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Celebrating 2022 with the 1:1 Portal

Hello January and the start of an exciting and brand new year. What a year 2022 will be, and we are starting it in the most fabulous way, celebrating the 1:1 Portal, followed by the New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd. Each month in the wheel of the year brings us something totally unique. To support us during the coming month, our Crystal of the Month is Garnet! Read on to find out why.

Time for new beginnings:

January is traditionally associated with a fresh start and new beginnings. The Sun starts in Capricorn and then moves into Aquarius....... practical, systematic and goal-orientated Earth energy followed by innovative, radical and visionary Air energy.

In January we experience both the 1:1and 11:1 portals:

  • Saturday 1st of January is the 1st day of the 1st month of the year and is known as the 1:1 portal.

  • Tuesday 11th of January is the 11th day of the 1st month of the year and is known as the 11:1 portal.

Both of these portals present us with a fabulous opportunity to work with the incoming energies and downloads for our highest good. Mega upgrade and up-levelling right here in a very short space of time!

The meaning of the 1:1 and 11:1 portals

The 1:1 and 11:1 gateways are portals of light that will transmit activational codes by streaming rays of light down onto our beautiful planet. Waves of energy that are full of light codes will be triggering our DNA to activate and evolve.

We can choose to consciously participate so that we can benefit fully, but it is entirely up to each of us whether we actively engage with and make the most of the incredible energies available to us on these special days.

The Sun is in Capricorn (goals and aspirations) and 1 is the number of I, self, awakening and connection.

Number 1 resonates with the vibration of new beginnings.

Capricorn offers us an energetic doorway through which we can walk and leave the unwanted and denser aspects of our past behind, stepping into a higher frequency and more authentic and confident version of ourselves. This is how we evolve and embody more light.

All the crystals that align with the energy of January bring us grounding, conviction and strength. So naturally, I have chosen Garnet as my crystal of choice for January. You could also use Black Onyx or any other magical crystal that is calling to you.


A show-stopping crystal that brings us abundance and prosperity through all the channels of the Universe. A stunning stone that activates the Base Chakra and connects us to Mother Earth, allowing us to receive energy and sustenance from her. This brings us back into balance with our home planet in this lifetime which is fundamental if we are to fulfil our potential while we are here.

The nourishing power of Garnet helps us remember that all of life is connected and springs from the same Source of energy. This innate knowing helps us to understand that we have all that we need to thrive and prosper right now. All we have to do is accept the gifts that we have before us, acknowledge them with gratitude and believe that prosperity is our birthright.

The magic of new beginnings is available to us during January with the love and support of Garnet. Carry it with you, wear it as jewellery, place it on your base chakra, have it in your environment, but make sure you connect with it as often as you can. It will help change our lives at this time.

Sparkly blessings,

Tiggy xx


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