It's like they know that we need this combination to help us through the final phase of Winter, to begin shifting from our inner to outer world and bring the spark of divine inspiration to create our vision for the future.

So naturally, I have chosen Amethyst as my crystal of choice for February. You could also use Jasper or any other magical crystal that you are drawn to.


Amethyst is a highly valued member of the Quartz family and is found in many countries around the world, with each location imparting its own distinctive energy to the crystals.

The colour varies from the palest lilac to the deepest purple and this is as a result of varying trace amounts of iron and aluminium included within the Quartz.

The history of Amethyst:

Our modern interpretations of the properties of Amethyst come from ancient traditions and language.

Sources agree that Amethyst is the ninth stone in the breastplate of Aaron, bringing peace and dream-inducing properties.

As legend has it, Bacchus fell in love with a beautiful maiden called Amethyst, but she wanted nothing to do with him so he vowed to seek revenge on her! Artemis took pity on Amethyst and turned her into a Quartz statue for her protection. Bacchus was furious about this and threw his chalice of wine over the statue, turning it purple.

The famous saying..... in vino veritas (in wine truth) comes from ancient Rome.

In Greek, the word amethystos means "not drunk".

The ancient Greeks believed that loss of control through drinking wine made you vulnerable to enemy attack.

The ancient Greeks and Romans loved drinking wine but believed that drunkenness was a sign of weakness. So on important occasions, they drank their wine out of Amethyst goblets so that the wine could reveal its truth without exposing any personal weakness.

The power of Amethyst:

The ancient and modern uses of Amethyst both suggest that on a physical level it helps prevent getting inebriated and losing control. It can also be used to curb other types of overindulgence and give up bad habits, not just drinking too much alcohol!

Amethyst is a stone of purification and spiritual protection. By clearing our energy field of lower energies it creates an energetic shield around us that keeps negative influences at bay. This helps to keep us calm, our vibration high and allow a greater connection to Source/Creator/God.

The magic of rebirth is available to us during February with the help and support of Amethyst. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your Crown chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this prominent time.

Sparkly Amethyst blessings,

Tiggy xx


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