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5 Crystals for Meditation

In our previous post, we explored how meditation can benefit us all and why it can be such a powerful tool to help change our lives for the better- if you haven't read it, you can here. Today we are building on this post, we are going to explore in more detail how you can use crystals to boost your experience with meditation.

Why should we use crystals when meditating?

Crystals help us in so many ways, they provide us with the most magnificent support during meditation. They can ground us, quiet the lower mind and then allow us to create a divine connection so we can receive wisdom and guidance. Meditation takes practice, patience and perseverance and I for one will take all the help I can get from my crystals to make it a more pleasurable and rewarding experience.

How to use crystals during meditation

We could use one, several or all of these energies with us during meditation. The more we have in our collections, the greater variety of options we have available to us, and then we can call on whichever is necessary at any one time. In using all five, we could place one on either side of us, one in our lap and then one in each hand. If using one or two crystals then I recommend having them in your hand(s). Go with whatever feels good for you on the day.

What crystals should I use when meditating?

There are no rules when it comes to choosing which crystal you should use whilst meditating, just trust your intuition and select the crystal(s) you feel drawn to. If you are new to this, here are 5 crystals we recommend using to help you during meditation.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a master at grounding, transmuting negative energies and connecting us to the light.

This multi-talented crystal not only grounds us into our physical bodies, but it also helps us to ground spiritual information too!

It clears lower energies and keeps our environment protected while we are meditating, keeping us safe at all times.

In connecting us to the light it doesn't take us up to higher dimensions and raise our frequency, it brings them down to us and our level of perception, making it easier for us to ground any guidance we get into our physical reality.


This much-loved beauty calms the mind and stimulates the Crown chakra which helps us to move into a higher state of consciousness during meditation and then we find it easier to connect with higher energies.

By clearing and purifying our energy field, Amethyst works to help us clear and purify our energy field, leaving us with a sparkly protective shield leaving us feeling safe and protected.


For those who are so far out of their bodies that they don't really know what it feels like to be grounded, this well-known fossil can be a huge asset during meditation.

It has an incredible way of grounding us into our body and connecting us deep into the heart of Mother Earth in the kindest and gentle of ways. This can help to make grounding an experience that is likely to be repeated.

Ammonites are also symbols of change and positive motion with their spiral representing our evolution on the Earth plane. They can be the perfect partner as we choose to raise our level of consciousness and awareness with meditation.


This exceptionally powerful and high vibration crystal is one of the best for facilitating experiences where we can receive the inner guidance we are seeking during meditation. It does this by opening and activating the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star chakras, which raises our awareness to the higher dimensions and beings of light we find there, in addition to our Higher Self.

Selenite is also a super-fast cleanser of our energy field, clearing blocked or lower energies and making us feel very light and bright!


This amazing crystal is just the best for helping us discipline the unruly Lower Mind and get it back under control. The quieter the Lower Mind the easier it is to meditate.

Fluorite clears the Lower Mind of muddled thoughts and negativity, bringing a new sense of clarity.

Fluorite also balances the third eye, so insight and intuition are more readily accessible and available to us.

You can use any crystal(s) whilst meditating, but these are a great place to start when you are beginning your journey. Experiment, have fun, and trust your intuition.

Love and blessings,

Tiggy xx

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