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3 Steps of Attunement

One of the most valuable tools that we can learn/remember/rediscover is that of attunement. This isn't just something we can do with our crystals, but as all sentient beings, we are connected through a web of energy. This can be a connection to ourselves, another person, an animal, or any living being! We can attune to anything, anywhere, with practice and dedication, in 3 easy steps.

What is attunement?

Attunement simply means being in tune with something, or on the same wavelength. As we live in a world of energy where everything is connected, it is a mind-blowing concept to know that we can tune into something at will. This is the nature of our reality and it is totally possible even if we have never consciously tried to do it before. We might find that we have been doing our own version of this for a while and just need a nudge in the right direction to enhance this process.

Why should we attune?

As we align with the darker half of the year, attunement is such an important aspect to engage in, and in time and with experience, come to master. This is because when we tune in to something energetically we are developing our personal spiritual practice and refining our capabilities and psychic gifts which will only help to elevate our frequency and support us in the most incredible way on our path.

Spiritual Attunement

How can I attune?

Crystals are a brilliant starting place as they are powerful tools and teachers in their own right. They have their own language that we can interpret with an open heart and mind in order to share their secrets. They will support us as we practice and help us to heal at the same time.

We only have to open ourselves to the possibility that our crystalline friends have wisdom that they want to share with us in order to do this. As the lower mind is calmed and cleared and able to take a back seat, we can listen and communicate in silence.

Step One: Prepare

Before we start it is a good idea to take a walk in nature, meditate, connect to higher energies or place a crystal on the 3rd eye to help clear and calm the mind and create a stronger connection to higher energies. This gives us the greatest possible chance of success. Then when we are ready...

Step Two: Connect

Bring attention and focus to the heart centre in order to perceive the truth

Be silent and still

Hold the crystal in the left hand (unless guided to do otherwise)

Listen/be aware/be receptive

Step Three: Receive

Answers may come in the form of pictures or images, words, symbols, feelings or just a deep knowing. However we receive these impressions or combination of impressions is perfect for each of us.

Top Tip: Trust

We must always trust what we receive, as by trusting we open ourselves up to receive even more wisdom and guidance. It is a good idea to record everything in a journal as this gives us brilliant feedback that helps us to progress confidently.

This is a form of personalised training that we can adapt to enable us to communicate on incredibly subtle levels with different life forms. We can use our crystals to help us here too. By practicing and persevering, we can develop an extraordinary sensitivity to a world that has so much to offer us; full of incredible wisdom that we can then access. We will also find that it brings us greater self-control, inner peace and personal connection to the Source energy.

The crystals we are working with are also benefitting as they are evolving and fulfilling their destiny here on Earth. By working consciously with the mineral kingdom we can learn how to better express our own light and create a better world. How fabulous is that?!

Love and crystal blessings,

Tiggy xxx

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