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3 Steps to Unlimited Success

Many roads lead to Rome as they say, but achieving success as we travel through life can sometimes seem like an unobtainable goal. I always find that simplicity is key and repetition helps to focus our attention and efforts in an exponential way.

Here are 3 steps that I remind myself of every morning before I start my day. With every day that passes, the power associated with the thoughts, words and crystals increases and amplifies. Success then becomes inevitable!

Go Within

What does this actually mean? It is a phrase that people talk about and many find confusing. That's because we were taught to go without! We were taught to take our attention and focus outside of ourselves, out into our environment, out into the world around us. In doing this we never really get to know ourselves as we never spend time within ourselves. We are always too concerned with the busyness going on all around us to notice and pay attention to what is going on inside.

How do we go within?

We can simply sit in stillness to begin the magical internal journey of introspection. Then we bring our attention inside of our physical body and keep it there!

Going within connects us to divine feminine energy, to the womb, the abyss, the cave, the place of mystery. This is the place of all potential, where all dreams, ideas and possibilities exist. This is the sanctuary of the self.

Going within helps us cross the boundaries of our own growth edges and receive potent gifts and insight.

Crystals to help go within:

  • Hematite,

  • Obsidian,

  • Smoky Quartz,

  • Black Tourmaline,

  • Black Moonstone,

  • Onyx

Surrender to Spirit

This might sound a tad weird! Surely surrender is giving in or giving up? What we do when we have failed?

What is actually meant by this is to hand over control of the situation to the Universe. Give up any preconceived ideas and notions about what we thought we had to micro manage and have a handle on regarding our entire life..... our ego just loves this!

In truth there is so much that we are never able to control..... other people, situations, experiences and the like. What we do have control over is our self and our responses to everything that happens on this amazing journey through life. This is our power and what creates the change we so desire.

The rest we can hand over or surrender to the Universe. It's not our responsibility anyway and it relieves us of a huge amount of pressure. The Universe has the grand plan for our life and we are far better off going with the flow of what it brings to us so we can have the best time while we are here.

When we have played our part it is time to turn the rest over to the divine and then Spirit can work its very special kind of magic for us.

Crystals to help surrender to spirit:

  • Rose Quartz,

  • Amethyst,

  • Aquamarine,

  • Rainbow Moonstone,

  • Rutilated Quartz,

  • Apatite

Open Your Heart

Love is the overriding force in the Universe, it always speaks the truth in our world.

When I say this I am not talking about the type of love that we were taught about as children. Conditional love always has strings attached and is more a type of shallow sentimental love that chooses when the conditions are right to give love.

What I am talking about is unconditional love. The type of love that places no demands, has no expectations and definitely no limits. We are each able to experience this unconditional love at the deepest level when we choose to open our heart.

Throughout our life we unconsciously allow our hearts to close as we experience pain, grief and loss. This is a protective mechanism that wrongly believes it will prevent us from being hurt again. What actually happens is that it prevents us from loving and being loved in the fullest sense. What kind of life is that?!

Opening and expanding our heart energy allows love to flow and is mind blowingly life changing. This type of love changes our perception and then proceeds to nurture us through all types of hardship and challenge, allowing us to experience joy, peace, passion and true happiness.

Crystals to help open your heart:

  • Ruby Zoisite,

  • Diopside,

  • Lemurian Seed Crystals,

  • Scolecite,

  • Malachite,

  • Rubellite

In addition to using crystals to support us we can use the affirmation 'I go within, surrender to spirit and open my heart' or something similar that resonates. Powerful crystals and positive phrases can do so much to help us achieve incredible things in this lifetime when we use them consistently. Take one small step today and it will bring huge success in the future.

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xxx


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